
Advisory Committee Recognition

At Central Technology Center, inside the classrooms, sets a framed picture of the advisory committee.

I have never seen something like this and think that it is something that should definitely be shared with others as a best practice.

There is a heading letting everyone know that it is the advisory committee for the career major. Below that is a color picture of the committee with their names below the picture and indicator of their business/employer.

What a cool and innovative way to show your advisory committee that they are important, and a great way to show students how they can be successful in their career major though a visual reminder and remind them that they have an opportunity to give back to their technology center when they become a success.

How do you recognize your advisory committee?


Seasons Greetings

It is the time of year when we start to think about, and maybe send, holiday cards.

In my inbox today was the first holiday card I have received this year. Take a look!

Do you send holiday cards to prospective students, to clients, to alumni? Share your link with us and I will share with you the cards that I find.


Minute to Win It

On Tuesday, the Oklahoma Chapter of the National Technical Honor Society held its annual State Conference.

The theme for 2011 was Minute to Win It with NTHS.

Attendees played games from the hit tv show Minute to Win It like "Face the Cookie" and "Sticky Situation." They heard from motivational speakers and had the opportunity to attend break out sessions and eat pizza!

The National Technical Honor Society mission is "To honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, and enhance career opportunities for the NTHS membership." The Oklahoma Chapter is one of the largest organizations in the national society.

The next event for the society is the NTHS Day at the Capital in March.


RSS Feeds

Do you make it easy for your technology center supporters to get information about what is going on?

An easy way to do this is through RSS feeds, or Really Simple Syndication. It is basically a way to publish frequently updated material, like Blogs and news. You can read more about that on Wikipedia.

There are a few technology centers who make use of this technology. People who subscribe simply sign up for your feed in a reader (I like Google's reader) and when you update information it is automatically sent to them!

A must subscribe for people who are involved in Oklahoma CTE is the OK CareerTech RSS Feed.

This is a list of the RSS feeds that I can find for technology centers in Oklahoma.

Caddo-Kiowa Technology Center

Gordon Cooper Technology Center

Great Plains Technology Center

Mid America Technology Center

Tri County Technology Center

Tulsa Technology Center

When you start your RSS feed let us know so we can add it to the list, and please put the big orange box next to it so people know where to sign up.


Shock and Awe

During the NCPN Conference this year I attended a session entitled Shock and Awe. The presentation was about Moberly Area Community College, in Morberly, MO and the way they work to change the perception of CTE through "immersion."

The one thing that stuck with me after the presentation was the way that students play an integral part of their event.

The college invites local instructors to campus to take part in auditing CTE classrooms. This is something that happens on OK through Instructor Boot Camps and other instructor and counselor instructor events.

But what makes the Moberly event different is that instead of the CTE instructor, the classes were led by students!

Students taught instructors about auto mechanics, engineering, and more!

I thought this was a great twist to a traditional professional development event and wanted to make sure that I shared it with you.

If you are interested, here is their Tech Prep page


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