
New Year Email

Quick, it is not to late to send a New Years message to those students that you are recruiting.

Just send them a quick email and let them know that you are thinking about them and that you are there to help them make the important decisions that they need to make on their educational journey.

Let them know about the program that you have that they are interested in and that you can help them get to the college or career of their choice. Let them know that they are important!

Not enough time to send it out today or tomorrow? Start planning for the next email message you should be sending-Valentines.

Top 5 Post of 2009

Happy New Year!!

2009 is over and tomorrow morning 2010 will be here.

We have shared a lot through the Blog this year and I thought I would share the top 5 post of 2009.

Epsteins Six Types of Involvement

Holiday Ecards 2009

2009 Careertech Summer Camps

2009 OAMCTE Leadership Conference

Dr Ken Gray, Making the Case for CTE

What was your favorite post?


Year Round Recruitment Planning

When was the last time that you reviewed your Year Round Recruitment Plan this year?

Now that there are a few days in between semesters, you have an excellent opportunity to review your plan. Look back at what has worked and what has not worked well. Look forward to what you need to do the next semester and figure out what is needed to make it successful.

By periodically reviewing your plan you are preparing yourself to have a successful recruitment year.

Still do not have a Year Round Recruitment Plan? Don't worry, it is not to late to do so. Check out some of our ideas to implement throughout the year. If you need help, let us know and we will be happy to get you started.

Already have your Year Round Recruitment Plan in place? Have you thought about taking the next step to Enrollment Management?



What is the first thing that you see when you turn on your computer? Ok, so after you log in and put in your super secret password? Your wall paper. Maybe it is your kids staring back at you in their favorite outfit or them looking sheepish because you caught them throwing Cheerios around the living room and snapped a picture. Maybe it is an inspirational quote or a picture of a favorite vacation destination.

What do the computers have in your computer lab? Are they provided with the operating system or have you developed wall paper that is specific to your institution?

There are a lot of different ways that you could go with desktop wallpaper. Maybe it is one with a holiday message? Maybe one with important events

Here are some galleries as examples

OSU Homecoming

Do you have some favorite wall paper galleries for inspiration?


Holiday ECards II

I started the list for 2009 and here are a few more that I came across this morning. I hope that you enjoy and are inspired to start your own tradition of sending Holiday Cards.

Iowa State University: http://www.las.iastate.edu/holidaycard/2009/

Central Methodist University: http://www.centralmethodist.edu/indexflash/christmas09.swf

Eckerd College: http://www.eckerd.edu/holiday/09/admission/

University at Albany: http://www.albany.edu/holidaycard/?WT.mc_id=holiday_home1209?WT.svl=image


Holiday ECards 2009

The Holiday Ecards for 2009 are making their way around. This Friday I thought I would share what I have found. Which ones have you seen?

University of Maryland: http://holidaygreeting.umd.edu/2009/

Ashland University 2009: http://ecard.ashland.edu/index.php?ecardYear=2009

Here is the first card that I saw and got me interested in finding more:
Ashland University: http://ecard.ashland.edu/index.php?ecardYear=2004adm

Here is Ashland's gallery of Christmas Cards: http://ecard.ashland.edu/gallery.php

A few from

A few from Google

And a few you can send to your friends
Northwestern OSU
Univesity of Florida
Georgia Southern


Holidays on the Web

As a bonus marketing idea this week, what is on the front of your welcome page? Some Web sites change with the seasons and put a little holly in the corner or an ornament as the first picture that comes up during this time.

OSU is wishing everyone a very Orange Christmas this year.

Changing the layout or interchanging graphics during the holidays is one way that you can make subtle changes to your Web site throughout the year.

Maybe a picture of a snowman during the winter, a shamrock for Saint Patricks day or a beach ball for the summer break. Use your creativity and have fun. Give your readers a reason to come back and maybe brighten someones day.


Happy Holidays from Western Technology Center

I just opened this in my inbox from Western Technology Center. Have you sent your Christmas greetings yet?


Wrapping at Tulsa Tech

Back in October we presented a Friday Marketing Tip about Bus Wrapping.

Today I came across this article from Tulsa Technology Center about students in their Graphics and Imaging Class doing vynil wrapping on one of Tulsa Tech's cars.

