
Host a Scholarship Golf Tourney

Looking for ways to help students continue their education? Whether you are a college or technology center scholarships are a huge help to students who might not otherwise be able to continue their education. A college can offer scholarships to Tech Prep students for continued college work or a technology center can offer scholarships for students in their "13th Year." Here is one example out of Weathorford, TX of a Tech Prep Golf Tourney.


January 1 is the first date that students can begin completing the Free Application for Student Aid for the 2008-2009 school year. Your seniors should complete the application as soon as possible as the more information that they have the better decisions they can make regarding their college future.

Why not turn the FAFSA into a recruitment opportunity? You can help students who might need a little assistance by hosting a FAFSA Night.

Hold an evening on the Technology Center campus inviting parents and students from your sending schools, regardless of if they are a current student or not, to attend an event where financial aid experts from the tech center, colleges and high school guidance counselors are in attendance and offer to assist in the completion of the FAFSA and provide other college advice. The evening could be a part of a larger college and career fair or a stand alone event specifically aimed at providing assistance where needed.

NASFAA provides some great resources for putting together a FAFSA Night. Visit their Financial Aid Night section of their website.

Take me to the FAFSA website.

Tech Prep News

Stars, Stripes and Social Media, What You Can Learn from the Presidential Candidates and Their Web Strategies.
An interesting article liking web strategies to a starfish. Read the article

Review of Additional Time Proposal – State Dept of Ed

Recruiting Idea
Why not try a Cinema Admissions Event? Get kids to come watch a movie and apply at the same time. Read Article

College Transition

National Association College Admissions Counseling College Preparatory Pamphlets (you can order free copies)
Tips for Parents With Middle School Teens
Tips for Parents with high School Teens

VOCES A Profile of Today’s Latino College Students

OSRHE News (includes updates to OHLAP)

College Connection
A weekly audio program of the State Regents. Listen to archived programs here and find stations and airtimes here.

Preparatory Services

Middle School rigor meant to prepare future AP students

Internet access transforms bus into virtual classroom


Oklahoma Collage Project

If you don't know, Hideaway Pizza is a restaurant that started here in Stillwater. They are kicking off their newest collage project in 2008. Each year the Oklahoma Collage Project organizers select a different theme to pique the interest and imaginations of the participants vying for part of the $10,000 prize money. The 2008 theme is Field, Forest and Stream: Oklahomans and the Outdoors and expectations are high that entries will be just as creative in its ninth year as they have been in the previous eight.

Happy Holidays

Just a quick note to you wishing you and yours the happiest of holidays and safe travels. We hope that you have enjoyed reading our news over the last year, that you have shared us with your friends and that you will come back next year.

Tech Prep News

Thought I would share a few more links before the end of the week. Hope that you enjoy.

More Holiday Videos:
Eckerd College 2007


Tech Prep News

Neilson’s Top Ten Social Networks

Students Plan Virtual Rescue

Word of Mouth vs. Highly Connected Influencers

Old-fashioned “word of mouth” might be more useful in advertising than previously thought, especially in digital media, according to collaborative research by a Miami University faculty member and his colleagues.

Enrolment Projections
The US Dept of Education released a report entitles “Projections of Education Statistics to 2016”. Oklahoma student enrollment is expected to increase by 8.2% between 2004-2016 to 681,000 P-12 students. Oklahoma is one of forty states with an expected increase with Nevada leading at 36.6%. It is also projected that Oklahoma will be one of 28 sates to have a decrease in the number of high school graduates with -.2% or 36,710 graduates. Enrollment in higher education is expected to increase all cohorts, both public and private. The number of associate degrees is expected to increase 2% for men and 14% for women.

Keeping Kids in School and Out of Gangs

The Educational Bonus of an AP Payoff

Adult Education Brings Hopes to Young Dropouts

New Institute to ask Race Question in Higher Ed

To address the disparities that exist in higher education for underrepresented minorities, the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) is slated to form in 2008 the new Institute on Equity Research Methods and Critical Policy Analysis.

OK Task Force on School Testing

Speed Matters
A state by state report on internet speed in America


Learning for Life

A few months back we presented to the Tech Centers the concept of Scouting CareerTech as a way to help recruit students into career and technology education. How about an innovative way to get students engaged?

The Learning for Life program, and more specifically the Explorer Program, may be a great addition to your current extra curricular activities. The Explorer Program us the work site based learning component of Learning for Life.

Areas of concentration include Arts & Humanities, Aviation, Business, Communications, Engineering, Fire Service, Health, Law Enforcement, Law & Government, Science, Skilled Trades and Social Services.

Great Plains Technology Center currently uses the Fire Service and Law Enforcement Post with their programs. Scholarships and competitions are also available through the program.

Ok Tech Prep News

New York City's Small Business Manufacturers Encounter Dearth of Skilled Employees

More Time in Class Equals Better Math Skillshttp://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2007-12-10-math-class-time_N.htm

Shining a Spotlight on 2 Year Collegeshttp://www.insidehighered.com/news/2007/12/11/community

Using Wiki’s in a Classroom

Intel Schools of Distinction Award
Math and Science awards for outstanding schools.

Holiday Cards
Here are more Holiday Cards. More ideas with what you can do in recruitment with data and email contacts.

Eckerd College
In the theme of Jib Jab

Red River College Holiday Card
If you are a fan of The Office then you will enjoy this card.

Yale Open Courses
Have you ever wanted to take a course at Yale? Yale University now has an open course website where the public can download class lectures, notes and even video. The first release includes 7 complete courses. Maybe they include something that your instructors would find interesting?

