
Tech Prep News and Notes

This morning I read a Blog post talking about how easy it is to tell someone “Happy Birthday.” Not only does it make them feel good, but also now they are thinking about you. What an opportunity to use the PLAN ACT data to communicate to students that your technology center is thinking about them on their birthday! For many you have their name, email and their birthday, why not send them a quick email in the morning, and you might just be recruiting them to your Career Majors in the afternoon.

Scholarship Banquet
Don’t forget about the upcoming 20th Oklahoma Association of Minorities in Career and Technology Education Scholarship Banquet, Friday, February 29th, 6:30pm.

To reserve your seat (s)/table, please contact Khanita Jefferson at 605-4430 or email khanita.jefferson@metrotech.org.

Perkins Act Policy Brief
From Achieve.org, a policy brief on the Perkins Act of 2006

The Knowledge Gap
An article that discusses the challenges of school administration in choosing technology solutions and the importance of the Superintendent understanding technology.


Need Video for Class?
Have you ever been in a classroom and thought what a gret impact I could have on this lesson if I just had some video? In addition to YouTube and TeacherTube, you have a larger arsenal and new sites are popping up:

SciVee is a niche site funded by the National Science Foundation

The Journal of Visualized Experiments
Video journal for online research

Video sharing site for Biology

Visual Scientific Resource


Center for Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education
From Iowa State University, a school administrator resource for technology.

Consortium for School Networking
A resource for those wishing to advance technology in K-12 Learning.


Finding Your Way in a Data Driven World


Tech Prep News and Notes

Career and Technical Education Month kicks off this Friday. CTE Month begins with Annual National Job Shadow Day on Friday, February 1, and will conclude with National Entrepreneurship Week, which will be celebrated February 23-March 1.

Visit the CTE Month Web site for more information: http://www.acteonline.org/ctemonth/index.cfm

Read about the "Web First" Philosophy toay and according to the new Digital Future Report, released January 17, the Internet is perceived by users to be a more important source of information than television, radio, newspapers, and books. A few stats..

85% of online visitors age 17 and older consider the Internet to be an important source of information

41% post photos online

50% visit sites like YouTube or Facebook once a week

22% visit YouTube or Facebook at least once a day

45% was important or very important in helping them maintain social relationships

We have been encouraging technology centers to take advantage of online videos, and especially YouTube and TeacherTube, as an important feature in online communications. If you haven’t seen it, we even have an Alliance video on both. This report shows that 48% of regular Internet users have been to a video site. Daily traffic to sites like this has doubled in just about a year and it is expected to grow.

Find the full report at www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/232/report_display.asp

"Email 2008: Top 10 Research Findings and Practical Ways to Increase Email Performance" at www.marketingsherpa.com/article.php?ident=30249

According to USA Today, viewers will see user generated content (UGC) from Doritos, Canon, KFC, Upper Deck and maybe more.

Details of some of the contests advertisers used to generate the content are at

What a great opportunity for students within Marketing Career Majors or Communications Career Majors to create advertising for your technology center and specific career majors to be shown at recruitment fairs.

Great ideas can come from all around us and many program elements can be infused into our delivery. Here are a few examples from the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents. You will need to register and it is free.

Rural After-School Programs: Meeting the Needs of At-Risk Youth and Their Families
Developmentally-Responsive Relationships During After School

Addressing the Needs of Children of Offenders: The 4-H LIFE Model

Are you or your students working on presentations and need quality images that are available in the public domain? There are several options that you can use in the classroom or in your presentations.

Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Morgue File: http://www.morguefile.com/
YotoPhoto: http://yotophoto.com/
National Biological Information Infrastructure: http://images.nbii.gov/

These are mostly free though you should always check the individual photographs copyright information.


“The community-college movement in the United States has been one of the most creative, productive and generally successful education initiatives anywhere on the planet,” according to a recent Chronicle Review. To support this statement, the author points to the accessibility of community colleges and their ability to educate non-traditional students. Community colleges, as the author suggests, might be the resource that America needs to retrain the existing workforce as baby boomers retire.