Now, I am not saying that my post persuaded them to do this car, but it is pretty cool to show an awesome example of what we are talking about on this Blog.

Share with us your pictures of your wrapped vehicles.

To .edu or not .edu

Thanks to a tip (Thanks Tommi) I have learned a few more technology centers that have switched to the .edu domain.

Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu/
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu

Canadian Valley http://www.cvtech.edu/
Central Tech http://www.centraltech.edu
Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu/
Francis Tuttle http://www.francistuttle.edu
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu
Red River http://rrtc.edu/
Southern OK http://www.sotc.edu/
Southwest Tech http://swtech.edu/
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Eastern Oklahoma County http://www.eoctech.org
Gordon Cooper http://www.gctech.org
Great Plains http://www.gptech.org
Kiamichi http://www.okktc.org
Mid-America http://www.matech.org
Pioneer http://pioneertech.org
Tri County http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us/

Autry http://www.autrytech.com
Caddo Kiowa http://www.caddokiowa.com
Green Country http://www.gctcok.com/
Indian Capitol http://www.ictctech.com
Meridian http://www.meridian-technology.com
Moore-Norman http://www.mntechnology.com
Northwest http://www.nwtechonline.com


Friday Marketing Tip - College Zombies

What do Zombies have to do with college? I don't know, but it makes for an interesting take on college debt.

According to wikipedia, a zombie is a creature that appears in folklore and popular culture typically as a reanimated corpse or a mindless human being.

Starting to see the connection? Keep reading....

Two colleges from Illinois have developed a campaign about the cost savings that a student can take advantage of through community college. Their message, community college creates less debt after graduation.


They are using fun and humor to make their case of why you should consider a community college. What fun and humourus messages could you develop for career and technology education that would appeal to younger students?


To EDU or not EDU

More Technology Centers that have switched to the .edu domain. With these switched the .edu domain becomes the most popular web domain for Oklahoma's technology centers.

Canadian Valley Technology Center: http://www.cvtech.edu/
Southern Oklahoma Technology Center: http://www.sotc.edu/
Metro Tech: http://www.metrotech.edu

Canadian Valley http://www.cvtech.edu/
Central Tech http://www.centraltech.edu
Francis Tuttle http://www.francistuttle.edu
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Red River http://rrtc.edu/
Southern OK http://www.sotc.edu/
Southwest Tech http://swtech.edu/
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Eastern Oklahoma County http://www.eoctech.org
Gordon Cooper http://www.gctech.org
Great Plains http://www.gptech.org
Kiamichi http://www.okktc.org
Mid-America http://www.matech.org
Pioneer http://pioneertech.org
Tri County http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us/

Autry http://www.autrytech.com
Caddo Kiowa http://www.caddokiowa.com
Chisholm Trail http://www.chisholmtrail.com
Indian Capitol http://www.ictctech.com
Meridian http://www.meridian-technology.com
Moore-Norman http://www.mntechnology.com
Northwest http://www.nwtechonline.com
Pontotoc http://www.pontotoc.com


Friday Marketing Tip - Apply Now

How do students find where to apply to your institution on your Web site?

Do they have to search your pages hoping to find a link to an email? If they get lucky, so they find a pdf? Do they have to click more than three times?

Take potential student right to where you want them to be, applying to your institution.

Put an "Apply Now" button on your front page so that when a student reaches your Web site, they know exactly where to go.

Want to see what I am talking about? A few universities in the Big 12 that I think have done it correctly are OSU and Baylor,

Southern Oklahoma Technology Center does a nice job of sending you immediately to their online application.

How are you directing your prospective student to Apply Now!!?


Ticket sales, a Battle of the Bands, the National Anthem Jimi Hendrix style, Jam Sessions and an Encore Performance must mean one thing, NTHS Rocks!!

Yesterday was the Oklahoma National Technical Honor Societies annual state convention.

Around 200 students packed MNTC's South Penn Campus to celebrate a year of accomplishment and success.

After hearing from the Roadie's, the students heard from Allan Johnson, Paradigm Learning, who kept the students moving throughout the session. Students formed conga lines, stopping on a train whistle and a Champion was crowned during a Speed Paper-Rock-Scissors Championship.