Parents Should Plant College Going Seed in Middle School

Aspiration to Actionhttp://www.ihep.org/assets/files/publications/a-f/From_Aspiration_to_Action.pdf

Numbers and Rates of High School Dropouts: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2008/2008305.pdf

Better Alignment for Adult and Post Secondary Educationhttp://www.nationalcommissiononadultliteracy.org/content/strawnbriefrev101807.pdf.pdf


Tech Prep News

OSU Institute of Technology-Okmulgee
There is a new name for the Okmulgee campus of Oklahoma State University. The school will now be known as Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology-Okmulgee. http://osu.okstate.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=838&Itemid=90

Governors Council
On Friday, December 7, the Governors Council on Workforce and Economic Development met. Among the speakers present, the Council heard from Donna Elmore, Associate Vice President of Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College in South Carolina. Donna spoke about the state’s Personal Pathways System. One of the websites presented was www.palmettopathways.org. The system was developed as a result of the South Carolina’s Education and Economic Development Act and mandates that by 2010 all South Carolina schools be organized by the High Schools That Work (or comparable) model. Some of the key requirements of the act include connecting student education to careers, articulation agreements for K-16 and increasing the number of guidance staff. Resources related to the EEDA can be found at www.teachscpathways.org or www.scpathways.org/news.html.

The OK Department of Commerce is releasing its newest website, www.growoklahoma.com (aka www.mycareerplan.com). At the Grow Oklahoma website you will find resources for exploring careers, planning your education, finding a job, starting a business and much more. The website will be integrated with OKCIS and a username to either website will work with the other.

New center trains educational eye on an electronic world
The Brand Gap
An interesting slide show about what a brand is and isn’t. http://www.slideshare.net/coolstuff/the-brand-gap

Adult Education Bringing Hope to Young Dropouts
An article from South Carolina: http://www.charleston.net/news/2007/dec/10/adult_education_bringing_hope_young_drop24563/

Why AP and IB Scholars Soar
The Preuss School
Map of Top 100 Schools (2 in OK)

Ashland University Virtual Christmas Card
Need another excuse to email your students using the PLAN data? View this Christmas card from Ashland University. Ashland is a mid-sized regional teaching university, historically related to the Brethren Church. You can use this concept for Holiday cards, birthdays, the first day of finals or the first day of school. The possibilities are endless.

PS-Their President even has a Blog!!

Jobs With a Future
A map indicating Chances for Success from EdWeek

US News Top 100 High Schools

Word of Mouth Marketing
An interesting article on word of mouth marketing including estimates of cost at $3.7 billion dollars by 2010.


Tech Prep News

News and Information

Carl Perkins Input Request
Now is your opportunity to provide input for the Carl Perkins act in Oklahoma. Please provide your input to 7 different questions. The online form is located on the Federal Legislative Assistance website.

Sequence of Courses
The updated Sequence of Courses and Course Development Guides are now available on the Oklahoma Career Clusters website. These documents are valid through March 1, 2008. The plans are to update the instructional framework on an annual basis each March thereafter. The documents published October 1st are archived on the website and may be used for reference or comparison purposes only. Please direct specific content questions to the Career Cluster Team Leader listed on the website as well as each Course Development Guide.

We have contacted ACT and we might be making the PLAN ACT Purchase in mid January.

Fact Sheets
New Fact Sheets are in for the CareerTech System. Tech Prep coordinators will be given a copy at the January 8 QTA meeting. It includes facts about our 585,087 enrollments, demographics, counties served and student placement data.

Holiday Marketing
Earlier we sent an example of what can be done through PLAN ACT data, email and a web page. What about putting together something that includes video? The University of Maryland has put together an awesome holiday video.

Doing What Works
Launched by the Education Department on Nov. 2, Doing What Works is found online and aims to help educators and administrators put into practice research-based educational techniques.

New Blogs
The Tech Centers That Work and Business and Industry Services have new Blogs!! Sign up for their feeds and keep up to date starting today!!
TCTW: http://oktctw.blogspot.com/
Business and Industry Services: http://okbis.blogspot.com/

Technical Innovations Conference
Don’t forget the Tech Innovations Conference on January 23. Get the registration form on the Tech Prep calendar

Alliance Partners Meeting
A joint meeting of CareerTech and State Regents will be held February 20th at the State Regents office in Oklahoma City. Tech Prep Coordinators, Alliance Coordinators and College Partners are encouraged to attend. The Regents office is located south of the state capital at 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200. There will be a later email with the online registration.

Friend of CTEECRoberta Scott was selected as the 2006-07 recipient of the Friend of CTEEC Award from the Career Technical Education Equity Council. Roberta was selected for this award because of her outstanding commitment to equity in CareerTech education. She will be recognized at the ACTE conference in Las Vegas on Dec. 14 at a reception held at the Hilton Hotel.

Tulsa Community College Opens New ProgramBy providing outreach centers in area neighborhoods, Tulsa Community College’s (TCC) goal is to reach prospective students who have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education or who would be the first in their family to graduate from college. TCC recently opened the Education Outreach Center (EOC) to make higher education facilities more approachable and programs more accessible. EOC staff can communicate with current and potential students in English, Spanish, and Korean. The center is a model program that TCC hopes to replicate in other neighborhoods and communities.

Upcoming on Oklahoma HorizonsOklahoma Exports - Emerging markets in Asia are key to Oklahoma's continued success in aviation.
China Trade - Former Ambassador to China James Lilley discusses intricacies of working with the Chinese.
World Trade - China, one of the fastest growing export markets, is still well behind traditional Oklahoma customers Canada and Japan who purchased close to $4.5 billion last year from the state.
Ag Trade - Few sectors are more dependent on international markets than the agricultural sector with more than half of all the wheat grown in Oklahoma, as well as an increasing amount of meat being exported.
Ag Leadership - Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program Director Joe Williams discusses the program designed to help potential leaders better understand local economies and place in the global market.
Afghan Business Women--The Peace Through Business initiative is a national effort to help bring peace to the Middle East by equipping Afghanistan women with entrepreneurial skills. Five Afghan businesswomen spent a week in Oklahoma where the idea for the program was born.

Numbers and Rates of Public High School Dropouts: School Year 2004-05: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2008/2008305.pdf

More International Students Study at US Colleges: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/education/20071205-1120-foreignstudents.html

CareerTech Blogs
Tech Prep: http://oktechprep.blogspot.com/
Pre-Engineering: http://okpreengineering.blogspot.com/
TCTW: http://oktctw.blogspot.com/
Business and Industry Services: http://okbis.blogspot.com/

Technology Center BlogsCaddo Kiowa: http://cktcnews.blogspot.com/

Upcoming Dates: http://okcareertech.org/techprep/calendar.htm


Nominations for the BREAKING TRADITIONS AWARD PROGRAM (Non-Traditional Awards) in all course areas will be accepted until February 8.

