When was the last time that you went to one of your students activities outside of the classroom?
Have you ever gone to a students football, baseball of softball game? How about a band concert? When was the last 4H and FFA show you attended? Have you ever watched an Eagle Court of Honor?
If you stop and think about it, it makes a lot of sense to develop relationships with your students outside of the classroom. What a great way to show that you support them as a person when you are cheering them along with their parents.
What a great way to open up lines of communication with the parents as you work to develop parental involvement at your technology center.
Part of the enrollment management concept is that teachers and instructors have a direct impact on the enrollment and retention of students beyond what they teach in the classroom.
Imagine the possibilities that could be opened for recruitment when your students tell their friends at the home high school that the person on the second row is their welding instructor or their pre-engineering instructor. What a way to say that your technology center cares!
Imagine the impact that you could make on retention when you have a relationship of open and honest communication with your students becuase they know that they can trust you, that you can relate with them and that you are interested in them.
Think about it.