
4H Roundup 2009

Tomorrow I am presenting at the Oklahoma 4-H Roundup. This will be the third year I have had the opportunity and I do enjoy the opportunity to talk to the students about what they are doing and about their interest in going to college.

I thought I would go a very different route with my presentation and see how it goes over. I think it is pretty good and thought I would share it with you. Let me know what you think.


Night at the Ballpark and Kites over Enid

I always enjoy reading about someone who is marketing their technology center just a little bit different. These two come from Autry Technology Center.

July 18 is Autry night at David Allen Memorial Park. The first 150 fans through the gate will get a free Autry Bag.

On September 10, the community of Enid will attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the most number of kites in the air at one time.

The current record is 967 set in Germany.

According to their website, Kites Over Enid, they have heard from a tv station in Japan that wants to interview them!! News 9's Gary England is the official event meteorologist and they will have representatives from Guinness on hand to record the event.

It is being used to not only break the record, but to bring awareness to Enids wind energy potential and raise money for Habitat for Humanity.

What a great event to hold in your "backyard!"

In what ways are you promoting your technology center that are just a little bit different?


July 16, 1969

Where were you on July 16, 1969?

If you were like me, you missed getting to watch the launching of Apollo 11. Now you and I can watch it live!!

Thanks to an article at eschoolnews, and the past couple of weeks looking at marketing ideas for Oklahoma's Aerospace Industry, I had to share a cool, new website with you.

It is a recreation of the Apollo 11 launch. Right now, it is setting on its launchpad waiting to be launched in a little over 45 hours. From what I can tell, the website will follow Apollo 11 from its launch through its stages to the moon and Armstrong's famous walk. On Twitter you will be able to follow the "live" transmission feed.


Check it out, or you may have to wait another 40 years!



Think student recruitment is done this month? Your wrong!

I have talked with people who have said that their enrollment is busting at the seams in May, and in August the students just don't come and they don't understand why.

I would argue that until that student is taking classes on your campus, there are many factors that can persuade them to change their mind and your recruitment efforts are not done.

Maybe their buddy is talking them out of going to your technology center, maybe their family dynamics have changed and they can now go to the technology center but did not pay attention during their "Sophomore Tour" or any other number of scenarios that may influence a student to decide not to attend or to attend your campus this fall.

Here are some suggestions on how you can start that recruitment cycle with potential students and continue to communicate with students who have "enrolled" but are not yet on your campus.

• “How To” Postcard

• “How To” Postcard

• Fall program planning
• Specialized brochure to students of underrepresented ethnicities

• College Alliance Mailing to parents and students
• Enrolled “Flash” email, “Congrats, you’re a CareerTech student!”
• Welcome to Tech pizza party for all enrolled


• Contact all students who were enrolled in an Alliance program as Juniors
• Welcome to Tech pizza party for all enrolled

How are you recruiting this July?


Summer Camp III

This week we has the opportunity to travel to Meridian Technology Center and observe the Exploring Engineering summer camp.

While we were there the students had the opportunity to build speakers out of magnets, transparency and wire. It was fun to watch the students apply directions from the instructor and alter them "their way" to see who could improve on the design. Some did, some didn't but they were all exposed to some great opportunities. It was very cool to watch the students faces light up when the heard their speaker play music. The students also built bridges with the plasma cutter, toured Stillwater's water treatment facility and built airplanes.

The summer camp was put together through a partnership of Meridian Technology Center and OSU's College of Engineering faculty through Project Lead the Way.


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