The award information, application, video release form and judging form are located at this web site: http://www.okcareertech.org/guidance/Equity/award.htm


Tech Prep News - December 5

U.S. Students Fall Short in Math and Science: http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2007/12/04/14pisa_web.h27.html?tmp=416845403

Additional School Days in 2021: http://newsok.com/article/3175360/1196421792

SchoolReach Webinar
If you missed the first rounds of webinars, you have a second chance tomorrow, December 6th at 2:00 pm by sending an email to reserve your place. To join the webinar you will need a computer with Internet access and browser directed to http://www.schoolreach4.glance.net/, telephone and conference bridge info, which will be emailed to you in your confirmation. Make your reservation by email (bpitcher@schoolreach.com) or by phone 800-983

Promising Practices Network: http://www.promisingpractices.net/
This is a listing of several initiatives with research about them. Maybe a tool that you can use as inspiration for drop out recovery?

Regents Hour Policy
Some have brought this up in past meetings. The policy that legislates the total number of hours a high school student can be concurrently enrolled can be found at http://www.okhighered.org/policy-proced/2006-policy/Chapter3/Chapter%203-2007%20Final.pdf and from there you will need to go to 3.10.6.I.1 Concurrent Enrollment of High school Students. The policy outlines the total number of hours as well as the formula used to calculate the workload.

College Prep 101
This website was developed by Lance Millis, an OSU College of Education Academic Advisor and former Pistol Pete!! It has been around in various forms since 1996 and it is something that we referenced during academic presentations for help in preparing for college. He has now expanded it. http://www.collegeprep101.com/

Keeping Pace with K-12 Learning
An article about online learning: http://www.techlearning.com/story/showArticle.php?articleID=196604801
The complete report: http://www.nacol.org/docs/Keeping%20Pace%20with%20K-12%20Online%20Learning%202006.pdf

College Worrisome to First Generation Students: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071130/LOCAL/711300478/1006

US News Top 100 High Schools: http://www.usnews.com/articles/education/high-schools/2007/11/29/gold-medal-schools.html?s_cid=related-links:TOP

Community College Aim, Preparing Student for Life: http://www.simivalleyacorn.com/news/2007/1123/Community/020.html

OK Council of Public Affairs Scholarship Opportunity
Which U.S. president had the greatest impact on American culture? The answer to that question will net some high school seniors a college scholarship. The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs will award $12,000 in scholarships to essay contest winners. The deadline is Feb. 28. For more information, visit http://www.normantranscript.com/localnews/local_story_326002545 or http://www.ocpathink.org/.

Wal-Mart Scholarships
Wal-Mart will give more than 5,000 college scholarships to high school seniors nationwide in April. Students can pick up applications for the $1,000 Sam Walton Community Scholarships at Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market and Sam's Club stores or by going to The deadline is Jan. 14, and winners will be announced in April.

Tech Center students build truck to be driven into tornadoes: http://newsok.com/article/3176518/1196688080

TPS Career Tech in on-line publication

Thought I would share a story about Tulsa Public Schools and how they have been bringing parents and students together through Individual Career Planning Conferences. Check out the compete story at the National Career Development Association Web site. The TPS CareerTech division even has their own website, check it out here.


Caddo Kiowa News Blog

Want to be able to get news about all the Oklahoma Technology Centers in one place? We are one step closer to it!! Wouldn't it be a great asset for other Technology Centers to incorporate blogs or RSS feeds into their communications? Then, people who were interesed in CTE could subscribe to those feeds and get all that information sent to their reader.

Congratulations to Susan Biddy, at Caddo Kiowa, who has put together the first Tech Center news blog that I know of. I would like to share: http://cktcnews.blogspot.com/

Do you know of a OK CareerTech Blog? Let me know and I'll help spread the word.



The OK State Regents have launched a new college-planning tool that is a free resource to all Oklahoma students. If your students have not been introduced to okcollegestart.org yet, let them know about it. There is even a resource for counselors!

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información en español

The Millenials Are Coming!

Morley Safer of 60 Minutes reports on the "millennials." These are students that are in their late teens to early twenties and and some believe could be ill prepared for a demanding workplace. The story talks with millennial consultant Mary Crane, Ryan Heely, co-founder of Employee Evolution, a website dedicated to Millenials, author Jason Dorsey, Jeff Zaslow who writes the column Move On for the Wall Street Journal and conslutant Bob Nelson .

Economic Development 103: An Advanced Course

Here are the reports and references from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce Econ 103 course held this week.

Aerospace Sector Report
Grow Oklahoma
Governors Council for Workforce and Economc Development

LMI Related
Local Employment Dynamics
Location Quotient Analysis

Socio-Demographic http://www.dataplace.org/

Data Warehouse http://www.econdata.net/

State Benchmarking
State Education Benchmarks
State New Economy Benchmarks

Supplementing Publicly Available Date

National Association of Workforce Boards
Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
National Center on Education and the Economy
The Council for Community and Economic Research
Area Development Corporate Survey
US Chamber of Commerce
American Society for Training and Development
Development Alliance
National Infrastructure for Community Statistics

Papers & Books
Using Information to Drive Change: New Ways to Move Urban Markets
Economic Turbulence

Sector Strategies Institute

Yesterday, I attended the Oklahoma Department of Commerce's Workforce Development Advanced Course. One of the events that I learned about is the upcoming Sector Strategies Institute that is to be held in January.

At the Institute, they are looking at ways to collaborate and develop regional strategies within business sectors (career clusters). They will be looking at worker and skill shortages, identify stakeholders that drive the economy, business sustaining planning, regional strategies for collaboration and integration, developing regional implementation plans, leveraging resources, discovering how to implement your regions industry sector program and evaluating and troubleshooting problems.

