
NTHS Board Presentation

This morning I had the honor of presenting the National Technical Honor Society to the 10 member Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology Education.

I feel that the presentation went well and I appreciate the opportunity. I was able to share some good information with the board and want to share the presentation with you.


.EDU or not .EDU?

The 21st school to be accessible through a .edu domain is Moore Norman Technology Center!

That link is http://mntc.edu/


Autry: http://www.autrytech.edu
Canadian Valley: http://www.cvtech.edu
Central Tech: http://www.centraltech.edu
Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu
EOC: http://www.eoctech.edu
Francis Tuttle: http://www.francistuttle.edu
Gordon Cooper: http://www.gctech.edu
Great Plains: http://www.greatplains.edu
Kiamichi: http://www.ktc.edu
Meridian: http://meridiantech.edu
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Mid America: http://www.matech.edu
Moore Norman: http://mntc.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Northwest: http://www.nwtech.edu
Pioneer: http://www.pioneertech.edu
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu
Red River: http://rrtc.edu
Southern OK: http://www.sotc.edu
Southwest Tech: http://swtech.edu
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Tri County: http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins: http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains: http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del: http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western: http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us

Caddo Kiowa: http://www.caddokiowa.com
Green Country: http://www.gctcok.com
Indian Capitol: http://www.ictctech.com


FIRST Robotics

This week is the OKC Regional for FIRST Robotics!! I am excited to see all the hard work that students in high schools and technology centers have done over the last couple of months and see the robots in action at the big game - Logo Motion

You can follow all the action on Twitter at OklahomaFIRST or follow the hastag #okfirst

The opening ceremonies begin at 8:45 am on March 18 and 19th. Admission is free and parking is $6. See you at the Cox Convention Center.


Stars of Excellence Deadline

The deadline to submit your NTHS Stars of Excellence Nomination is tomorrow.

View the qualifications and instructions here: NTHS Website

You can also learn about our past inductees and see a little bit about what makes NTHS a great organization!


To .EDU or Not .EDU

I received a hot tip yesterday about another technology center that can be accessed through the .edu domain, Kiamichi Technology Center!

Kiamichi Technology Center: http://www.ktc.edu

That brings our total to 20 (69%) .edu domains! Whoo will be next?


Autry: http://www.autrytech.edu
Canadian Valley: http://www.cvtech.edu
Central Tech: http://www.centraltech.edu
Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu
EOC: http://www.eoctech.edu
Francis Tuttle: http://www.francistuttle.edu
Gordon Cooper: http://www.gctech.edu
Great Plains: http://www.greatplains.edu
Kiamichi: http://www.ktc.edu
Meridian: http://meridiantech.edu
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Mid America: http://www.matech.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Northwest: http://www.nwtech.edu
Pioneer: http://www.pioneertech.edu
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu
Red River: http://rrtc.edu
Southern OK: http://www.sotc.edu
Southwest Tech: http://swtech.edu
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Tri County: http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins: http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains: http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del: http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western: http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us

Caddo Kiowa: http://www.caddokiowa.com
Green Country: http://www.gctcok.com
Indian Capitol: http://www.ictctech.com
Moore-Norman: http://www.mntechnology.com

To .EDU or not ..EDU?

Add Pioneer Technology Center, Gordon Cooper Technology Center and Autry Technology Center to the list of technology centers that can be accessed using the .edu domain! We are now up to 19 of 29 districts! Who will be next?

Autry Technology Center: http://www.autrytech.edu

Pioneer Technology Center: http://www.pioneertech.edu

Gordon Cooper Technology Center: http://www.gctech.edu


Autry: http://www.autrytech.edu
Canadian Valley: http://www.cvtech.edu
Central Tech: http://www.centraltech.edu
Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu
EOC: http://www.eoctech.edu
Francis Tuttle: http://www.francistuttle.edu
Gordon Cooper: http://www.gctech.edu
Great Plains: http://www.greatplains.edu
Meridian: http://meridiantech.edu/
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Mid America: http://www.matech.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Northwest: http://www.nwtech.edu
Pioneer: http://www.pioneertech.edu
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu
Red River: http://rrtc.edu
Southern OK: http://www.sotc.edu
Southwest Tech: http://swtech.edu
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Kiamichi: http://www.okktc.org
Tri County: http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins: http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains: http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del: http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western: http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us

Caddo Kiowa: http://www.caddokiowa.com
Green Country: http://www.gctcok.com
Indian Capitol: http://www.ictctech.com
Moore-Norman: http://www.mntechnology.com


A CareerTech Summer

Spring Break is just around the corner for many Oklahoma schools and the next stop is summer vacation!

What are you planning? I don't mean where are you going on vacation, I mean what is your technology center or school planning on doing to interact with students?

Are you holding a Tech Fair for 6th graders, maybe a camp for 7th-8th graders. How are you getting high school students involved? What are you doing for students who are going to be on your campus for the first time this Fall?

Summer is a great time to build relationships by helping students create memories. Start planning now for a successful summer and let us know what you are doing in the comment section below.


Scouting CareerTech

Scouting CareerTech is an opportunity to invite Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to the campus of your technology center and learn about their educational choices while fulfilling requirements for merit badges and interest projects.

Gordon Cooper Technology Center recently held a Technology Day where Boy and Girl Scouts, age 9-17, were invited to come and work on activities that interested them. 155 students attended the inaugural event!

Under the leadership if Ms. Frerichs, merit badges and interest projects were tied into Career Clusters. During a morning professional development event, instructors were signed up to be merit badge counselors and complete Youth Protection Training. At least one trained leader was in each classroom. They also looked over the requirements for the classes and designed a curriculum around the requirements.

The day started early Saturday morning at 8:30am with registration. Scouts were in their classroom until 11:30 working on projects. At 11:30 students ate lunch and toured a community showcase, which included booths like Lego Robotics and FIRST Robotics along with the Civil Air Patrol.

All of this at the cos of only $5!

Bottom line, the event was a huge success. Scouts earned activity badges, merit badges, interest project achievements and interest projects. Look for Technology Day to become an annual event.

Click here and scroll down to learn more about hosting your own Scouting CareerTech.

Learn more about and see pictures of Gordon Cooper's Technology Day with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts by reading The Pathfinder newsletter.


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