
Oklahoma FIRST Regional

The Oklahoma FIRST Robotics Regional is this week!!

Teams all over the US have been preparing to come and battle with robots of their own design and particiapte in Rebound Rumble.

So head on down to the Cox Center in downtown OKC and watch for free. Bring your kids and have some great fun!  The practice starts on Thursday and the competition goes Friday and Saturday. Be sure to wear closed-toe shoes so you can go into the pits.

To get you excited, check out this super cool video from one of the teams who will be competing this week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCJqXsE4w64 or check out oklahomafirst.org for more info


Supplemental Grants

The Carl Perkins Supplemental Grants are now open.

Grants are open from March 15 to June 1. They include Gateway to Technology, High Growth and Emerging Technologies, Summer Bridge, Tech Now, Postsecondary Transitions, Career Guidance and Advisement.

Grant Applications

Reaching Out

The Norman School District recently held Spanish Family Night for students and parents. They had about 160 people attend the event with the hope of eliminating potential barriers to students success.

Parent nights and recruitment events tailored to specific cohorts of students are a great way to interact and build personal relationships with current or potential students. Nights designed for Hispanic students, Native American students, STEM students, Women in Engineering, etc are all potential events that could benefit a technology center in attracting potential students.

What specific recruitment events do you do?


Oklahoma CTE Social Media - Your One Stop Shop!

Have you seen the new CareerTech Social Media page?

It is our attempt to put together the Facebook groups, Twitter accounts, YouTube streams and more of the CareerTech System.

On the page you will find links to social medial for CareerTech, our student organizations, technology centers and more. All in one convenient place!

Check it out. Maybe there are some accounts that you would like to follow that you did not know about? Maybe we did not include one of your accounts that you feel should be included, let us know. We hope that the new page will become the one stop shop for all things Oklahoma CTE related!

We also hope that the new page will serve as an example to others who are doing social media and that they will develop a webpage that encompasses all of their social media in a one-stop shop so that people can get connected with them.

Happy connecting!!



This week we held our third session of the National Programs of Study Institute in Washington DC. The session was held in conjunction with the National Policy Seminar.

It was good to see our fellow facilitators at this facilitator only meeting and to talk about the progress that each state/territory is making with instituting Rigorous Programs of Study.

It was also good to hear of the collaboration beginning to take shape within each. CTE is bringing in departments of education, higher education faculty and instructors, WIB's and others to start the RPOS discussions.

Looking at focus areas, many identified RPOS quality, resources, accountability, buy in (onboarding), terminology and how does CTE help secondary and post-secondary education implement RPOS? The discussion also included much debate on the role of guidance and how does guidance start to align between secondary, CTE and post-secondary, much like we currently align curriculum.

Of the discussion, accountability and buy-in were the two most often repeated themes.

The facilitators also discussed the NPOSI plan more in depth and talked about challenges including time being the biggest obstacle.

As we left, we were challenged to answer the following questions for our state:

What is my state's plan focus?

At the end of the year we want to accomplish what?

To achieve our plan we need to?

By involving groups what opportunities and barriers will be presented?

Taking all above into consideration how will the pilots be designed?

What resources do we need from NRCCTE?

It was a good session with a lot of good discussion. Our next session will be in state with out national facilitator and we hope to have a good deal of progress on our plan, maybe we will even share some of it here! (You know we will.) 


Recruitment and Marketing (125) CareerTech (82) Professional Development (64) Web 2.0 (63) Enrollment Management (41) Presentations (41) College and Career Ready (37) Reading List (34) Cooperative Alliance Program (33) Preparatory Services (24) Rigorous Programs of Study (RPOS) (24) YouTube (24) National Career Pathways Network (21) Summer Conference (20) National Technical Honor Society (18) OkACTE (18) CareerTech Blogs (17) Career Majors (16) .EDU (15) ecards (15) STEM (14) Successful Practices (14) NPOSI (12) NRCCTE (12) Friday Marketing Tip (11) Year Round Recruitment Plan (11) Strategic Purposes (9) Summer Camps (9) Twitter (9) Accountability (8) CTE Month (8) NATPL/NACPL (8) Parental Involvement (8) Social Media Optimization (8) CareerTech History (7) FIRST (7) OAMCTE (7) OkPOSI (7) Economic Development (6) GuidanceFest (6) High School Z (6) Innovation (6) ACTE (5) Carl Perkins (5) Millennial Generation (5) OSRHE (5) QR Codes (5) CTSO (4) Education Technology (4) Career Clusters (3) CareerTech Foundation (3) Green (3) Guest_Post (3) OKPOSS (3) PLN (3) Podcast (3) Scholarships (3) Academic Enhancement (2) Blogs I Read (2) Career Development (2) Career Readiness (2) Maker culture (2) Non-Traditional Fields (2) OSDE (2) Apps I Use (1) CAP Working Groups (1) Career Preparation (1) Career Preparation and Enhancement (1) Curriculum and Assessment Service (1) Customized Training and Consulting (1) Decision Framework (1) Digital Resources (1) Facebook (1) Four Cs (1) Individual Career Plans (1) Infographic (1) Innovation Roundup (1) Major Processes (1) OKYPCT (1) Online Resources (1) Partnerships (1) Postsecondary Transitions (1) Q&A's (1) Quotes and Thoughts (1) Recognition (1) Technology Center (1) Work and Family Studies (1)