The Sector Strategies Institute is on January 22, 2008 at the National Center for Employee Development, 2801 East State Highway 9, Norman, OK

CareerTech Receives Spirit of the Family Award

The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education was recognized recently with a Spirit of the Family Award by Smart Start Payne County.

The Spirit of the Family Award recognizes local businesses that have the best practices in family/workplace policies. The state CareerTech agency located in Stillwater was among eight area businesses to be recognized. The agency was awarded a painting titled "Budding Artist" by Lucelle Raad originally from England, now living in Florida.

The Payne County Smart Start mission is to advance family and community efforts that assure quality experiences and opportunities for children from birth to age six, according to Alisa Oglesby, state CareerTech human resources manager.

"Two of the strategies of this program correspond with the state CareerTech agency by developing an infrastructure for quality childcare that supports, educates, and rewards the childcare workforce and increasing public awareness about early childhood education and public policy," Oglesby said.

Highlights of the ODCTE workplace included the 33 work schedule variations offered to most employees to encourage a healthy work/life balance. Also, an Employee Assistance Program is provided at no cost to employees. In addition, individual departments and staff members show support for the community by adopting local families in lieu of holiday gift giving and with many ODCTE employees giving regular blood donations every 56 days. Approximately 30 employees use vacation time to volunteer in the Stillwater Area United Way’s annual Day of Caring and Special Olympic events. More than half of the state agency employees participated in last year’s United Way fundraising campaign raising $25,965.

"Whether providing career and training opportunities or providing a great workplace for its employees, CareerTech strengthens and supports families," said state CareerTech Direct Phil Berkenbile. "CareerTech is just one of the reasons Stillwater is a great place to work and live!"


A Nation at Risk

A lot of what you read about school improvement at some point references A National at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform from the National Commission on Excellence in Education in 1983. If you want to read it, I have found a easy to read pdf that you can download.

A National at Risk


Doing What Works

The US Department of Education recently released Doing What Works, a website dedicated to highlighting best practices in education. Check it out at http://dww.ed.gov/

Reading List

During XTREME Tech Prep participants were introduced to a number of reports and readings. Here is a list of those books and downloadable documents shared.

Other Ways to Win, Creating Alternates for High School Graduation by Kenneth Gray

The Competitiveness Index: Where America Stands (Council on Competitiveness)

China Inc by Ted Fishman

The 2010 Meltdown by Edward Gordon

Downloadable Documents:

A Shared Agenda:

Tough Choices or Tough Times Executive Summary: http://www.skillscommission.org/pdf/exec_sum/ToughChoices_EXECSUM.pdf

The 21st Century at Work

America’s Dynamic Workforce

The Extreme Future

Leaders and Laggards

Oklahoma Report Card from Leaders and Laggards http://www.uschamber.com/assets/icw/07reportcard/state_reports/state_report_OK.pdf


Is OK Tech Prep on Target?

During the course of the XTREME Tech Prep Leadership Institute participants were asked to identify whether they felt Oklahoma Tech Prep was on target. Participants could choose from On Target, Mostly On Target, Work to Be Done or Off Target. Of the responses, 29% felt that Oklahoma Tech Prep is mostly On Target and 71% felt that there was Work To Be Done.

XTREME Tech Prep

Seventy-five people recently attended XTREME Tech Prep, Oklahoma’s Tech Prep Leadership Institute. The two-day institute, held at the Francis Tuttle Technology Center’s Reno campus in Oklahoma City, was designed to facilitate conversations about the direction of Tech Prep over the next few years. Participants heard from national and state experts in Tech Prep, Career Majors, Preparatory Services, Professional Development, Accountability and Grant Writing.

The institute consisted of work teams from the consortia so that the participants could work together, gather outside information and develop ideas to take back to their consortia. Notes collected during the two days will be posted to the Oklahoma Tech Prep Blog: http://oktechprep.blogspot.com/

Downloads of the presentation given are available here: http://www.okcareertech.org/techprep/presentations.htm


Information Clearing House

From time to time we receive a link to a quality paper that should be shared. Now, we have a place to do it. On the main Tech Prep website we invite you to read one of the many articles in the Information Clearing House (ICH).

The ICH will be divided into 5 categories. Those categories include Career Majors, Preparatory Services, Professional Development, Accountability and General Education Articles. We hope that this makes it easy for you to read articles that relate to Tech Prep in very specific ways.

Information Clearing House: http://www.okcareertech.org/techprep/ich.htm


Virtual CareerTech

We just got word that three more tech centers have their Virtual Tours up and operational. Go check out what makes OK CareerTech special!!



Career Clusters on YouTube

I want to thank everyone who has made it possible to put the Career Cluster video's on YouTube. The Career Clusters videos are an educational representation of how a student may plan their future. These videos depict students who are completing or have completed career and technology education and possible scenarios for their current plans for future education and careers. We hope that you enjoy them. More information can be found at http://www.okcareertech.org/okcareerclusters

Technology Center Virtual Tours

The first Virtual Tour of one of our Technology Centers is now online. Join us as we present Great Plains Technology Center and view their classrooms, training facilities and labs. More Technology Center tours will be coming online in the future and we hope that you enjoy your visit.


Career Voyages

Just wanted to let you know about a website called Career Voyages. It is a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Education to provide information on high growth, in-demand occupations along with the skills and education needed to attain those jobs.

Check it out at http://www.careervoyages.gov/


NCPN Conference - Day III

The third and final day, Saturday, included some great insight to comprehensive reform at Cumberland County College and the public school districts serving them. “Workforce Literacy, Academic Alignment and Career/Academic Pathways-A comprehensive K-16 Educational Reform Model” was presented by Kenneth Ender, President of Cumberland County College in Vineland, New Jersey. The session included information about free tuition, working with partners to endow those scholarships and including performance criteria with it while the student is in high school.

The closing keynote was JD Hoye, President of the National Academy Foundation. Her talk, Generation Now: Connecting Schools and Businesses to Keep America Competitive in the Global Economy” talked about organizing high schools into small learning communities.

The 2007 NCPN Conference was a blast and a great opportunity to learn from some insightful people about educating tomorrow’s workforce. Louisville was a beautiful town and the weather was great!! I look forward to the 2008 conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on October 22-25, see you there.


