The inspiration for our retreat came from Frank Druffel and his series of innovation videos. From that our theme grew into "Putting the kNOw in Innovation." The first video is embedded below for your enjoyment.
We also heard from Scott Klososky. Scott's biography on his website says that he is a former CEO of three successful startup companies, has no fear about shaking up the status quo around the way we build teams and set powerful directions."
Needless to say, but it was a great presentation and I look forward to hearing from him again! Scott challenged us to not just say that we are the innovators, but to take action and to move on the desire to be innovative.
Here is a slide show that I found from Scott that I thought I would share...
Using Technology To Gain A Competitive Advantage - By Scott Klososky
After the morning inspiration on innovation, we took a turn at building speakers in teams and then ended the day with CareerTech Jeopardy. The retreat was a welcome break from the usual grind for myself and I think that everyone else enjoyed their time as well.View more presentations from clevyr.
Now, we need to go "Break some china!"