The Donald W. Reynolds Governor's Cup isa statewide business plan competition for college students. The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students, and cash prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. Encourage your former students to particiapte.

For more information and to apply to compete by March 7, visit www.okgovernorscup.org.


The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) recently announced the availability of $10 million in grants to train workers for careers in energy, construction and the skilled trades. A webinar for prospective applicants will be held on February 1, 2008 and grant applications are due March 25, 2008.

See http://www.doleta.gov/usworkforce/whatsnew/eta_default.cfm?id=1799


High School/High Tech Program Manual
From the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth provides a foundation for developing partnerships to help young people with disabilities prepare for jobs in technology related occupations. High School/High Tech is a national network of state and locally operated programs designed to provide young people with all types of disabilities the opportunity to explore jobs or further education leading to technology-related careers.


A listing of Google resources and testimony from instructors of how they have integrated the technology into their classrooms.

From Microsoft, a worldwide resource of innovation in the teaching profession.

We talk about how to use Web 2.0 technologies for recruitment and communication, but how ca Blogs, social networks, wikis and online learning communities be used in the classroom? Students can publish class portfolios on blogs or social-networking sites and brainstorm or share ideas via wikis or school-based learning communities. http://www.redorbit.com/news/education/1233658/social_technology_as_a_new_medium_in_the_classroom/

Construction industry has plans to improve image

by: ANGEL RIGGS World Capitol Bureau on 1/18/2008 12:00 AM

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma construction industry leaders on Thursday announced an initiative aimed at attracting more workers and beefing up the industry's long-neglected image.

"We haven't put together a stated career path for young people that says construction is a viable career," Dick Anderson, executive vice president of the Associated General Contractors of Oklahoma, told members of the CareerTech board at their regular monthly meeting.

"We've done a poor job of selling our industry."

Despite a booming construction market in Oklahoma, contractors are having a hard time filling jobs, Anderson said.

"We don't have the people we need to do this, and as a re sult, you see rising construction costs," he said.

In an effort to attract more workers, the association hopes to work with CareerTech to place an emphasis on the highlights and benefits of construction jobs.

"Most counselors in the school system look upon construction as the career choice of last resort," he said. "But it's not a bad living."

A strategic plan, the associa tion's first formal effort to change perceptions about the industry, is scheduled to be released next week.

The industry has not made a commitment, as it should, to help CareerTech attract students to construction jobs, said Brent Dostal, president of Cantera Concrete Co., which has offices in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Bentonville, Ark.

"We want to train employees and give them every op portunity to grow," he said, adding that his company offers benefits including health insurance and 401K plans.

"We're going to put our money where our mouth is," he said. "I am going to stand up here today and say 'I want to help you.' "

The Department of Career and Technology Education, also known as CareerTech, operates technology and skills centers statewide.

"They're right on," said CareerTech Director Phil Berkenbile. "This is not just about construction but about all skilled professions."

A start is getting the message to students that "these are viable trades and they can make good wages," he said.

They're careers for skilled professionals, he said, adding that many of the jobs are also much different from years ago.

For example, students learning to work on automobiles today must also know about electronics, as cars now have about 24 computers on them.

"We've got to be proactive with high school counselors," Berkenbile said. "We need people in front of (students) saying, 'These are careers, not jobs.' "

Angel Riggs (405) 528-2465
Copyright © 2008, World Publishing Co. All rights reserved


Jim Brazell and TechInnovation 08

If you did not get a chance to attend the TechInnovation Conference for 2008, I thought I would share a few notes and links from Jim Brazell’s keynote address.