Leveraging Technology - Thank You

I want to say thank you to the participants in my presentation today, "Leveraging Technology for Increased Enrollment, A Systematic, Comprehensive and Integrated Approach.” I hope that you are able to use something from the presentation, implement it at your Tech Center, Community College or University for the better recruitment of students and helping them to achieve more than they thought possible.

I have placed the power point slide on our Tech Prep website in the Resources section. Please feel free to use the information and the additional example of a Recruitment Plan in your own consortium.

Direct Link to Resources Page: http://www.okcareertech.org/techprep/presentations.htm

Here are the links to the videos mentioned during the presentation.

Alliance Video on TeacherTube

Alliance Video on YouTube

Alliance story on Oklahoma Horizon

Career Clusters on TeacherTube

National Career Pathways Network Conference Day II

Day two of the conference and lots of good information and ideas have been shared. I look forward to bringing them back, hearing what others heard, and implementing a few in Oklahoma.

The day started out in the Exhibit Hall for one last look around. The first session of the day was entitled "Putting Students Back into Student Achievement Through Career Pathways." The presenters were Pat Schwallie-Giddis from George Washington University and John Williams from Ed-Connect. Their presentation focused on the Millennial Generation and how Career Pathways can help engage them and help them become successful. The next presentation was "Tech Prep Summer Academy: Professional Development for High School and College Teachers." The session was delivered by Timothy Nolan of the Greater Cincinnati Tech Prep Consortium. Tim did a great job with engaging participants in a mini session of their three-day state workshop. The information shared about the comprehensive professional development showed a great model for others to look at. Up next, it was my turn to present "Leveraging Technology for Increased Enrollment, A Systematic, Comprehensive and Integrated Approach."

The member luncheon was very good and it featured Erin Gruwell. If you have seen or heard about the movie "Freedom Writers" staring Hillary Swank, Erin was the teacher that started it all. She spoke of her first teaching job and the challenges and success of turning inner city kids lives around and getting them to fight with knowledge, and not guns. She and her students have written a book with all the proceeds going to help students with scholarship so that they can attend college. You can learn more about the Freedom Writes Foundation here: http://www.freedomwritersfoundation.org

After lunch it was time to learn a little more about podcasting and who better to learn from than the NATPL award winning Global Edge Tech Prep Consortium from McKinney, TX. A new feature to the conference was Interest Group Discussions. Debbie Mills, Vice President for Partnerships, CORD, led "Career Pathways, Implementation Issues and then the evening was ended with an opportunity for networking with other conference participants.

Tomorrow is the last day with a Clinic, a Forum and the Closing Session, I'll share with you then.


National Career Pathways Conference Day I

Today the National Career Pathways Conference kicked off with the exhibits opening up for the conference attendees. Throughout the Louisville Convention Center many good vendors are providing lots of quality products and information for career and technology education.

We held an Oklahoma State meeting with about 40 people attending. Everyone introduced themselves and indicated whether or not we were presenting. Oklahoma has 8 people giving a total of 4 presentations. We have a lot to share and I am very excited that several consortia have chosen to share that their knowledge for the good of CTE.

David Bond, NCPN Director, presided over the opening session entitled Pathways to Success in a Changing World. Appropriate for Kentucky, the official Churchill Downs bugler, Steve Buttleman, opened with the National Anthem for the ROTC color guard.

A couple of other people addressed the group, Dick Hinckly (President and CEO for CORD), John Marks (Executive Director of Kentucky OCTE) and Ahmed Sabie (Kentucky State Tech Prep Director).

The opening keynote was presented by William Dagett, President of the International Center for Leadership in Education. His presentation, The Education Challenge, Preparing Students for a Changing World, was very well done. After the keynote address, a few Oklahomans chose to attend his forum, Academics and CTE at a Crossroads. Again, Dagget shared lots of great information to bring back and share with the state. His website is located at: http://www.leadered.com/

Tomorrow consists of 5 sessions and an awards luncheon. Lots of information packed into one day, I will let you know how it goes.



Got to Louisville yesterday and completed the registration and all that goes with that. Tonight I thought that I would share some of the happenings in Louisville at the conference this year.

Today was the National Association of Tech Prep Leadership Forum. The forum is held before the NCPN conference and a good opportunity to get some insight into Tech Prep.

We heard form Marty Mahler, P-16 Coordinator for Nebraska, and his presentation "Tech Prep, Back to the Future." It was interesting and he talked about preparing a workforce for the world economy and how we should not want to be competing in a global economy, we should want to lead. He also talked about why we should be concerned with students earning their bachelor degrees by referencing that for every one engineer in the state of Nebraska, they create 7 new "tech" jobs and that for a 1% of increase in bachelor degrees earned they can track a correlating increase in all wages, high school drop out, high school, associates degree and bachelors!

The rest of the day was all about data. Sheila Ruhland from North Carolina spoke about the NATPL Quality Indicators and accountability. After lunch and the awards it was Performance Measures/Data Collection by Dennis Fiscus of Arizona and Tony Landis from Ohio. Again, we got good information to bring back and compare to what we are doing in Oklahoma. The last session was a State Directors break out and a discussion about where we were as states, what we need help with, etc. Wrap it up with some door prizes and call it a day!!

Tomorrow will be another full day and I will get some stuff out about what we did! Remember, if you are from Oklahoma we will have our state meeting at 1:15 in Room 201, see you then.


NCPN Presentation

Need to let you know about another Oklahoma presenation at the upcoming NCPN Conference

Build and Implement a Successful Cluster/Pathway Model From the Ground Up
Room 211
11 A.M.
Susan Pratt, Tulsa Community Colleg

New Dates Posted

We have added some dates concerning Career Clusters and Tech Centers That Work to our Tech Prep Calendar. Please check them out and update your calendar.



NCPN Presentations

If you are coming to the National Career Pathways Network Conference in October, stop by and listen to some great presentations with an Oklahoma connection!

