

Today, I read a post from The EduBlogger about Wordle.

Wordle is a cool application that uses word counts from various sources, feeds or those that you enter, to create a word cloud, a visual depiction of user-generated tags, or simply the word content of a site, used typically to describe the content of web site. (Wikipedia)

You can create one here, for free!!

I can think of uses in blog post, showing importance of words in a presentation, etc. Or, it might just be a fun application that you can use to make some really cool graphics!! The Wordle for the Tech Prep Blog is above.

Either way, you might just see a Wordle in my next presentation!!


Campus Visit

Through Tech Prep and the Cooperative Alliance programs the CareerTech System is working to transition more high school students to college and toward degree completion. Through the Academies like Bio Med and Pre-Engineering, students are being exposed to and completing AP level coursework and passing the required exams to get college credit.

We are preparing them for the work, but how are we helping them transition?

Since you can only learn so much from a viewbook or website, one way that counselors, teachers and parents can help encourage students to attend college is by taking them on the College Visit.
Getting the students to campus is just the first step. With prior planning and a little effort, an uneventful trip to a college campus can transform into an event that they will remember, appreciate and that just might encourage them to enroll!

Before the tour takes place, encourage the students to do some research. Find out about the
student body, what majors does the college offer that they are interested in, do Freshmen have to live in the dorms, and what student services does the college offer? The more knowledge that the student has about the campus , the more in depth questions they can ask the admissions counselor or college representative.

Some things to do on a campus tour:
  1. Talk to an admissions counselor. Seeing how Cooperative Alliance credits will transfer into their degree, and just how many courses are left to completion, could motivate a student to complete.
  2. Take a guided tour of the campus
  3. Meet with a professor or academic advisor in your major of interest
  4. Meet with student service personnel and learn where you can obtain services like tutoring, guidance, testing and disability services.
  5. Tour a residence hall and if it is offered, eat in the cafeteria
  6. Take some time to explore the campus on your own

During the visit, encourage your students to ask lots of questions, take notes, gather materials and even ask people they meet on campus what they have experienced as a student.

If you can not take the students to a visit, another alternative to experience what a college has to offer is special recruitment events. Oklahoma State University host OSU Experience this year on September 6 and the University of Oklahoma host Sooner Saturday in the fall

If there is a particular college that many of your students matriculate to, build a relationship
with the admissions office, get on the mailing list, attend the counselor days and stay involved with your students. You might just be the difference!


CTE Silos

Wikipedia defines a silo as a structure for storing materials. When you compare a silo to a technology center that material becomes knowledge with individual silos representing the individual offices and departments that are created to store that knowledge. Silos tend to create communication barriers and the free exchange of ideas begins to break down between the members of the origination.

One of the principles of enrollment management is to bring together the key players in marketing, recruitment, admissions and retention. Breaking down existing barriers that are either real or artificial allows more opportunities for the free flow of information.

By having the marketing and recruitment staff in the same meeting, you bring together the staffs that communicate on a daily basis with the students and that staff that is responsible for the brand identity of the technology center.

A marketing person knows how to lay out an organizational viewbook. They have an eye for how photos of students will interact with typeface and can put a storyboard together. The recruitment person knows what students are interested in. They know a student wants to know about their opportunities, not necessarily the rigor and relevance of a course or major. By the two working together, a message is created that works well with the student population that is being recruited. Together they can create a powerful message that students will understand with the brand recognition of the technology center that parents will recognize.

By bringing together people in different offices through enrollment management, you will build upon the brand of the technology center and begin to unify your message to your constituents. Continue to work in silos, and who knows what the message may be.


CareerTech Art Walk


Want to know more about the history of downtown Oklahoma City and the many sculptures, historical buildings, and other art works?

Then Join your friends, co-workers and quest in the first ever CareerTech ART WALK!

The CBITS Division is inviting all CareerTech employees and friends to come along on a tour. (Free For All)

™ Starts at 6:30 a.m., Tues. Aug. 5th-Sheraton Hotel Lobby
™ Great way to start your morning
™ Tour lasts no more than 35 minutes
™ Great (and free!) way to learn of the history
™ Tour Guides will lead groups of 10-12

Sign up in the Information Booth-Exhibit Area-Cox Convention Center or contact Jim Roblyer at 405-743-5558 (office) or 405-747-7283 (cell).

Self-paced tours and maps available free of charge!



Part of the CareerTech System

As technology center websites like Indian Capital, Moore-Norman, Northeast, Pioneer, and Tulsa Technology Center are starting to add taglines like "Part of the CareerTech System" maybe it is time to develop a standard logo.

Here is a quick logo, what are your thoughts? It would serve the System well to have something that all technology centers could incorporate into their website and link back to the CareerTech website.

Pass this along to your webmaster and see what they think.......


Making Recruitment Personal

This morning I came across a story about an individualized screen-printing application.

You can go through NASCAR’s virtual apparel personalization process and pick your favorite driver, color of shirt and what you want on it and where. Long story short, they are personalizing the process for the customer!

One of the requirements of the millennial generation is for individualized attention. That individualized attention is very evident in the personalized apparel store.

How are you personalizing your recruitment efforts? Are you sending “Dear John” letters or have you tailored each one to the resident with their name? Have you thought about a student portal that welcomes the user each time they log on? Have you placed virtual content that allows them to submit a suggested plan of study tailored to their school or an interactive cost calculator? Can they see where they will be attending class through a virtual tour?

Making the process personal and letting a potential student feel like they are an important part of the process can greatly enhance your recruitment efforts. It is when a student feels value that they will leave your campus with a feeling of place and want to come back as a student.

How are you making it personal?


The OK CareerTech System

CareerTech News Feed

We are pleased to announce a new service for the CareerTech System.

We have put together an alert that will combine news stories relating to the Oklahoma CareerTech System. This morning, it brought up stories about Moore-Norman’s student built house, a Canadian Valley retiree, the new Touring OK curriculum, Autry’s wind farm seminar and much more.

You can see the articles at the Tech Prep News page: http://www.okcareertech.org/techprep/news.htm

You can sign up for the daily email at http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=2191865&loc=en_US

We hope that this new service helps keep you updated about what is happening with the Oklahoma CareerTech System.


ACTE E-Media Email

On the 1st of July we were mentioned in the ACTE E-Media newsletter as an online resource devoted to CTE.

Wanted to tell them thanks and mention some of the cool stuff that they have assembled online.

You can go to their main page here.

They have a Facebook community and a MySpace community as well as video's on SchoolTube.

Go and check them out, you might find something that you like!!


Independence Day '08

On July 4, 1776, the Deceleration of Independence was adopted declaring the colonies independence from Great Britain.

232 years later, this Friday, Americans will celebrate that occasion with fireworks, hotdogs lemonade and parades.

We hope that your celebration is safe and fun.


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