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The Millenials Are Coming!
Economic Development 103: An Advanced Course
Aerospace Sector Report
Grow Oklahoma
Governors Council for Workforce and Economc Development
LMI Related
Local Employment Dynamics
Location Quotient Analysis
Socio-Demographic http://www.dataplace.org/
Data Warehouse http://www.econdata.net/
State Benchmarking
State Education Benchmarks
State New Economy Benchmarks
Supplementing Publicly Available Date
National Association of Workforce Boards
Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
National Center on Education and the Economy
The Council for Community and Economic Research
Area Development Corporate Survey
US Chamber of Commerce
American Society for Training and Development
Development Alliance
National Infrastructure for Community Statistics
Papers & Books
Using Information to Drive Change: New Ways to Move Urban Markets
Economic Turbulence
Sector Strategies Institute
At the Institute, they are looking at ways to collaborate and develop regional strategies within business sectors (career clusters). They will be looking at worker and skill shortages, identify stakeholders that drive the economy, business sustaining planning, regional strategies for collaboration and integration, developing regional implementation plans, leveraging resources, discovering how to implement your regions industry sector program and evaluating and troubleshooting problems.
The Sector Strategies Institute is on January 22, 2008 at the National Center for Employee Development, 2801 East State Highway 9, Norman, OK
CareerTech Receives Spirit of the Family Award
The Spirit of the Family Award recognizes local businesses that have the best practices in family/workplace policies. The state CareerTech agency located in Stillwater was among eight area businesses to be recognized. The agency was awarded a painting titled "Budding Artist" by Lucelle Raad originally from England, now living in Florida.
The Payne County Smart Start mission is to advance family and community efforts that assure quality experiences and opportunities for children from birth to age six, according to Alisa Oglesby, state CareerTech human resources manager.
"Two of the strategies of this program correspond with the state CareerTech agency by developing an infrastructure for quality childcare that supports, educates, and rewards the childcare workforce and increasing public awareness about early childhood education and public policy," Oglesby said.
Highlights of the ODCTE workplace included the 33 work schedule variations offered to most employees to encourage a healthy work/life balance. Also, an Employee Assistance Program is provided at no cost to employees. In addition, individual departments and staff members show support for the community by adopting local families in lieu of holiday gift giving and with many ODCTE employees giving regular blood donations every 56 days. Approximately 30 employees use vacation time to volunteer in the Stillwater Area United Way’s annual Day of Caring and Special Olympic events. More than half of the state agency employees participated in last year’s United Way fundraising campaign raising $25,965.
"Whether providing career and training opportunities or providing a great workplace for its employees, CareerTech strengthens and supports families," said state CareerTech Direct Phil Berkenbile. "CareerTech is just one of the reasons Stillwater is a great place to work and live!"
A Nation at Risk
A National at Risk
Doing What Works
Reading List
Other Ways to Win, Creating Alternates for High School Graduation by Kenneth Gray
The Competitiveness Index: Where America Stands (Council on Competitiveness)
China Inc by Ted Fishman
The 2010 Meltdown by Edward Gordon
Downloadable Documents:
A Shared Agenda:
Tough Choices or Tough Times Executive Summary: http://www.skillscommission.org/pdf/exec_sum/ToughChoices_EXECSUM.pdf
The 21st Century at Workhttp://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2004/RAND_MG164.pdf
America’s Dynamic Workforce
The Extreme Future
Leaders and Laggards
Oklahoma Report Card from Leaders and Laggards http://www.uschamber.com/assets/icw/07reportcard/state_reports/state_report_OK.pdf
Is OK Tech Prep on Target?
XTREME Tech Prep
The institute consisted of work teams from the consortia so that the participants could work together, gather outside information and develop ideas to take back to their consortia. Notes collected during the two days will be posted to the Oklahoma Tech Prep Blog: http://oktechprep.blogspot.com/
Downloads of the presentation given are available here: http://www.okcareertech.org/techprep/presentations.htm
Information Clearing House
The ICH will be divided into 5 categories. Those categories include Career Majors, Preparatory Services, Professional Development, Accountability and General Education Articles. We hope that this makes it easy for you to read articles that relate to Tech Prep in very specific ways.
Information Clearing House: http://www.okcareertech.org/techprep/ich.htm