October 11
A Student Centered Transition from High School to Community College
Room: L11 4 P.M.
Sally Kovac, Tulsa Community College
Phil Garland, Webster High School
Mitch Ober, Webster High School/Tulsa Community College
Vonn Goolsby, Tulsa Community College

October 12
Leveraging Technology for Increased Enrollment: A Systematic, Comprehensive, and Integrated ApproachRoom:
L2/L3 11 A.M.
Jeremy Zweiacker, ODCTE

Cooperative Alliances in Oklahoma: Building Pathways From High School to College and Beyond
Room: L14 3:20 P.M.
Molly Henderson, Oklahoma City Community College
Regina Foster, Oklahoma State University-Okmulgee

Build and Implement a Successful Cluster/Pathway Model From the Ground Up
Room 211 11 A.M.
Susan Pratt, Tulsa Community College

Hope to see you


Tech Prep on YouTube

We have done it!! Thanks to the generous help of Brian Bendele, Ok Tech Prep is now a YouTuber!! Oklahoma horizons aired a special on the Cooperative Alliances and helped put together a dance version of the segment for YouTube and TeacherTube. it is hoped that this short segment will find its way to Oklahoma students who might be able to take advantage of the program.


Summer Conference is Over

Summer Conference is over and we hope that you enjoyed it. The Tech Prep coordinators experienced six targeted sessions aimed at helping them write the 5-year plan for Tech Prep in Oklahoma.

Thank you to the presenters including Danny King, Cheryl Bell, Belinda McCharen and Debra Stuart, you are appreciated. Thank you as well to the people who joined us for our sessions and to OSU-Tulsa for providing us a great place to meet.

Our next event for planning the 5-year plan will be our Tech Prep Leadership Institute to be held in November. Arrangements are being made for our speaker and sessions. It looks like it will be an intense two days!!


New Officers

The School-To-Work/Careers (Tech Prep) Section recently elected new officer for the 2007-2008 school year during Summer Conference. Those officers include:

Past-President-Judy Sindelar
President-Sam Porter
President-Elect-Linda Hubbard
Secretary-Shelby White
Treasure-Debbie McElroy
Reporter-Tammy Lester

Conghratulations on being selected to your office during the recent statewide CareerTech Conference held in Tulsa. These people will represent the section on Oklahoma ACTE’s New and Related Services Advisory Committee during the 2007-2008 school year.

Oklahoma ACTE is the professional organization for over 3,400 career and technology educators here in Oklahoma. Its members are career and technology educators from comprehensive schools, technology centers, CareerTech skills centers, higher education and staff members of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education.

For more information about Tech Prep and college credit through your local technology center, visit www.okcareertech.org/techprep


Summer Conference Room Change

For those of you that will be attending Summer Conference this week there is a room change. Please note that anything related with Tech Prep and room 265 has been changed to room 140. We apologize in advance for any confusion but believe that you will like the change.

Notification Packets Mailed

Notification packets have been mailed to all coordinators who submitted a successful grant application. If you do not receive yours please contact the state department.



Ok Tech Prep has joined the podcasting community!! Our first two podcast, one with Assistant State Director Belinda McCharen and one with a Meridian Tech student, went up today. We hope that you enjoy our first podcasts and we look forward to developing more to share with you.

You can listen to the podcast at http://www.okcareertech.org/techprep/podcasting.htm


NCPN Presentation

This morning I received my presenter packet for the National Career Pathways Network (formerly National Tech Prep Network) and am ready to go!! I will be presenting a 1 hour forum on “Leveraging Technology for Increased Enrollment; A Systematic, Comprehensive, and Integrated Approach.” The session will be on Friday, October 12 starting at 11am. I look forward to seeing you there!!


Tech Prep RSS feed now avaliable.

If you have not visited our main webpage, www.okcareertech.org/techprep, you need to do so. We are now offering our content via a RSS feed. You can sign up and get all the latest updates to the website, news and information sent right to your feed reader. Staying up to date with Oklahoma Tech Prep has never been easier!


Tech Prep Leadership Institute Date Set

I know that you have been anxiously waiting and we have finally done it. We are setting the date for the Tech Prep Leadership Institute on November 7th and 8th. This institute is open to all Oklahoma Tech Prep coordinators and we will be preparing for the 5 year grant. Mark your calendar and reserve the date.

We have the date set, however we have not set a location. If you have a suggestion, please feel free to email it to me. This will be one of the rare meetings that requires an overnight stay so the location needs lodging and room for 30-40 people. I will let you know the location as soon as it is reserved, I can't wait to get your suggestions.



College Credit Now!!

How will taking Alliance courses help me? An article published today tells how Oklahoma is leading the way by ensuring that credit earned at community colleges is transferable to 4 year institutions.

"Report: Oklahoma Making Community College Transfers Easier"Oklahoma is making it easier for students to transfer from community colleges to universities, according to a Southern Regional Education Board report. Oklahoma guarantees that students earning associate's degrees can transfer in as juniors to public four-year colleges in the state. Each year, faculty revise transfer guides that list courses that will transfer. Ease in transferring has helped Oklahoma increase overall graduation rates during the past decade, said a state education official. Still, less than half of first-time, full-time students graduate with a bachelor's degree within six years. Daily Ardmoreite

Great news, but much work still exists. Oklahoma Tech Prep will continue to lead the way through providing seamless transitions and opening doors to high-skill, high-wage and high-demand careers for Oklahoma students.


Congrats Metro Tech

On Wednesday, June 21, 2007, Metro Technology Centers was awarded two Bronze Quill awards. The College Alliance brochure, written by Brian Ruttman and designed by Jane Davis, received the Award of Merit. The Bronze Quill recognizes excellence in business communication and was awarded by the Central Oklahoma chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators.

Way to go Metro!!


Grant Applications Received

WOW!! Oklahoma has 28 Technology Centers, through 27 grant applications, that are represented for Tech Prep. Our staff will be busy reading and scoring these applications and can not wait to see how Tech Prep in Oklahoma will look starting on July 1. Watch here and the main website to see the new consortia and how we are working to push CTE forward in Oklahoma!!