If you would like to see some of the presentations from the conference, you can check them out at http://www.okcareertech.org/iis/secondcurrshowpresentations.htm

Texas State Technical College's Emerging Technologies
This website seeks to identify emerging technology trends, evaluates potential workforce implications and recommends new courses and programs for two-year colleges in Texas. http://system.tstc.edu/forecasting/

Get There Texas
Currently in development, Get There Texas is a web-based system addressing workforce development needs in Texas by connections among students, educators, and employers

IC2 Institute
As an interdisciplinary research unit of The University of Texas at Austin, mentioned as a partner of the Get Their There Texas initiative.

Serious Game Initiative
The Serious Games Initiative is focused on uses for games in exploring management and leadership challenges facing the public sector with projects involving the use of games in education, training, health, and public policy.

Mentioned as the next evolution of computer aided drafting, but in 3-D. Educational discounts may be available.

Career and Technology Association of Texas

Digital Media Collaboratory
The DMC conducts technology research for multidisciplinary projects in video games, modeling & simulation, machine learning, and training applications, to create products that have impact for games, industry, and government.

Enspire Learning

Digital Convergence Initiative

SouthWest Research Institute

Elevating Careers

The next image to come from the Elevating Oklahoma campaign.

To find out more visit Elevating Oklahoma


Know Can Do

We all are bombarded with knowledge. Maybe it is from the latest book that you have read? Maybe you learned something at yesterdays TechInnovation Conference? But how do you turn that learning into something useful and close the learning-doing gap?

Know Can Do, Put Your Know-How Into Action, attempts to reveal the missing link. The result? A winning formula consisting of repetition, repetition, repetition!

Know Can Do reveals the three levels of change happen as you bridge the gap and explains what happens and how you can work to make the changes part of your learning process.

  1. Knowledge - A gathering of information from various sources. The easiest level of change
  2. Attitudinal Change - An emotionally charged bit of knowledge and the development of a positive filtering system.
  3. Behavioral Change - The most difficult level of change. You need a follow up plan that helps you put the knowledge into action and close the learning-doing gap.
If you have the chance to read the book, it has some good insight and maybe will help you close the learning-doing gap.

You can learn more about Know Can Do at the official website of the author, Ken Blanchard.


NCPN Call For Presentations

Have you thought about what you are going to present at the 2008 National Career Pathways Network Conference? The official form is now online. Presentations will be given priority that include elements of the professional development criteria for the Carl Perking legislation including the integration of coherent and rigorous academic standards and career and technical education curricula including joint development

See all the information that you need at http://www.cordonline.net/NCPN/presenter/

Submission Deadline is March 21

If you want to see the presentations from last year you can check out the 2007 Conference Page

Tech Prep News


Garrett Outlines Legislative Funding Request

Dallas ISD to Unveil Career Academy Model

Task Force Needs One More Meeting

Oklahoma Teacher Preparation Commission


SB 2020 - Oklahoma’s Second Century Promise


Leadership CareerTech

Leadership CareerTech is a wonderful opportunity for anyone in the CareerTech system. The Class of 2008 just completed their first session and we consist of participants from all over CareerTech. The class consists of 4 state dept employees and 14 technology center employees including an Industrial Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Assistant Director, Evening Supervisor, Director of Full-Time Programs, Media Coordinator, Instructors, and a Financial Aid officer. LCT is operated through the Instructional Services Division of ODCTE. Leadership CareerTech consist of four parts; three meetings and a shadowing experience.

Session one was held at the state department of CareerTech. Our day consisted of program introductions from Val Evans and Lynn Hawkins with the Instructional Services Division, and a welcome from Dr. Phil Berkenbile, CareerTech Director. The Class of 2008 took a tour of the Oklahoma Horizon studio and heard the history of CareerTech from Tom Freidman, Assistant Superintendent at Francis Tuttle Technology Center. Rhett Laubach, past CareerTech Student Organization (FFA) state President from YourNextSpeaker lead the team through leadership and team building exercises to help us all get to know each other. Matt Hubbard spoke to the group about the CareerTech Learning Network and Steve Tiger, State Coordinator of the Technology Center Services Division, gave an overview of ODCTE’s role in the state system. The day was wrapped up with a presentation of MSNBC’s Winners Circle video about CareerTech.

