
Girl Scouts Attend California STEM Career Day Event

A couple of months ago, we hosted a webinar about Scouting CareerTech. (You can find the Scouting CareerTech manual, power point and podcast on our website.) Here is another slant on the event.

California's Oakland Tribune reported that the Girl Scouts of Northern California's Career Exploration Day, held at Oakland's Chabot Space and Science Center, "was sponsored by the Girls Go Tech initiative, a Girl Scouts program designed to increase girls' interests in science-related fields typically dominated by men."


(From ACTE 2/12/08 Career Tech Update)

Have you thought about hosting a Scouting CareeTech event at your technology center?

Tech Prep News and Notes

Oklahoma Housing Affordability Study
In a By Richard Mize article, “Oklahoma incomes trailing home price hikes,” a discussion is held regarding the fact that in a recent report by the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency in Oklahoma County a wage of $18.40 per hour would be required for someone to buy the average-price home, which the agency calculated at $150,297 using Realtor sales data. A wage of $11.29 would be required to rent the average apartment in Oklahoma City, a two-bedroom unit going for $587 per month, the housing agency said.

Complete study: http://www.ohfa.org/affordabilitystudy.htm
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency: http://www.ohfa.org
NewsOK Article: http://newsok.com/article/3204477/1202966201

OK Dept of Commerce wants better educated workforce

CareerTech proposes changes in lottery funding

Oklahoma gets B for Charter Schools

2nd Century Entrepreneurship

Common Ed, Higher Ed performance report

Free Ebooks

Industry seeks CareerTech partnership

Corn calls for OHLAP expansion

Online Archiving Open Source


State students should not look for tuition waivers

Salaries of Scientists, Engineers and Technicians
This is a comprehensive summary of recent surveys on salaries of scientists, engineers and related technical professionals. This resource contains nearly 300 tables and charts from more than 80 public and private sources on starting and advanced salaries by field, experience level, degree level, and type of employer, with differentials by sex, race/ethnicity, type of job, geographic area, and more.


Career Paths
Meridian’s Career Paths event brought in over 1,200 8th grade students.

Free IBM Game
A free IBM game that teaches kids to save the planet.


1 in 10 high schools are drop out factories
Nationally, about 70% of U.S. students graduate on time with a regular diploma. For Hispanic and black students, the percentage drops to about half.

Japan looks to India for a better way to learn

Saturday schools prepare students
National Indian Education Association

Beyond Rigor
A look at the need for 21st Century Skills

USDA unveils high tech plans for eating

USDA kids game: http://www.mypyramid.gov/kids/kids_game.html


Partnership for 21st Century Skills


Oklahoma High School Dropouts
In a story about lottery funding, the student droputs for Oklahoma were quoted. “While 7,227 students dropped out during the 2001-2002 school year, only 5,768 students dropped out during the 2006-2007 year.”



OKCIS is the latest addition to the CareerTech Blogging Community. You can check out CarereTech’s latest Blog at http://okcis.blogspot.com/

Be sure to visit the rest of our Blogging community

Business and Industry Service: http://okbis.blogspot.com/
Pre-Engineering: http://okpreengineering.blogspot.com/
High School That Work: http://okhstw.blogspot.com
Tech Centers That Work: http://oktctw.blogspot.com

Cooperative Alliance Workshop

On February 20 a large group met to discuss Oklahoma’s Cooperative Alliances. The meeting was hosted by the State Regents in Oklahoma City.

After brief remarks from Chancellor Dr. Glenn Johnson and Director Dr. Phil Berkenbile, two sets of concurrent sessions were held.

Concurrent session 1 included Achieving Educational Excellence through Cooperative Alliances. The presenters included Priscilla Washington, Murray State College, Sam Porter, Red River Technology Center and Dayna Stephens, Southern Oklahoma Technology Center. The second session was entitled Dynamics of Starting a New Alliance: Processes and Outcomes. This was presented by Sally Arrington of Great Plains Technology Center and CL Carden of Western Oklahoma State College.

