
2010 NCPN Enrollment Management Presentation

For those that joined us at the 2010 NCPN Conference, and for those that missed it, here is my presentation. I hope you enjoy.

Entering a Technology Center District

You see them all over Oklahoma. A sign that lets you know that you are entering the Pawnee County Conservation District, or this conservation district or that conservation district.

Why not a sign on the main highways and bi-ways into your local technology center district? A sign that lets people know they have entered the Western Technology Center District on I-40, the Meridian Technology Center District on the Cimarron Turnpike or let people know that they are entering the Southern Oklahoma Technology Center District on I-35.

Not only would people know as they travel the state what technology center district operates in that area, but you would remind citizens of your district that they are part of what is happening at your technology center, even in the farthest reaches of your district.

And don't forget to let them know that you are a proud part of the Oklahoma CareerTech System!


IMPACT Training Video

If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

NATPL/NCPN Conference

Just got back from another wonderful NATPL Forum and NCPN Conference in Dallas. It was great to see old friends and make new friends, all the while talking about how to make CTE and Tech Prep better in Oklahoma.

At the NATPL forum we had the opportunity to listen to David Okerlund and I look forward to reading his book. I presented during the forum on Enrollment Management in CTE. I had a great crowd and enjoyed the conversation that took over gaining new insight into the articulation process across the country.

During the NCPN Conference we heard opening remarks from Brenda Dann Messler, Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Education, as well as the keynote address from Bennie Lambert, Lone Star College. The conference was filled with breakout sessions covering everything from the Best Practices of the Achieve Texas program, Shock and Awe and how to change the perception of CTE, Annual Reporting of Consortium Data and the new 21st Centruy Leadership program.

I presented at the NCPN Conference as well, talking to a great crowd about Helping Students Achieve Success through Enrollment Management.

I had a great time, learned a lot about CTE across the country and am looking forward to the 2011 NCPN Conference in Orlando, Florida, October 12-14.

For all the latest news follow OK CareerTech on Twitter: http://twitter.com/okcareertech


To .EDU or not .EDU

16 of 29 technology centers now have a .edu domain name. That is 55%! This is our list of changes of technology center website address changes.

Meridian can now be accessed through a .edu domain, http://meridiantech.edu

Eastern OK County can be accessed through .edu domain, http://www.eoctech.edu

Great Plains can be accessed via http://www.greatplains.edu

Mid America is at http://www.matech.edu

Northwest is located at http://www.nwtech.edu

Canadian Valley: http://www.cvtech.edu/
Central Tech: http://www.centraltech.edu
Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu/
EOC: http://www.eoctech.edu/
Francis Tuttle: http://www.francistuttle.edu
Great Plains: http://www.greatplains.edu/
Meridian: http://meridiantech.edu/
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Mid America: http://www.matech.edu/
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Northwest: http://www.nwtech.edu/
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu
Red River: http://rrtc.edu/
Southern OK: http://www.sotc.edu/
Southwest Tech: http://swtech.edu/
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Gordon Cooper: http://www.gctech.org
Kiamichi: http://www.okktc.org
Pioneer: http://pioneertech.org
Tri County: http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins: http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains: http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del: http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western: http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us/

Autry: http://www.autrytech.com
Caddo Kiowa: http://www.caddokiowa.com
Green Country: http://www.gctcok.com/
Indian Capitol: http://www.ictctech.com
Moore-Norman: http://www.mntechnology.com


WIN, LOSE OR DRAW, You'll Have A Great Experience at the NTHS State Leadership Conference on Tuesday, November 16, 2010. The conference will be held at the South Penn Campus of Moore Norman Technology Center

The State Conference is an opportunity to promote leadership and student success and begins at 8:30 a.m. and runs to 2:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person and you are encouraged to wear jeans, slacks, or skirt as you will be given an official NTHS State Conference T-shirt at registration.


Metro Technology Center Blog

Metro Technology Center, located in Oklahoma City, has just released s new Blog!

Metro Technology Center Blog

What other technology centers are blogging? Let us know.


Technology Centers on Twitter

Since CareerTech is now up and running on Twitter, we thought we would put together a comprehensive list of technology centers who are using the micro-blogging service.

Currently we have found 16 technology centers who use Twitter. That is just over 50%! There is also 3 of the 8 CTSO's who are using it to get the word out.

Autry Technology Center
Caddo Kiowa Technology Center
Canadian Valley Technology Center
Chisholm Trail Technology Center
Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center
Francis Tuttle Technology Center
High Plains Technology Center
Mid America Technology Center
Mid Del Technology Center
Meridian Technology Center
Metro Technology Center
Moore Norman Technology Center
Pontotoc Technology Center
Tri County Technology Center
Tulsa Technology Center
Wes Watkins Technology Center

CareerTech Student Organizations

CareerTech Divisions
OK Horizon

Did we miss anyone?

okcareertech on Twitter

CareerTech is now on Twitter!

We have fired up the okcareertech Twitter Account and could not be more excited to communicate with you via this channel.

Come and follow us today!


30th Annual Encyclo-media

This afternoon I presented over the Cooperative Alliances at the 30th State Superintendents Encyclo-media. I enjoyed the great conversations and hope to get more opportunities to share with high school counselors about the great things that the Cooperative Alliance Program is doing.

Here is the presentation from today.


Succesful Practices - Graduation Ceremonies

It has been a few months since we have shared a successful practice with you. This one comes from Northern Oklahoma College.

In an effort to show adjunct faculty at the technology center how valuable they are to the educational process and the Cooperative Alliance Program, they are asked to participate in the graduation exercises at NOC.

Technology center/adjunct faculty are encouraged to wear academic regalia and fully participate!

We think that this is a great tradition and hope to see other partnerships adopt it. We are all working together to provide students opportunities to graduate high school with college credit, and this reinforces that joint commitment.

We have a new look!

Thanks to Rob's Twitter template, and a few changes, the Tech Prep Blog has a new look.

What do you think?


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