Leadership CareerTech is off to a great start and session two promises to be even more insightful. We will be taking a “Bus Tour” and stopping at a technology center, a skill center and a comprehensive high school. Session three will be held at the state capitol and the shadowing experience is shaping up to be awesome!!

If you have not participated in Leadership CareerTech you should strongly consider applying for the next class. Wath the Instructional Services Division website for information and I will let you know about session two in March.

Tech Prep News

Flickr and CareerTech
Have you thought about putting images of your technology center on Flickr? Flickr is a photo sharing website that is searchable. If you believe that it has no educational value, check out The Library of Congress’s Flickr page for 3,100 images from 2 sets. As an instructor, you could work with students to make presentations more visibly appealing or even host a contest to see what student can put the best photo of your technology center on Flickr.

Board of Ed Approves School Year Extension

State Regents Request 11% Increase

Education Agencies Inform State Panel of Budget Request

CareerTech Request $1.2 million for Youthful Offender Program

Kansas Teacher Shortage Crisis on Horizon
How will a teacher shortage in Kansas effect Oklahoma?

Oklahoma City Southeast Academy of Manufacturing (SAM)
The State Youth Council's Project MOVES (Manufacturing for Oklahoma's Vital Economic Sustainability) has received a federal grant that enables the implementation of initiatives aimed at increasing students' awareness of the growing opportunities in the advanced manufacturing field. One such initiative, the SAM project, allows Oklahoma City Public Schools to expose youth to intricate advanced manufacturing processes so that students are prepared to enter the workforce or continue their post secondary advanced manufacturing education. Through extensive curriculum and supportive services, SAM serves approximately 600 youth, ages 14-18, culminating in field trips and internships with area advanced manufacturing employers.

For more information, contact Jeane Burruss at Jeane_Burruss@okcommerce.gov

KeyTrain Users' Group Meeting
The third annual KeyTrain Users' Group meetings are February 7 at Tulsa Technology Center Riverside Campus, 801 East 91 in Jenks and February 8 at Metro Technology Center, Springlake Campus, 1900 Springlake Drive in Oklahoma City. To register for these meetings, please call 877-842-6205 (toll free) or email your information to jill@keytrain.com Provide your name, organization, phone number, email address and session date. There is no fee to attend these meetings.


Cash Awards and the AP Test
A Cornell University professor studied the impact on using incentives for taking the AP test.


Texas Youth in Technology
The state of Texas recently awarded grants aimed at increasing interest in and encourage careers in computer science and engineering. Learn about the 9 grants and how they are being aimed at students in secondary schools.

The grants were done in part with the Texas Engineering and Technical Consortium (http://tetc.engr.smu.edu/)


UNESCO Report Calls for Ed Tech Training
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization released a repot detailing standards and warns that if teachers around the world do not take part in more professional-development training in information and communication technologies, or ICT, they will continue to lack the skills necessary to integrate technology into the classroom and improve student learning.

CASMEO began as a project funded by the Exxon Education Foundation through the Mathematical Sciences Education Board in December 1990. To take advantage of some of their resources, visit them online at : http://www.casmeo.org/

(Some links are broken)

US Dept of Education

At the US Dept of Ed they have some various recourses targeted toward improving student performance.

The Teacher Center
The Teacher Center has a few professional development resources listed from various states.

SREB has a page devoted to the Educational Technology Cooperative.


Breaking Traditions Award

Do you have advisors who have outstanding nontraditional students or instructors/staff to nominate for the "Breaking Traditions Award Program" nominations are requested now.

The web site for forms and information: http://www.okcareertech.org/guidance/Equity/award.htm

The due date for the applications is February 8, 2008.

Please encourage CT students/staff/instructors to apply or nominate candidates for the award program. The awards are presented in the spring at the respective student organization conference and for the adults nominated they will receive recognition at ACTE Conference in December 2008.