The second set of concurrent sessions included Using Resources to Effectively Meet the Needs of Students. This was presented by Angela Wade, Darla Buck and Dayna Stephens of Southern Oklahoma Technology Center. The second session was Faculty In-Service for Technology Faculty by Dr Rick Edgington of Northern Oklahoma College and Dale Gates of Autry Technology Center.

Dr Debbie Blanke and Dr Debra Stuart addressed several policy issues in regards to the Alliance program. Dr Houston Davis and Dr Stuart addressed next steps and it was decided that we should look to schedule the next meeting in approximately 6 months.

High Schools That Work

Congratulations to the High Schools That Work group on the addition of the latest CareerTech Blog.

You can check them out at http://okhstw.blogspot.com

Not My Problem

This story was shared with me via one of the Tech Prep Coordinators and I thought I should share with you....

A mouse looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife
opening a package; what food might it contain?

He was aghast to discover that it was a mousetrap!

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning, "There is a
mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in the house."

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, I
can tell you this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to
me; I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, "There is a mouse trap in the

"I am so very sorry Mr. Mouse," sympathized the pig, "but there is nothing I
can do about it but pray; be assured that you are in my prayers."

The mouse turned to the cow, who replied, "Like wow, Mr. Mouse, a mouse
trap; am I in grave danger, Duh?"

So the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected to face the
farmer's mouse trap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of a
mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was

In the darkness, she did not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the
trap had caught.
The snake bit the farmer's wife and the farmer rushed her to the hospital.

She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knows you treat a fever with
fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the
soup's main ingredient.

His wife's sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with
her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.

The farmer's wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people
came for her funeral the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for
all of them to eat.

So the next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and think that it
does not concern you, remember that when the least of us is threatened, we
are all at risk.


FIRST Robotics and PLAN EOS

The PLAN EOS (PLAN ACT) data has been sent to each individual technology center. Now you are thinking, how do I incorporate this data into our student recruitment? Here is one quick and easy way using three parts of the data. By just using the first name, career interest and email you can reach students in a very personalized and individualized way.

A couple of the FIRST Robotics teams shared links of their team videos with us. It is very quick and easy to sort the data by career interest, send a link to your technology centers FIRST Robotics video (or to upload your first video to YouTube, or to make a video of another career major or academy project), and send it to those students who have indicated an interest in that area.

Your Friends at Meridian Technology Center thought we would share with you a cool video of our FIRST Robotics Team. This is part of our Pre-Engineering Academy and we would love to talk to you about it.


Please call us at 405.377.3333 or email me and I would love to tell you about our Pre-Engineering opportunities at Meridian.

PS-You might be eligible to earn college credit through one of our Cooperative Alliance partners, Northern Oklahoma College or OSU-Okmulgee.


Other videos on the web include

Team 2435: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9ph9YZrYQM
Ponca City: http://www.youtube.com/user/RobotTeacher476
Horizons Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMPsSc4fsAQ
Horizons Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiqjJPrJix0
Horizons Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgOS09P6-0E
Horizons Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAQtgSCRevo


CareerTech Student Organizations Spring Forward to Conferences

While most people are gearing up for spring cleaning, Oklahoma students involved in CareerTech student organizations are preparing for spring conferences.

More than 73,000 junior and senior high school students and adults are members of Oklahoma CareerTech’s seven student organizations. Each organization is an integral part of the CareerTech system supporting related programs found on high school and technology center campuses across the state.

Annually, each organization hosts a state spring leadership and skills conference for students to compete in events, elect state officers and gain leadership training and networking opportunities. Students put competencies learned throughout the year to the test, first at the state level, with state winners proceeding to the national level, according the Oklahoma CareerTech Director Phil Berkenbile.

“Students who graduate from CareerTech programs are better prepared for future employment,” Berkenbile said. “They seem to have a smoother transition from school to career because of the experiences provided through CareerTech training.”

Business and industry leaders are also a vital part of state conferences. Professionals often serve as judges or sponsors for competitive events, as they preview their future workforce.

