I3 Conference

Integration, Innovation and Imagination is the theme of the day and we will discuss how Tech Prep activities can be continued and how we can build relationships with Carl Perkins consortia.
The day will include time with your local Carl Perkins coordinator and college partner. Please invite them and have them save the date as well.
More details will come as we get closer to the conference. We can work together to ensure that the progress made under Tech Prep since 1991 can be continued without Tech Prep in 2012 and beyond.
CareerTech Summer Camps
Central Technology Center will hold Tech Quest Nanotechnology on June 13-17, 2011
CareerTech Summer Camps
Summer is getting closer and for some technology centers that means summer camp!! Want to know what happens at a CareerTech summer camp, check out the video above.
Here are a few of the ones we know about...
Autry Technology Center - Autry Teen Tour - June
Francis Tuttle Technology Center - Summer Quest - June
Meridian Technology Center - Seriously Fun Camps - Tech Trek June 7-9 and Nanotechnology June 13-17
Pioneer Technology Center - Trails to Technology- June 6-9
As we hear about more camps throughout Oklahoma, we will let you know. If you have a camp that you want to make sure is included in the list, put the infomration in the comments and we will update the listings.
Workforce Partners Conference
We had a great time and shared some great information with the people in attendance. It was also an opportunity to design a new presentation with the input of two other people and a different agency entirely.
Hope you enjoy it, there is some new information that I have never had in a presentation as well as some new ways at looking at information that we share as often as we can.
We even shared a little on the history of Cinco De Mayo!
CareerTech Students Win National Scholarships

CareerTech Students Win National Scholarships
The National Technical Honor Society announced that Jayci Ball, Southern Oklahoma Technology Center and David Willoughby, Canadian Valley Technology Center were both recipients of a Jon H. Poteat Scholarship.
These scholarships, named in honor and memory of the co-founder of the Society, are awarded annually to student NTHS members who consistently exemplify the seven character attributes of the NTHS – Skill, Honesty, Service, Responsibility, Scholarship, Citizenship, and Leadership.
Seventy-five scholarships, each valued at $1,000, are awarded as part of the Jon H. Poteat Scholarship program. The National Technical Honor Society annually awards more than $90,000 in scholarships to members.
The National Technical Honor Society is the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education.
For more information on NTHS in Oklahoma go to http://www.okcareertech.org/nths