For more information contact Fern Bowling: fbern@okcareertech.org

(The definition for nontraditional student/staff/instructors is individuals from one gender who comprise less than 25 percent of the individuals employed (or enrolled members in a CareerTech student organization) in each such occupation or field of work or educational program)


Tech Prep News

Using Texting in Classroom
Some teachers are embracing new technologies and using them in the classroom.

Outdoor Classrooms
An Outdoor Classroom can be an excellent recruitment tool for a technology center. By hosting events centered around conservation on your campus, working with a local Conservation District and getting back to nature, you can create positive experiences that students will remember. What about working with your sending schools to host an Outdoor Classroom event? Here is what happened when one classroom went “Outdoors!”

Preparatory Services

More Proof US Students Lag in Science and Math Literacy
Students in the U.S. perform below average in science and math literacy. This according to a new report, Performance of U.S. 15-Year-Old Students on Science and Mathematics Literacy in an International Context, by the National Center for Education Statistics. The report reveals that the average score for U.S. students in science was lower than the average for 56 countries. The U.S. average score in mathematics was also lower. See the report at

OK Commerce
Commerce has issued a RFP is aimed at the creation of sustainable Regional Skills Partnerships and implementation of a workforce solutions strategy at the regional level to address employer and workforce needs.

The Tech Prep Brand Image

What does the Tech Prep brand image mean to you? A quick Google search produces this image from Alaska Tech Prep. Is this the brand image that you are creating and is it reflective of what Oklahoma is doing with Tech Prep dollars?

The Tech Prep brand image is every person’s interaction with Tech Prep that creates an impression. As you put together marketing pieces and build your website, pay attention to the brand image that you are creating. Does it reflect High-Skill, High-Wage and High-Demand careers? Do the jobs require an associates or bachelors degree? Do your potential students understand what you are trying to say?

The OK Tech Prep website features a nurse, chemist and business people, what image are you selling?


The ACTE report on Oklahoma’s CTE

Report: N.Y. offers best schools, D.C. worst
New York schools are the best in the U.S., followed closely by Massachusetts and Maryland, while the D.C. school system ranks as the country's worst, and was one of six systems nationwide to earn a D-plus in Education Week's 2008 Quality Counts report. The report's grading system weighs various factors such as student-achievement, state standards and school finance.

6 page report on the increasing use of YouTube

Colleges Turn to Web Tools in Hunt for '08 Freshmen

Using Web 2.0
Looking for a great way to put Web 2.0 all together. Check out Colby College’s Admission Website

Be a Video All Star
A video competition for K-12 students

United Linen-CareerTech Champion
United Linen put a nice post about CareerTech on their website about them being named a CareerTech Champion-Thanks United Linen

OKACTE Award Deadlines
Remember, if you want to nominate someone for an OKACTE award, the deadline is getting closer
www.okacte.org under About Us/Awards Program

Facebook photos get 100 high school students in trouble
Students need to be aware of what they are putting on Facebook, and this article provides some insight into why.

National Women’s Law Center Programs and Practices That Work
Deadline for awards for gender equity is January 25

Career Majors

Welcome to the Web (TA921408)
Did you know that CIMC has published the 5th edition of Welcome to the Web? The handy book is broken down by Occupational Areas with Internet Web sites to be used in the classroom. Activities in the back of the booklet can be copied and used for assignment activities. Sold in packages of 10. You can order copies for your instructors and friends for only $10 at www.okcimc.com

Preparatory Services

2008 NAEP Testing
The 2008 NAEP testing website: http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/

Teacher Tactics Help Eighth-Graders Master Advanced Math
Although 55% of the students at Provo, Utah-based Dixon Middle School qualify for free or reduced-rate lunch, students in the school's eighth-grade geometry classes have been performing above the state average on the Criterion Referenced Tests since 2004. The school attributes the success to various teaching techniques, including requiring students to take lecture notes in math classes and administering review tests.