From Feb. 26 to April 30, hundreds of local chapters will be represented at state conferences. The seven groups and their conference highlights include

  • DECA, the organization supporting Marketing Education programs, holds the 65th Annual Career Development Conference on Feb. 26-27. About 1,200 members are expected to attend and will be participating in 35 competitive events. The first Entrepreneurship Academy will be a featured event. Oklahoma City University will award scholarships to the top three winners in each competitive event.
  • The Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference will host 2,020 students at the Oral Roberts University and Oklahoma State University-Okmulgee campuses March 11-12. More than $1 million in scholarships will be awarded from Oklahoma City University to the top four students placing in each competitive event. BPA is the organization affiliated with Business and Information Technology Education.
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Education students involved in the student organization Family, Career and Community Leaders of America travel to OSU-Stillwater for the 62nd FCCLA competitive events on March 28-29. The state convention is April 4 at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City. The conference theme, “Looking for the CelebNU,” focuses on the special talents of members to help them recognize their own personal “celebrity” status. Immediately following the convention members will distribute food that has been collected for Feed the Children, this year’s FCCLA project.
  • The Technology Student Association, associated with Technology Education, holds its spring conference in Oklahoma City on April 1-3. The event features keynote speaker Rhett Laubach and 70 competitive events. Approximately 200 chapters will attend the conference, representing more than 13,000 members.
  • Health Careers Education students who are members of HOSA and are attending the 33rd Annual State Leadership Conference on April 9-11 will participate in a blood drive through the Oklahoma Blood Institute. Five new competitive events have been added to the roster this year including Biotechnology, Home Health Aide, Public Service Announcement, Community Emergency Response Team and Forensic Medicine.
  • SkillsUSA will hold its 43rd Annual State Leadership and Skills Championship at the Tulsa fairgrounds on April 24-26. More than 75 competitive events will feature students applying the skills learned through Trade and Industrial Education. The diverse skill area contests range from Crime Scene Investigation and Masonry to Fantasy Makeup and Computer Repair.
  • FFA, the student organization for Agricultural Education hosts the 82nd State Convention at the Cox Convention Center on April 29-30 in Oklahoma City. The convention highlights HUGSS (Helping Unite Gold Star Survivors), a service project that supports the families of fallen military soldiers. During the convention the new Oklahoma FFA Gear clothing line will be unveiled.

For more information about CareerTech student organizations


Tech Prep News and Notes

Connecting CTE with College and Career Readiness
A report from Achieve http://www.achieve.org/files/Achieve-CTEPolicyBrief-02-07-08.pdf

Tulsa World Survey: Increase Teacher Pay


MIT for High School
We have mentioned it before, but as much press as it is receiving it is worth mentioning the site again.

Technology Demands that Education Changes

Professional Development and Student Scores
Research showing that high quality professional development has a positive effect on student achievement.

Using Games to Teach
LeapFrog is introducing a new game device that can enable parents to download data about usage and learning. How will you prepare for students who will be entering your classroom and have been using devices like this to enhance their learning process?


Dropping Out of School is a Process
An Arizona study looks into why some students choose to drop out of school, some starting the process in kindergarten.

CareerTech Champions II

These CareerTech Champions join many others who illustrate the potential and power that comes from a foundation built by combining educational opportunities with life's experience.

  • Josh Brooks, turned a computer repair and networking certification into a full -time job.
  • Sheila DeCarlo, a single mother who used her computer aided drafting skills to become independent.
  • Ameristar Fence Co., Tulsa - based creator of a security fence used internationally in need of employee training and increased sales.
  • Kyle Ensley, past FCCLA state officer with sights on international business and "American Idol."
  • Layne Marshall, a rodeo competitor who developed leadership skills and a radiology tech career.
  • Katie Gage, graduated from high school, CareerTech and college at the same time.

Read about these CareerTech Champions.

Tech Prep News and Notes

It has been a week since the last roundup of Tech Prep related articles, so sorry about the length. I have come across a lot of good information to share, and some thoughts spurred by some post that I have seen at other sights.

CareerTech Video’s
Please see the attached video on an Oklahoma company working with nanotechnology. The second video features Sheryl Hale and the impact nanotechnology will have on CareerTech programs and the workforce.

