I know that numerous times I will go through the web and find article, or be sent an article, that I would like to share with others.
Through the grant process I have been posting those articles about Career Majors, Accountability, Preparatory Services and Professional Development here to the Blog, now I think I have found something better!!
I am trying out del.icio.us as a way to easily do that. I have started an entry for okcareertech in an effort to gather articles about the CareerTech System, Tech Prep and the Alliances to share with others. The really neat thing about del.icio.us and social book marking, you can automatically have it feed to your Blog!!
I don't know that much about it yet, but hope that as I learn it will prove beneficial for helping to educate others about the value of the CareerTech system. Maybe you can join to and we can watch each others bookmarks to help educate others.
Visit the CareerTech del.icio.us account here: http://del.icio.us/okcareertech
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