
NTHS Day at the Capitol

Today was the 16th annual National Technical Honor Society Day at the Capitol.

The event was held recently with more than 350 NTHS members, advisers and guests participating. Representatives Skye McNeil and Dennis Casey were the featured speakers during a special session held in the House Chamber. Students also heard from Pat McGregor, OkACTE and National NTHS Historian Greg Winters. 

Day at the Capitol is a great opportunity for students to visit the Oklahoma State Capitol. During the session, those that were there for the first time were asked to raise their hands and over half of the students attending, high school and adult, had never been to the Capitol. These students are getting a first hand look into how the legislative process works, getting to meet their state officials and sit in the House Chamber, not bad for a first visit!

After the general session I had the opportunity to meet an adult student and talk with him for a few minutes. I asked him his story and he said that he had been laid off, decided to use his severance to learn a skill and how to weld, and was going to get his national certification in May. He was excited becuase he was gaining a skill that would help him provide for his family. I asked him about NTHS, and a huge smile came across his face and he told me that NTHS is not going to look to bad on a resume! 

Students are why we do out jobs in CTE. Events like Day at the Capitol are times for us to showcase the best of what CareerTech has to offer. Students like the one I met today truly are and they have a right to be proud.


NPOSI Session II

This past week a team of Oklahoma CTE experts attended the second session of the National Programs of Study Institute. This session was held at Tulsa Technology Center and included attendance by an out of state facilitator from the NRCCTE.

Session II was an intense day of reviewing Session I, discussing several challenges and perceived barriers to the full implementation of Rigorous Programs of Study in Oklahoma, discussing the overall goals for the Institute and Oklahoma while setting a timeline for a deliverable.

Also discussed was an exciting project with a research assistant from the NRCCTE. This project will look at Oklahoma's Plan of Study and Career Majors while crosswalking them to the framework for a Rigorous Program of Study.

Session III will be held in conjunction with the National Policy Seminar in Washington DC. The full team will not be attending, but all state teams involved with the Institute will be represented and sharing progress to date. It should be a great session. 


Using Twitter to Promote NTHS

Using Twitter to promote your student activities is a great idea. Tulsa Technology Center recently held its National Technical Honor Society induction and used Twitter to spread the word about the induction and the successes of their students.

How do you use Twitter to promote your student successes?


CTE Social Media Day

CTE Social Media Advocacy Day is February 23rd. Tell your story and let the world know what CTE has done for you. 


Welding Merit Badge

As you look at youth organization there are numerous opportunities for CTE instructors to get engaged with potential students. Beyond the traditional CTSO's, 4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire and more offer opportunities for you to work with youth, introduce them to CTE and encourage them as they think about their educational future

The Boy Scouts of America has recently launched its Welding Merit Badge. It has been a joint project with the American Welding Society and covers everything from safety and first aid to welding plates of beads and learning how to make lap joints.

Teaching the objectives of the Welding Merit Badge can be an individual instructor working in a special class, or it can be a part of a Scouting CareerTech event with multiple classes and both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts earning merit badges and completing interest projects.

What ways have you tied youth organizations with your CTE class?


National Programs of Study Institute Session I

This week, six members of the Programs of Study Workgroup traveled to Louisville to participate in our first session with the National Programs of Study Institute. The Institute was great! The team learned a lot and found a renewed direction for the implementation of Programs of Study in Oklahoma. Working with people from NRCCTE and other states, Oklahoma will be well positioned to implement a high quality plan that will help elevate CTE in Oklahoma. Our next session is in a few weeks and our team will be joined by NRCCTE staff in-state. We can't wait to share what we are doing and we will share some highlights soon!


NTHS Stars of Excellence

Nominations are open for the National Technical Honor Society Stars of Excellence Award.

Who is a Star of Excellence? Past recipients include Senator Josh Breechen, ODCTE Director Phil Berkenbile and National NTHS Board Member Greg Winters.

What makes a Star of Excellence? Contributions and service that the candidate has provided to promote scholarship, career and technology education and most importantly to NTHS.; and leadership to the candidate’s profession, to scholarship, career and technology education and to NTHS at the local, state, and/or national level are the requirements to be considered.

Inductees are not required to be former NTHS members or advisors and nominations may be made by any OkNTHS member, advisor, chapter, or Coordinating Council member. Up to two nominees shall be inducted annually.

Inductees will be recognized at Summer Conference

You can view all past recipients or download the application from the OkNTHS website


Do You Prezi?

Have you heard of Prezi?

According to wikipedia, "Prezi is a cloud-based (SaaS) presentation software and storytelling tool for exploring and sharing ideas upon a virtual canvas. Prezi is distinguished by its Zooming User Interface (ZUI), which enables users to zoom in and out of their presentation media. Prezi allows users to display and navigate through information within a 2.5D space on the Z-axis."

That is a mouthful! My shorter definition is that it is a web based program that make really cool presentations.

This morning I caught one from Meridian Technology Center and thought it might be worth sharing. This one was shown to their Sophomore Showcase, so in the recruitment of students.

I have not presented with Prezi yet, though I have plans to do so. My word of caution, like in Power Point were you can go overboard with cheesy animations and ridiculous fly-ins, choose your transitions careful as your audience might get air sick! 

Do you Prezi?

Happy CTE Month!

Happy CTE Month!

Each year, CTE around the United States celebrates and gets the word out about the great things that career and technical education does for students.

From Agriculture Education and FFA, to local technology centers and Skills Centers, Oklahoma's CareerTech System reaches every part of the state.

We are very proud of the accomplishments of our middle school, high school and adult students. From Governors to owners of mom and pop businesses on your main street, CTE students add to our economy and help build our future.

Happy CTE Month! Share your CTE story in the comments below.


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