
CareerTech Feed

We are proud to announce a new feed to the CareerTech family.

The Communications and Marketing group has added a new feed that will send you all the latest CareerTech news!!

You can find the RSS feed here

Please share the feed with friends and family. The more people know about the feed, the better people will be informed about what is happening with the CareerTech System.

Saving Energy

In a just released article from the O’ Colly, President Burns Hargis is quoted as saying Oklahoma State University has saved about $1.4 million dollars in energy cost.

What are you doing at your technology center to save energy? As budgets get tighter, and energy cost rise, we all need to do a little something to help save.

It could be turning off a light, setting your computer to turn off automatically or other simple actions. I am going to start video conferencing more and using webinars to communicate with people. Just by me not driving to OKC, we save fuel cost to the state department, not to mention the 25-50 people driving in from all over the state saving precious tax dollars that can be used to help raise student achievement.

Little changes in behavior multiplied across the CareerTech System, imagine the possibilities!!

How will you do your part?


2 Million Minutes on OK Horizon

OK Horizon recently showcased the movie 2 Million Minutes. Watch the videos from this weeks telecast.

A National Accountable

In 1983, the report A Nation at Risk was released. Fast forward 28 years and the Department of Education has released a new report.

Over the next several months, Secretary Spellings will pose various questions on the Department’s website related to the state of education in the U.S. in an effort to spur ideas, discussion, debate and, ultimately, action to better serve America’s students.” To begin the dialogue, the Secretary released an issue paper entitled A Nation Accountable, which examines America’s response to the warnings of the 1983 national report on education, A Nation at Risk.

Weigh in on the Conversation

Download the complete A Nation Accountable PDF

Download the complate A Nation at Risk PDF


Del.icio.us & CareerTech

I know that numerous times I will go through the web and find article, or be sent an article, that I would like to share with others.

Through the grant process I have been posting those articles about Career Majors, Accountability, Preparatory Services and Professional Development here to the Blog, now I think I have found something better!!

I am trying out del.icio.us as a way to easily do that. I have started an entry for okcareertech in an effort to gather articles about the CareerTech System, Tech Prep and the Alliances to share with others. The really neat thing about del.icio.us and social book marking, you can automatically have it feed to your Blog!!

I don't know that much about it yet, but hope that as I learn it will prove beneficial for helping to educate others about the value of the CareerTech system. Maybe you can join to and we can watch each others bookmarks to help educate others.

Visit the CareerTech del.icio.us account here: http://del.icio.us/okcareertech


Flickr and CTE

Have you seen the University of New Mexico’s Flickr site? A link on their homepage leads you to their Flickr page where students, friends and alumni upload their favorite images of UNM.

There is a CareerTech Flickr account for pictures as I remember to bring my camera along on variouse trips and to meetings. I can’t wait to see a tech center incorporate Flickr into their marketing and recruitment mix. Maybe one can even let their students submit pictures for a chance at fame!!

Granting Process

The time for Tech Prep Grants to be submitted has passed. I am excited to see what the Consortiums have included in their applications for the upcoming year. Innovation, High-Skill, High-Wage and High-Demand careers and college credit are just some of the many areas that we will focus our efforts on.

Over the past couple of months the Blog has turned into a resource for the grant writing process. Now it is time to get back to original thought about the world around us and hopefully linking those thoughts to use in CTE. If you liked the links, don't worry, I am sure that some will still make it in.

Whatever the case may be, turning the ordinary into something that can be used in Career and Technology Education will be the challenge and hopefully we will have some fun along the way.

I think that some exciting times are ahead for Oklahoma through Tech Prep and the Cooperative Alliances, and I hope that you enjoy reading about them.


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