2013 is about to wrap up and 2014 is just days away. It has been a busy time at ODCTE, so busy in fact I did not blog in November or December and this year I have posted the least amount in the seven years I have been blogging.
Maybe it is because I am spending more of my blogging time on Twitter (If you don't follow our agency you should, lost of good CTE related content is shared almost everyday at
@okcareertech) or maybe it is because we are all participating in a reorganization of our agency. What ever the excuse I choose to use I am going to make a better effort in 2014 to blog and share with you.
Even though there was not as much content shared this year I am appreciative of you listening. Together we have learned a lot about career and technical education and I hope that some of the content that I have shared has been valuable to you.
I hope you had a great 2013 and that you plan on finishing it strong. Here is to an even better 2014 and I look forward to working together with you to move CTE forward for our students.