Southwest Nano Technologies:

Interview with Sheryl Hale:

Parent Interactions
The Tech Prep website has had a Parent Page since its inception. We wanted to give a place for parents to visit that was not as technical as the Coordinators page and a little more involved that the Students pages. Why not include a Parents section on your technology centers website or even include a Parents Blog? What a great way for parents to learn about your technology center, from other parents!!

A photo website with a twist. We have talked about the opportunity for your students to do a photo contest showcasing your technology center, now Pixish might be the platform to do it with. Let us know if you do a contest.

Tribal Charter Schools
A bill is being pushed through that would allow tribes to start charter schools.

Education Consistency Sought in State Schools

Middle School Students Build Models of Future Cities for Engineering Competition
(From 1/24/08 CareerTech Update)
Edmond and Deer Creek seventh- and eighth-grade students met at Oklahoma Christian University [last week] for the National Engineers Week Future City Competition. The program, run by the nonprofit National Engineers Week Foundation, seeks to promote technological literacy and engineering to more than 30,000 middle school students representing 1,100 schools from across the nation.

Southern Growth Policies Board is looking for video messages from concerned Southern youth and young adults between the ages of 14 and 24, telling leaders and adults in their communities what they think about the future and where they see their place in it.

The winning video message will receive an iPod Nano, while two runners up will each receive a $25 VISA gift card. But more importantly, the winners' videos will be shown to leaders from 13 member states at Southern Growth's June 2008 conference, Youth: The Real Future of the South and will be distributed as part of the 2008 "Voices of the South" DVD.

Contest details and registration form can be found at http://www.southern.org/conference/2008videos.html or go to http://www.youtube.com/group/southerngrowth


Doodle for Google
Students can design a doodle for Google and possibly win a $10K scholarship. A technology grant will be awarded to the school that the winning entry is picked from.

A new social media site that students can sign up for, for free, and search numerous colleges and universities. The colleges can send information back to the students that select them. Maybe a use for the college partners?

Graduation Coaches
Governor Brad Henry has called for Graduation Coaches for at risk students modeled after a program in Georgia..

The Economic Impact of Early College Opportunity Programs at Iowa’s Community Colleges
MIT Highlights for High Schools

Chancellor seeks to reduce funding gap


Robots at Meridian
Robots are being used at Meridian Technology Center to simulate conditions. Learn more: http://ocolly.com/2008/02/04/robots-to-simulate-medical-situations-at-meridian/

K20 Center
The University of Oklahoma has begun an initiative to create 21st Century Interactive Learning Communities.

From MIT, a resource that aims to share with the world all kinds of technology, science and engineering related information.


Oklahoma Hispanic Students
Oklahoma’s Hispanic student population has risen 10%, how are you working with your students?

Curriculum 2.0
A wiki devoted to new learning and technology integration in the classroom.

NCAA Eligibility Center
At a recent meeting, part of the discussion included the NCAA Eligibility Center and what it means to CareerTech students. Please, if you have a student that will be participating in NCAA Athletics, talk to them and make sure that they are doing everything that they need to do with the NCAA Eligibility Center

Digital Visual Literacy
We are living in a digital visual world. When else could you make customized US Postal Stamps? The Digital Visual Literacy Project is seeking to establish a national dissemination of DVL education. Need another reason to go check it out? Free downloads for the classroom!! It includes stuff on E-Commerce, 3d Graphics, Excel, PowerPoint, and much more!!

Teens Unprepared
The newly released 2008 Lemelson-MIT Invention Index indicates that 3 out of 5 students feel that they are not prepared for careers in technology and engineering.

Visit the Lemelson-MIT Program: http://web.mit.edu/invent/

Forbes interviewed 20 people in various business, education and industry positions on what American needs to do to better educate our children.


The 21st Century Learning Initiative

The Oklahoma Council on Economic Education

PBS Podcast


US Population Projections
How does the changing population (until 2050) effect what you do in the classroom and how does it effect services that you offer through your technology center?

2008 National Freshmen Attitudes Report

2008 AP Report
The College Board announces their annual report detailing the AP Exam program.

OK School Testing Report Law


Tech Prep News and Notes

Thought we would share with you some of the links that we have read over the last couple of days.