New Ideas II

Oklahoma Tech Prep is proud to announce the awarding of 6 additional grants to raise CTE student achievement. Here is a snippet of what is happening with each one…

North Central Tech Prep
North Central Tech Prep was awarded a supplemental grant to promote the Tech Centers That Work initiative and career cluster concepts. Participants will attend the Career Cluster Institute in Phoenix, AZ, visit Lee High Technical School and the SREB conference in Atlanta. Professional development will be continued with the NSDC and promotion of the Teachers as Advisors program. North Central will also promote the Information Technology Career Cluster as part of their supplemental grant.

Region 5 North Tech Prep
Region 5 Tech Prep has received funding to focus on the health cluster and send a career cluster team of 12 sending schools and 5 Meridian Technology Center staff members to the National Career Cluster Institute in Phoenix. Upon return, the team will further develop plans of study in a two-day workshop to be implemented in the Teachers as Advisors program.

Region 11 Tech Prep
Region 11 Tech Prep has received funding to focus on the health cluster and provide professional development toward curriculum realignment with Northeast Technology Center, Northeastern Oklahoma College and Rogers State University and teaching or Anatomy in Clay. A rigorous health curriculum with a capstone project will be required of participants.

Region 11 Tech Prep
Region 11 Tech Prep has received funding to focus on the Manufacturing Career Cluster and conduct the SCREAM Summer camp. SCREAM will provide students in the 7th and 8th grade the opportunity to tour industry partners. A capstone project will be required of student participants. Professional development toward the Tech Centers That Work initiative will be provided through SREB.

Tulsa Tech Prep Consortium
Tulsa Tech Prep Consortium has been awarded a supplemental grant to promote the academy/magnet school model in the Tulsa Public School District. A model will be developed for use within Tulsa and made available to all schools within the consortium. Professional development will be provided to train staff in strategies of cross curricular development. The academy models will be built within the Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster and the Arts and Communications Career Cluster.

World Class Tech Prep
World Class Tech Prep has received funding to expand the Business and Information Technology Career Cluster and support the Technology Centers That Work initiative through integrating rigorous content for the transition into postsecondary education. Guest presenters, cross walking curriculum, and expanding the sequence of curriculum will all be utilized. Professional Development includes attending the SREB conference in Baton Rouge to identify best practices and challenges.


Legislative Alert from ACTE

From www.acteonline.org

WHAT: The Bush Administration released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 budget request today, February 5, 2007. The $2.9 trillion budget proposes to severely cut funding for the Perkins Act, along with a number of other education programs, to fund additional increases in No Child Left Behind targeted to high schools, as well as new voucher programs.

The budget request proposes to fund the Perkins Basic State Grant program at only $600 million, approximately half of its current amount. Also, under the proposal, funds for the Tech Prep program are completely eliminated. To see how much your state is estimated to lose, go to http://www.acteonline.org/policy/legislative_issues/funding_08.cfm.

The $56.0 billion Department of Education budget would eliminate or consolidate a total of 45 programs (including programs such as smaller learning communities and counseling), and would cut education funding overall by $1.5 billion from the estimated FY 2007 levels. The budget proposal also cuts key Department of Labor programs, such as funds for adult, youth, and dislocated workers under the Workforce Investment Act.

BACKGROUND: While policymakers and education advocates, including ACTE, have long called for increased focus on high schools and education to meet the needs of the 21st century economy, (see ACTE’s “Reinventing the American High School for the 21st Century”) these goals cannot be achieved by cutting or eliminating programs such as Perkins that are already helping students succeed, and the cuts to numerous education programs more than offset the proposed increases.

The Bush Administration called for 25 percent cuts to the Perkins Act in FY 2004 and FY 2005, and proposed to completely eliminate Perkins funding in FY 2006 and FY 2007. While Congress wisely rejected these proposals in the past, the program has not seen a substantial increase in funding since FY 2002, and the President’s new proposed cuts will cause detrimental harm to the newly reauthorized program.
The President’s budget request represents the start of the annual budget and appropriations process. Congress makes the bulk of the funding decisions for the federal government, and in a year where fiscal discipline will be paramount and budget deficits continue to draw increased attention, it is critical that CTE advocates clearly let Members of Congress know of the importance of increases for the Perkins program, not cuts.

ACTION NEEDED: Contact your Members of Congress in the House and Senate by phone, fax, or e-mail and:

Let Members of Congress know that while you support increased emphasis on high school improvement and economic competitiveness, it should not occur at the expense of other programs, such as the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, which are already successfully improving high schools and preparing students for the 21st century economy.
Ask them to oppose the President’s proposal to cut Perkins funds and education funding overall, and instead to increase Perkins funds to meet the critical education needs of the 21st century economy, and to adequately fund the initiatives in the newly reauthorized program.
Explain that Perkins funds are used for important education and job training programs in a variety of settings, including community and technical colleges. Cutting Perkins funding and funneling it toward a general high school program not only hurts existing high school CTE programs, but would harm these postsecondary programs as well.
Explain that Perkins is working well in your community, and that CTE makes positive investments in America’s future by providing relevant learning experiences for students, effective and proven links to skills-building and enhanced academic opportunities and improved employment outcomes; that it reduces dropout rates; and that employers in your local area continue to need well-trained workers with good skills to compete in the 21st century economy.
Additional talking points and more details are available on ACTE’s website at http://www.acteonline.org/policy/legislative_issues/funding_08.cfm. Also, ACTE will be producing a podcast to provide additional details on the budget request. This podcast will be posted on the ACTE Web site on Tuesday, February 6.

To find contact information for Members of Congress and a sample letter, please visit ACTE’s Legislative Action Center at http://capwiz.com/acte/home/.

We appreciate your efforts! For more information, contact the Association for Career and Technical Education's Public Policy Department, 1410 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22315, 1-800-826-9972, www.acteonline.org.