Kids Plus Math Clubs Equals Confidence
Some students in Bob Fischer's math club at Honey Creek Middle School in Terre Haute, Ind., show up as early as 6:30 a.m. to work on problems before the school day starts.That may not add up, considering the math fears that many students harbor. But educators say a new program provided by a math organization is breeding success that leaves students eager to take on more math challenges.

Opinion: U.S. Not Making Progress in STEM Education
(From CareerTech Update, 1/2/08)Gordon R. Ultsch, Ph.D., a high school and college teacher of more than 30 years, writes that the realization that the U.S. is falling behind other countries in the teaching and learning of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects makes the news, but is followed with little progress. Ultsch pointed out that there are two reasons in particular for why the root causes of our lag in STEM teaching have not been addressed: first, teachers are not required to hold advanced degrees in the areas for which they were hired; and second, teachers' unions that foster and reward mediocrity and insist that everyone be treated the same, regardless of merit.

Girls Narrowing Achievement Gaps in Math and Science
(From CareerTech Update, 1/2/08)More girls and women are getting involved—and succeeding—in math and science than ever before. Yet persistent gaps between girls and boys in math and science standardized test scores remain, as well as gaps, advocates say, in professional opportunities. The gaps are narrowing, though, in part because of girls' increasing involvement in math and science classes. According to Long Island Newsday, there is a growing participation by girls in a number of science programs. http://www.newsday.com/news/local/ny-ligirls1231,0,2682247.story

OK High Schools That Work Newsletter

Incarcerated Teens Apprenticeship Program http://www.sacbee.com/101/story/625213.html

Professional Development

Digital Teacher Workshops for Teachers of Native American StudentsThe U.S. Department of Education's Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative, in collaboration with the Office of Indian Education, has launched a new Web site for teachers of Native American students. The Web site consists of workshops designed to provide professional development opportunities for teachers of Native American students in all grade levels and content areas. The workshops support mastery of academic content and application by modeling strong teaching methods that have been successful in the classroom and providing a classroom application component and additional resources.http://www.t2tweb.us/NativeAmerican/home.asp


Mapping Oklahoma’s Educational Progress
A new report from the Dept of Education http://www.ed.gov/nclb/accountability/results/progress/oklahoma.pdf


CareerTech Champions

During the next few months, more than 60 new success stories will be coming your way. These CareerTech Champions join many others who illustrate the potential and power that comes from a foundation built by combining educational opportunities with life's experience.

In Issue One
  • Ashley Fritts, an artistic high school junior who turned a love for drawing into a career in drafting.
  • Christopher Nelson used his skills to become owner of a photography and design business.
  • Donovan Tate uses his culinary and military experiences to land a top chef's job.
  • United Linen and Uniform Rental, a family-owned business utilizing training for its employees.
  • Tia O’Neal became aware of the opportunities in the health field and now plans to become a teacher.
  • Alan Whipple received assistance opening his successful heating and air conditioning business.

Read about these CareerTech Champion at this link: http://www.okcareertech.org/champions/Issue1.htm
We need your help to reach people who might benefit from knowing more about the great things CareerTech education does for the people and businesses of Oklahoma!

Please forward this link to your business partners and associates, legislators, civic groups, friends, family and anyone else who is interested in elevating Oklahoma’s economy.

Do you know someone who is a CareerTech Champion? Tell us about them.


Redlands Community College Tech Prep Coordinator

If you know someone who might be interested in the position, please pass this along.

Coordinator of Cooperative and Off-Campus Programs- Full-time position.
The core responsibilities of the coordinator are to develop, implement and maintain the operation of specialized programs that are developed through cooperative partnerships with area technology centers and implement and maintain the operation of all off-campus credit programs for the institution. This is a twelve month full-time salaried position with excellent benefits. The position is partially funded through Carl Perkins grant funding. The coordinator has delegated authority and responsibilities. In the course of these duties, the coordinator will maintain good working relationships with other departments/agencies to support a positive collegiate experience for our students. Bachelor’s degree required, Master’s degree preferred in higher education administration, counseling or related field. This position reports directly to the Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development. Minimum of three years relevant experience preferred. Applicant must be proficient in the use of Windows Outlook and Microsoft Office programs and be self motivated. To apply, submit a letter of application, resume, copies of college transcripts and three names, addresses and telephone numbers of references. Application review will begin January 14, 2008 and continue until the position is filled.