If you have not looked at our OK CareerTech Flickr page we just added some pics from Francis Tuttle Tech Center. We also are adding the pics into Wikipedia were they make sense. Each tech center has a Wikipedia entry, and the pics will only enhance the feeling of location to those that read the articles.

Francis Tuttle on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Tuttle

USC Contest.
Turbo Tax is running a contest for people and user submitted content. They are asking people to send in their best tax related jokes for a chance to win $10K and to open for Jay Mohr. This is just another example that you could use with students submitting content for technology center or career major related commercials. What are you waiting for?

iTunes U
iTunes has a Web page devoted to the iPod user and education. It makes higher education information available for download. right on your computer! Lectures, archival footage and other content from Texas A&M, Duke, MIT, Stanford and others is available on subjects from the business, leadership and technology. There is even an hour long download of Thomas Friedman, author of The World is Flat, lecturing at MIT. Talk about application to the classroom!!

Education Consistency Sought in State Schools

Middle School Students Build Models of Future Cities for Engineering Competition
(From 1/24/08 CareerTech Update)
Edmond and Deer Creek seventh- and eighth-grade students met at Oklahoma Christian University [last week] for the National Engineers Week Future City Competition. The program, run by the nonprofit National Engineers Week Foundation, seeks to promote technological literacy and engineering to more than 30,000 middle school students representing 1,100 schools from across the nation.


Graduation Coaches
Governor Brad Henry has called for Graduation Coaches for at risk students modeled after a program in Georgia..

The Economic Impact of Early College Opportunity Programs at Iowa’s Community Colleges
MIT Highlights for High Schools


Robots at Meridian
Robots are being used at Meridian Technology Center to simulate medical conditions. Learn more: http://ocolly.com/2008/02/04/robots-to-simulate-medical-situations-at-meridian/

K20 Center
The University of Oklahoma has begun an initiative to create 21st Century Interactive Learning Communities.

From MIT, a resource that aims to share with the world all kinds of technology, science and engineering related information.


Oklahoma Hispanic Students
Oklahoma’s Hispanic student population has risen 10%, how are you working with your students?

NCAA Eligibility Center
Today is Signing Day for Seniors making their way to college next fall. At a recent meeting, part of the discussion included the NCAA Eligibility Center and what it means to CareerTech students. If you have a student that will be participating in NCAA Athletics, talk to them and make sure that they are doing everything that they need to do with the NCAA Eligibility Center and make sure that you are up to date on what they need to know and do. Transcripts and the like can be confusing and the NCAA has additional rules for student-athletes.

Digital Visual Literacy
We are living in a digital visual world. When else could you make customized US Postal Stamps? The Digital Visual Literacy Project is seeking to establish a national dissemination of DVL education. Need another reason to go check it out? Free downloads for the classroom!! It includes stuff on E-Commerce, 3d Graphics, Excel, PowerPoint, and much more!!

Teens Unprepared
The newly released 2008 Lemelson-MIT Invention Index indicates that 3 out of 5 students feel that they are not prepared for careers in technology and engineering.

Visit the Lemelson-MIT Program

Forbes interviewed 20 people in various business, education and industry positions on what American needs to do to better educate our children. You can read the opinion piece here:


CareerTech & Flickr

Flickr is a photo sharing website (free) that many people to use. In fact, the last time I looked at the newly uploaded photo count it was over 3,000 in the past minute!!

Now OK CareerTech has joined Flickr!!

You can view the newly published photos here.

The really cool thing about Flickr is that it is searchable. You add tags and descriptions of your photos and next when your future students visit they will be able to search for CareerTech and get CareerTech photos!!

How does this relate to the classroom? Why not let your students go crazy with their cameras and see what kind of pictures that they can come up with? Post them on Flickr and let the student body vote on the ones that they think are the best. Now you have photos taken by the students, through their eyes, that will be perfect for your website or up coming view book!

As we travel around to different technology centers throughout the state we will be taking pictures to add to our Flickr account. The goal is to have pictures of every technology center and highlight architectural features like entrance signs, water fountains, plaques and other interesting features not normally thought of when someone talks about the CareerTech system.

Check the account often, who knows what will wind up on it?


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