Think student recruitment is done this month? Your wrong!
I have talked with people who have said that their enrollment is busting at the seams in May, and in August the students just don't come and they don't understand why.
I would argue that until that student is taking classes on your campus, there are many factors that can persuade them to change their mind and your recruitment efforts are not done.
Maybe their buddy is talking them out of going to your technology center, maybe their family dynamics have changed and they can now go to the technology center but did not pay attention during their "Sophomore Tour" or any other number of scenarios that may influence a student to decide not to attend or to attend your campus this fall.
Here are some suggestions on how you can start that recruitment cycle with potential students and continue to communicate with students who have "enrolled" but are not yet on your campus.
• “How To” Postcard
• “How To” Postcard
• Fall program planning
• Specialized brochure to students of underrepresented ethnicities
• College Alliance Mailing to parents and students
• Enrolled “Flash” email, “Congrats, you’re a CareerTech student!”
• Welcome to Tech pizza party for all enrolled
• Contact all students who were enrolled in an Alliance program as Juniors
• Welcome to Tech pizza party for all enrolled
How are you recruiting this July?