Tech Prep News

News, Recruitment, Marketing, and Information

2 Million Minutes
Robin mentioned this video yesterday and here is the trailer


…and of course they have a blog: http://www.2mm.typepad.com/

Using Digg to drive users to your website: http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article.php?ident=30279

Using YouTube as an Educational Medium


Using flicker to highlight your campus


Turning to Web 2.0 for Recruitment


Education News from the State Capitol

FCCLA Feeds the Children

Workforce Council Unveils 2008 Goals

Some news items referring to the gaining popularity of holiday emails.

E-Greetings Gain Ground at Businesses This Season


The Alliance for Science and Technology Research in America (ASTRA) released a plan to strengthen America’s global competitiveness by increasing funds for scientific research. The plan’s fourteen recommendations fall into three broad categories: increasing funding for Federal R&D, especially in leading edge sectors like nanotechnology, biotechnology, and high-performance computing; improving the quality of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at all levels of the educational system; and creating a business environment that supports innovation and competitiveness. See the report, Riding the Rising Tide: A 21st Century Strategy for US Competitiveness and Prosperity at http://www.usinnovation.org/pdf/ASTRARisingTide121107.pdf

High-tech businesses and industries are popping up in more and more rural towns, bringing jobs and boosting the economies of these areas. The success of these ventures challenges traditional economic development approaches that focus on public incentives and large industrial parks. The experiences of entrepreneurs residing in small towns in Georgia and North Carolina, among others, are included.

Read the article at http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1218/p03s01-ussc.html

Preparatory Services

· Missouri Dept of Education Career Guidance Digest
A source of information about guidance from the state of Missouri

· Schools Unfazed in 2007
A www.newsok.com article on the impact of legislation and the Hispanic population in Oklahoma high schools

· "Texas Virtual Academy Lets Kids Attend Public School Online"
About 550 students have enrolled in the Texas Virtual Academy as part of the state's electronic course program. Companies have signed lucrative deals with states and districts to offer curriculum and technology services. Online education lets students work at their own speeds, but monitoring student attendance and performance can be challenging when students don't see their teachers every day. See ECS' Virtual High Schools database.

Professional Development

“If you wouldn’t say it in person, why say it online? Delete cyberbullying. Don’t write it. Don’t forward it.” This is the message of the National Crime Prevention Council’s ad campaign to prevent cyberbullying. Audio/visual messages show teens publicly insulting peers in ways that would seem absurd in person, such as at a school assembly, or in the kitchen with friends. See a current campaign clip at http://www.ncpc.org/newsroom/current-campaigns/cyberbullying/

While most bullying prevention is school based, community groups, state and local public health, and law enforcement among others can use the PSAs, banners, and awareness-raising materials to mount their own campaigns, reinforce school-based prevention, and complement HRSA’s Stop Bullying Now! Campaign. The complete supplement to the Journal of Adolescent Health, as well as links to the HRSA program, Stop Bullying Now!, and a CDC pod cast on electronic aggression can be found at

· For more information on how policy has influenced teacher quality, view the ETS report, Teacher Quality in a Changing Policy Landscape at http://www.ets.org/Media/Education_Topics/pdf/TQ_full_report.pdf


· Census Data and Using It Effectively


OAMCTE Scholarship Banquet

The Oklahoma Association of Minorities in Career and Technical Education is currently celebrating “20 Years of Building Bridges to Higher Education.” As a part of that celebration they will be hosting their annual Scholarship banquet on February 29th at Metro Technology Center’s Springlake Campus. The cost for the evening is $25 and dress is semi-formal. The festivities begin at 6:30 pm. You can contact Cynthia Vick for tickets.