Write your Representative: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Contact your Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm


Message From Chancellor Glen D. Johnson

"Another important initiative is the creation of cooperative alliances between community colleges and career technology centers across the state. Because of our work with Dr. Phil Berkenbile, state director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, and others, nearly 2,000 high school students were enrolled in college credit courses at technology centers last fall."
Chancellor Glen D. Johnson, OSRHE

For a complete transcript check out the News Spotlight at www.okhighered.org


NTPN Call for Presenters

In Oklahoma, we have one of the strongest Tech Prep programs in the country. Best practices abound and we should be willing to share our experiences to help others. All consortia have very strong programs and should be proud of what we have accomplished. Our best practices should be presented at the 2007 NTPN Conference in Louisville, Kentucky on October 10-13, 2007. PROPOSAL DEADLINE: March 30, 2007

NTPN Call for Proposals

All conference presentations should meet three criteria: (1) They should be consistent with the conference theme-Pathways to the Winners’ Circle (2) They should demonstrate innovative strategies, best practices, and strong program results. (3) They should provide information that attendees can use in their local districts. Whenever possible, presentations should address the partnering of secondary, postsecondary, and business entities. Presentatons can be a Forum (60 minutes), clinic (75 minutes) orroundtables (presented twice within a 60- or 75-minute time slot).

You can choose only one program strand. However, you can choose more than one topic within that strand You may list topics not shown if they relate to the strand.

Developing Career Pathways (Topics: • Adult Career Pathways • Alignment of secondary and postsecondary • Course development • Curriculum design • Curriculum frameworks • Curriculum integration • Incorporate the 9th & 10th grades • Infuse standards into curriculum • Keep pathway options open • Partnership development • Selection of career clusters/pathways • Standards (academic/employability/skill)

Providing Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships (Topics: • Academics • Accountability • Assessment • Alignment with postsecondary • Close achievement gaps • Contextual learning (relevance) • Enrich academics through CTE • Faculty development / quality teaching • Innovations in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) • Problem solving / teamwork • Project-based learning • Reading competency • Rigorous academics • Role of CTE in NCLB • Standardized tests • Technology integration • Work-based learning)

Counseling for Academic and Career Success (Topics: Career assessments • Career awareness and exploration • Career coaching • Career planning (secondary/postsecondary) • College readiness • Counselor professional development • Parental engagement • Portfolios • Student services)

Administering Partnerships (Topics: • Accountability/performance measures • Advisory groups • Articulation /seamless transition • Build a system (sec./postsec./business) • Career academies • Consortium management • Data collection and use • Dropout prevention • Enrollment management • Evaluation strategies • Fund sources/grant writing • Leadership perspectives • Legislation /advocacy • Promotional strategies • Student organizations • Tech Prep for beginners)

Enhancing Postsecondary Alignment, Transition, and Success (Topics: • Adult Career Pathways • Applied Baccalaurete • Curriculum Alignment • Dual and articulated credit • Early/middle college • Engaging industry • Multiple entrance and exit points • Placement • Professional development for faculty • Recruitment • Remediation • Retention • Revitalize curriculum • Role of advanced technology centers • Technology-based delivery • Work-based experiences)

Building Employer Involvement(Topics: Advocacy/employer engagement • Award-winning partnerships• Benchmarks • Best practices • Business impact measurement • Certifications/credentials • Creating a workforce pipeline • Economic/workforce development • Externships for teachers • Legal issues • Partnerships with schools • Return on investment • Skill standards and assessments • Student worksite experiences • Workforce Investment Act)


New Ideas

We have awarded 4 supplemental grants to various consortia. What does this mean to students? A unique opportunity to participate in some cool programs. Here is a quick sneak peek at what is happening...

Southwest Oklahoma Tech Prep Consortium

The Southwest Oklahoma Tech Prep Consortium has received funding to continue support for the Law Enforcement Services pathway and the implementation of the Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance pathway.

The consortium will be purchasing a “Training Action Computer” for the MILO Range System, an interactive training system that tracks and evaluates the performance of each cadet trainee and provides the instructor and student immediate feedback on the student’s technical proficiency and on the student’s judgment process that leads to target acquisition and engagement. Monies will also be used to purchase the “In the Line of Duty” curriculum for the Law Enforcement program, and the Cummins Virtual College E-tools curriculum for the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technology program.

Caddo Kiowa Technology Center Tech Prep Consortium

The Caddo Kiowa Technology Center Tech Prep Consortium has received funding to assist continued development of the Agriculture Career Pathway. The grant will be utilized to adapt the Crop Care Professional instruction materials dealing with plant and soil sciences, spray and fertilizer application systems, GPS/GIS understanding and uses and sensor based applications to a format that can be used by secondary agriculture instructors for classroom instruction and enrichment. The consortium plans to have the materials developed as a result of this grant available online to agriculture education teachers throughout.

Eastern Oklahoma County Tech Prep Consortium

The Eastern Oklahoma County Tech Prep Consortium has received funding to assist in the continued development of an Architecture and Construction Academy. This Academy will be a three year program providing students with a unique blend of math for high school credit, basic Spanish language skills and the the required technical skills for a successful transition into college or direct employment in the architecture and construction industry. To promote the use of technology in the Spanish language requirement of the academy, students will be instructed with the use of a Palm using curriculum developed by the consortium.

Northwest Partnership Tech Prep Consortium

The Northwest Partnership Tech Prep Consortium has received funding to implement the Tech Centers That Work program. Northwest Partnership will work to bring teachers together to help students succeed in challenging career/technical and academic studies. Northwest will be conducting staff training in cooperation with ODCTE, organize a school leadership team and host a professional development conference for all sending school administrators.


In Like A Lion...

Happy New Year!! What an exciting time this is. I want to welcome you to the Oklahoma Tech Prep Blog. I hope that you take the time to visit us online and learn about some of the many exciting ways that we are working to help Oklahoma students pursue high tech, high wage, and high demand jobs through the Cooperative Alliance Project.

We are located on the web at www.okcareertech.org/techprep Come and visit us. If you want to learn about Tech Prep at your school you can contact one of Consortium Coordinators.

Tech Prep is a great way to get prepared for your future. We hope that you will bookmark us and come to visit often. We will showcase many of the exciting opportunities that await you through the many consortia’s across Oklahoma.

Have a wonderful and safe New Year! Jeremy


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