The event was held recently with more than 350 NTHS members,
advisers and guests participating. Representatives Skye McNeil and Dennis Casey
were the featured speakers during a special session held in the House Chamber. Students also heard from Pat McGregor, OkACTE and National NTHS Historian Greg Winters.
Day at the Capitol is a great opportunity for students to visit the Oklahoma State Capitol. During the session, those that were there for the first time were asked to raise their hands and over half of the students attending, high school and adult, had never been to the Capitol. These students are getting a first hand look into how the legislative process works, getting to meet their state officials and sit in the House Chamber, not bad for a first visit!
After the general session I had the opportunity to meet an adult student and talk with him for a few minutes. I asked him his story and he said that he had been laid off, decided to use his severance to learn a skill and how to weld, and was going to get his national certification in May. He was excited becuase he was gaining a skill that would help him provide for his family. I asked him about NTHS, and a huge smile came across his face and he told me that NTHS is not going to look to bad on a resume!
Students are why we do out jobs in CTE. Events like Day at the Capitol are times for us to showcase the best of what CareerTech has to offer. Students like the one I met today truly are and they have a right to be proud.