Leveraging Technology for Increased Enrollment

Now you can read the Connections article made avaliable by our friends at NCPN.

Leveraging Technology for Increased Enrollment


Cooperative Alliance Workshop

The State Regents are hosting a Cooperative Alliance Workshop on February 20 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the building of the State Regents.

Register Online

The agenda will include remarks from Chancellor Glen Johnson and State Director Phil Berkenbile, policy/practice questions and answers, sessions showing what is happening at various sites, and examples of informational materials.

Please consider presenting a program during one of the concurrent sessions. To present what you are doing with marketing, collaborating, student services, admissions, advising, planning, and data sharing complete the Call for Proposals. Also, bring copies of materials that you have found to be effective. Feel free to contact myself or Debra Stuart if you have any questions.


WOW!! Today I received my copy of the National Career Pathways Network newsletter, Connections, and on page 7 received a nice surprise. An article I submitted about Leveraging Technology for Increased Enrollment was published.

I would like to thank David Bonds and the group at Connections for the newsletter and for publishing the article. I hope that it helps a few people become more interested in Web 2.0 and maybe inspire a few to use it in the classroom.

If you would like to see what the hubbub is all about, you can view the presentation over Leveraging Technology.

If you are visiting because of the article, don’t forget to sign up for the feed. Lots of information about Tech Prep, technology and the like will be delivered straight to your reader via the power of the internet.


Tech Prep News

OK-10 Universities to Study Poverty

States Aerospace Industry in Dire Need of New Talent
Aerospace is in a tenuous state: Oklahoma’s work force is expected to come up short in key employment positions soon in the face of a major skills shift, but with just a little more effort Oklahoma’s aerospace sector could truly soar, industry experts said. “If you speak with aerospace industry leaders, they already have more work to do today than they have people to do it. We have a huge amount of potential to exploit in the industry here,” said Robert Conner, former director of the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center at Tinker Air Force Base and now executive in residence at Oklahoma State University’s Center for Innovation and Economic Development.
Journal Record subscription required to
read complete article

Career Majors

· Wanted, An Educated Workforce

Preparatory Services

· Career Builders Top Jobs for Now to 2016
Job Growth

· Dropout SummitStudents to Help Keep Their Peers in School

· Here are some recommended websites from our Career and Academic Connections office

o American School Counselor Association: www.schoolcounselor.org

o National Career Development Association (NCDA): www.ncda.org


· Data Use Website
The University of Texas has a data use website dedicated to improving education through the use of data.
UT Data use Website


Tech Prep News

Did you attend a presentation at the National Career Pathways Network conference and wish that you had that information at your fingertips to share? Now you can!! The CORD website has all the presentations from the conference.
Technical Colleges Focus on Fundraising

College Transition

· The Internet Goes to College

· Online course offerings increase in Oklahoma

· Some Universities Starting Their Own K-12 Schools

· SREB Higher Education Data
See where Oklahoma ranks among the other SREB states when comparing higher education data.

Career Majors

· MIT’s Highlights for High School
Videos, animations, audio clips, lecture notes, assignments and lessons in the STEM cluster. Materials are designed to improve instruction at the high school level and are aligned to AP courses.

Professional Development

· PBS’s TeacherLine
A professional development website for educators PreK-12 brought to you by PBS.

· State Dept of Ed
The State Dept of Education has its own Teacher Professional Development page with online learning in several areas.

· State Regents
The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education list many opportunities for Teacher Professional Development

· Texas Education Agency
The TEA has a nice site with information on numerous topics for Teacher Professional Development

Online Email List

Tri County Technology Center has a great example of getting interactive with your audience. Through the use of their online mailing list you have the opportunity to sign up for information about adult and high school programs, short term, employment, computer training, customized training, safety training, self enrichment and special events.

What a great way to keep students informed about upcoming deadlines and keeping taxpayers informed about how their dollars are being spent!


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