
CTE Month 2014

CTE Month has come to an end, how did you celebrate?

On our Twitter account we changed our profile picture and more importantly shared CTE Facts everyday. We tried to share facts  that we thought people might not know. Facts like:

We tried to do it everyday, Monday through Friday, and we almost made it! The important thing is that we added more followers (we are up to 1,645!) and we shared the CTE story to those who might not know about it or know about it very much.

We had the opportunity to re-Tweet some good infomration from our CTE partners and help spread their message as well.

We would love to hear what you did for CTE Month 2014 and can't wait to share the CTE story with you in 2015! Share your story in the comments below.



Innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments and society. The term innovation can be defined as something original and, as consequence, new that "breaks into" the market or society. One usually associates to new phenomena that are important in some way. A definition of the term, in line with these aspects, would be the following: "An innovation is something original, new, and important—in whatever field—that breaks in to (or obtains a foothold in) a market or society".


CTE Month Video

Check out the second place CTE month video


Happy CTE Month!

Every February is National CTE Month. It is a gret opportunity to showcase your students and what CTE has done for them and how it is helping Oklahoma to provide “A job for every Oklahoman and a workforce for every company.”

Our friends at ACTE always provide some great resources for you as well. National CTE Month Resources

Check out the PSA winner below.


Cooperative Alliance Working Groups - Official Charges

Technical Crosswalk Committee – To develop matrices of course equivalencies for technical coursework offered in Cooperative Agreement Programs (CAPs) that do not have approved programmatic assessments, and submit these equivalent courses for review and approval by the institutions and the COI, and to provide this information statewide for student and institutional use.
National Standards, Certifications and EOI Standardization Committee - To identify all assessments associated with Cooperative Alliance Programs (CAPs), evaluate these assessments for use in awarding extra institutional credit, and develop a statewide inventory for students and advisors.
 Credit Hour Evaluation Committee- To develop a consistent process by which student learning and experiences are reviewed to determine the awarding of college credit in compliance with the federal and state definition of a credit hour, and provide this information statewide.
Contract Template Committee- To develop consistent language for institutional use in creating contracts with technology centers for submission to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) for review and approval, and to provide this information statewide.


Recruitment and Marketing (125) CareerTech (82) Professional Development (64) Web 2.0 (63) Enrollment Management (41) Presentations (41) College and Career Ready (37) Reading List (34) Cooperative Alliance Program (33) Preparatory Services (24) Rigorous Programs of Study (RPOS) (24) YouTube (24) National Career Pathways Network (21) Summer Conference (20) National Technical Honor Society (18) OkACTE (18) CareerTech Blogs (17) Career Majors (16) .EDU (15) ecards (15) STEM (14) Successful Practices (14) NPOSI (12) NRCCTE (12) Friday Marketing Tip (11) Year Round Recruitment Plan (11) Strategic Purposes (9) Summer Camps (9) Twitter (9) Accountability (8) CTE Month (8) NATPL/NACPL (8) Parental Involvement (8) Social Media Optimization (8) CareerTech History (7) FIRST (7) OAMCTE (7) OkPOSI (7) Economic Development (6) GuidanceFest (6) High School Z (6) Innovation (6) ACTE (5) Carl Perkins (5) Millennial Generation (5) OSRHE (5) QR Codes (5) CTSO (4) Education Technology (4) Career Clusters (3) CareerTech Foundation (3) Green (3) Guest_Post (3) OKPOSS (3) PLN (3) Podcast (3) Scholarships (3) Academic Enhancement (2) Blogs I Read (2) Career Development (2) Career Readiness (2) Maker culture (2) Non-Traditional Fields (2) OSDE (2) Apps I Use (1) CAP Working Groups (1) Career Preparation (1) Career Preparation and Enhancement (1) Curriculum and Assessment Service (1) Customized Training and Consulting (1) Decision Framework (1) Digital Resources (1) Facebook (1) Four Cs (1) Individual Career Plans (1) Infographic (1) Innovation Roundup (1) Major Processes (1) OKYPCT (1) Online Resources (1) Partnerships (1) Postsecondary Transitions (1) Q&A's (1) Quotes and Thoughts (1) Recognition (1) Technology Center (1) Work and Family Studies (1)