
To .EDU or Not .EDU

It has been a couple of months since we checked technology center websites and tracked the .edu trend. We have been checking since February 2009 to see when, or if, all the technology center websites would transition to a .edu domain.

At that time only four .EDU dominas existed. The largest was the .ORG with 12 followed by .COM with nine, .TEC.OK.US with three and .NET with one. 

Today I am excited to announce that another technology center has joined the list .EDU list!

Tri County Technology Center made the switch from .ORG to tricountytech.edu

With this change we can now announce the retirement of the .ORG domain when it come to technology center websites. We have already retired .NET and the .TEC.OK.US.

Will we retire the .COM domain? Will the last three switch?

Autry: http://www.autrytech.edu
Canadian Valley: http://www.cvtech.edu
Central Tech: http://www.centraltech.edu
Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu
EOC: http://www.eoctech.edu
Francis Tuttle: http://www.francistuttle.edu
Gordon Cooper: http://www.gctech.edu
Great Plains: http://www.greatplains.edu
Green Country: http://www.gctcok.edu
High Plains: http://www.hptc.edu
Kiamichi: http://www.ktc.edu
Meridian: http://meridiantech.edu
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Mid America: http://www.matech.edu
Moore Norman: http://mntc.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Northwest: http://www.nwtech.edu
Pioneer: http://www.pioneertech.edu
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu
Red River: http://rrtc.edu
Southern OK: http://www.sotc.edu
Southwest Tech: http://swtech.edu
Tri County: http://www.tricountytech.edu

Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu
Wes Watkins: http://www.wwtech.edu
Western http://www.westtech.edu/

Caddo Kiowa: http://www.caddokiowa.com
Indian Capitol: http://www.ictctech.com
Mid-Del: http://www.middeltech.com/


Dr Ann Benson - CareerTech's Fourth Director

Dr Benson
Feb. 11, 1999 – Dec. 31, 2002

Dr. Ann Benson

Ann Benson launched her career by teaching home economics in her hometown of Coyle. She served as curriculum specialist and assistant state director of ODCTE before being appointed state director in 1999. She led the initiative for basic skills integration in CareerTech courses to strengthen academic performance.

In her first year as state director, she championed the system’s name change from vocational education to career and technology education to more accurately reflect how career and technology education is delivered. Gov. Frank Keating signed House Bill 2128 on May 19, 2000, renaming the Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education as the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. The governing board was similarly renamed the State Board of Career and Technology Education. Not needing statutory permission, all area vo-tech schools already have substituted the term technology center in their names.

Benson was inducted into the Oklahoma Educators Hall of Fame in 2003 and the CareerTech Hall of Fame in 2005.

ODCTE also received a $2.2 million grant to manage the national career clusters initiative during Benson's tenure.


Dr Roy Peters - CareerTech's Third Director

Dr. Peters
Jan. 1, 1986 – Feb. 10, 1999

Dr. Roy Peters Jr.

Roy Peters was born June 3, 1942, the son of lifelong educators Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peters Sr. After graduation from Alex High School, Peters attended the University of Oklahoma, where he earned a bachelor's degree in business education. He later earned a master's degree in technical education and a doctorate in occupational and adult education from Oklahoma State University.

Peters' contributions to career and technology education began in 1964 at U.S. Grant High School, where he taught and was a coordinator of distributive education and business education. He sponsored DECA and FBLA at the school until leaving in 1971. From 1970 to 1972, Peters taught cooperative vocational education at the University of Central Oklahoma for prospective teachers and administrators around Oklahoma.

From 1971 to 1973, Peters served as adult education specialist for the Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education (now CareerTech). He was responsible for planning, organizing and conducting specialized adult education programs. Peters served as assistant superintendent for instruction at Moore Norman Area Vocational-Technical School from 1973 to 1979 and as superintendent of Canadian Valley Area Vocational Technical School from 1979 to 1984.

Peters continued to climb the career and technology education ladder, serving as associate state director at the state department from 1984 to 1985 and finally taking over as state director in January 1986. In his first year as state director, he oversaw the development of 21 bid assistance centers, which help Oklahoma companies collect $200 million in federal government contracts. During his tenure, the Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education became the ninth largest state agency and served 300,000 students a year.

By the end of Peters' term in February 1999, 1,200 comprehensive high school programs were operating in more than 500 comprehensive high schools in Oklahoma. The system also had 54 technology center campuses.

After leaving the state agency, Peters served as president and chief executive officer of the Oklahoma Alliance for Manufacturing Excellence, a position he held until retirement. He has also stayed involved with the CareerTech System by leading the effort to raise money for the Francis Tuttle Endowed Chair at OSU and serves as chairman of the CareerTech Foundation.

Peters was inducted into the Oklahoma Educators Hall of Fame in 2012. He was inducted to the CareerTech Hall of Fame in 2001.


Dr Francis Tuttle - CareerTech's Second State Director

Dr. Tuttle

Dr. Francis Tuttle - State Director from 1967-1985

The late Francis Tuttle was director of Oklahoma's State Department of Career and Technology Education for almost two decades. He pioneered the way for career and technical education nationwide.

Prior to coming to CareerTech, Tuttle taught vocational agriculture and served as superintendent of schools at Gotebo, Muskogee and Holdenville.

Following his retirement from ODCTE, the governor appointed him director of the Oklahoma Department of Economic Development. He subsequently was appointed secretary of commerce when his agency merged into the Department of Commerce.
Tuttle’s service to education includes consultations for Sweden, Thailand, the Soviet Union and China. He also served as president of the American Vocational Association.

He was one of the first three inductees into the Oklahoma Educators Hall of Fame and received the Henry G. Bennett Distinguished Service Award in 1992.

Tuttle was inducted into the CareerTech Hall of Fame in 1990.

Tuttle's time as state director included several firsts:
  • In his first act as state director (and five years before any federal law required it), he ordered that salaries be equalized at all levels without regard to gender.
  • By a legislative act made effective on July 1, 1968, governance of vocational education transferred from the State Board of Education to the newly established State Board for Vocational and Technical Education. The same statute also established the State Department of Vocational-Technical Education as an independent executive agency.
  • The first Skills Centers offered vocational training classes to inmates under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Corrections.


J.B. Perky - CareerTech's First State Director

Mr Perky
J.B. Perky
State Director - June 6, 1941 – 1967

The late J.B. Perky worked 44 years in vocational education. During this time, he was a vocational agriculture teacher, district supervisor, state supervisor, state adviser of the Future Farmers of America and state director.

Perky was born in Cleburne, Texas, in 1901. He began his career in vocational education in 1923 as a vocational agriculture instructor in El Reno.

In 1941, Perky was appointed state director.

In 1961, he was appointed to President John F. Kennedy’s Panel of Consultants on Vocational Education to review and evaluate vocational education. That work led to the Vocational Education Act of 1963, which greatly increased appropriations.

Perky was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame in 1962. He retired as state director in 1967 and died in 1970.

Perky was inducted to the CareerTech Hall of Fame in 1990.


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