Lunch of pizza was served and a Battle of the Bands was held. It was truly an honor to play guitar with The Almost Grateful Dead, and I think the judges were a bit biased because the crowd loved us, we were the only band to have them gather around the stage!

During the afternoon, two session were held.

The first session centered on teamwork and used the analogy of a NASCAR team, and the commitment and dedication that you must have from sometimes hundreds of people, so that the driver has a chance to win on Sunday.

The second session centered on the principals of EARL S DE HIP, I mean Leadership. Roadies were chosen from the crowd and had to read the principals of leadership pertaining to their letter, and then discussion was held on what it meant with the crowd.

After the Encore performance, some Grammy's were handed out and the bands headed for their tour buses.

The students had a blast and smiles were abundant. I had a great time and who knows, with a little practice, you might see The Almost Grateful Dead somewhere down the road!


Embracing Diversity

As I visit different campuses one of my favorite things to do is grab a publication or two and thumb through the pages.

I look for several different things. Some of the things I look at include:
  • Does the publication include identification of career majors where a student can earn college credit through the Alliances?
  • Does the publication call the offerings career majors, or does it still call them programs?
  • Does the publication follow a branding strategy that is consistent with other publications and Web presence?
  • How is the publication written?
  • Does the publication embrace diversity?
It is true that embracing diversity is much more than pictures on a Web page or on a view book. It is the empowerment of people, all people. Through diversity we can build better teams, using the strengths of all. Embracing diversity is about actions.

Embracing diversity should be a goal of every institution. Moving it from something written in a strategic plan to actions and measurable results.

We must realize that we build perceptions of how our institutions embrace diversity through the publications that we create and use. The reader assumes that the imagery used is a reflection of the reality of your institution.

Ask yourself, is your publication reflective of the true identity of your institution? Is it a reflection of the district or area that it serves?

Do your publications embrace diversity?


Thanksgiving Meal

Thanksgiving is less than 4 weeks away. On some campuses that means it is time to start thinking about how they will cook that 400 pounds of turkey and where they will store those 100 pies.

Last year we had a guest post from Carolyn LeGrand, a Culinary Arts instructor at Meridian Technology Center. She talked about Meridians Community Thanksgiving Meal and what goes into feeding 1,000 hungry Stillwater residents. She also discusses some of the benefits not only to students, but to the community as well.

What a great marketing and public relations opportunity. If you have thought about doing it, the time is right. You are giving students real world experience, getting people to visit your campus who might not otherwise and you get to do it all while eating!

Be sure to include this in your year round recruitment plan and let us know how your plans are coming along.

Beyond the College Credit Flag

How do you let students know about college opportunities on your campus?

Are you just depending on word of mouth? Word of mouth is important and peer to peer recruitment is highly effective, but what else can be done?

How about a college display at the front entrance? Work with your college partner to develop displays that highlight the partnership that exist between your technology center and the college. Place a vinyl banner strategically in the front lobby and you will provide a daily reminder that students can earn college credit while attending your institution.

Do you have an information booth by the welcome desk? Are there brochures that highlight your Cooperative Alliance along side your automotive and cosmetology programs? Place some brochures that tell a prospective student that they can get credit, and how they can do it. If you have to develop a new brochure, make sure to brand it with your campus.

Does your institution use an electronic display board? Along with the date of your next board meeting and when Christmas Vacation begins, run slides highlighting Alliance opportunities to students and guest. Put a slide in the rotation that shows the logo of your college partner and tells an interested student where to go to get more information.

What do your callers hear when you place them on hold? Do you run facts and figures about your institution? How about adding how many college hours your students were enrolled in along with the fact that you were founded in 1938?

Where do you highlight the Alliances on your website? Is it a "best kept secret" or have you brought it to the forefront where a person who comes to your website knows right away that you have an institution that values the college transition? Place a link to college credit opportunities front and center. Once the student clicks, they would get all the information that they need to know plus a phone number and email of who they should contact.

Some of these are simple, others involve a little more planning or work. There are lots of ways that you can develop to get the word out that your technology center values college opportunities and that students looking for those opportunities can be successful by enrolling with you.


Trick or Treat

Are you ready for an evening of tricks or treats? Since becoming widespread in the 1930's (Wikipedia) kids have flocked to the street to ask for candy from neighbors dressed as their favorite super hero of ghoul.

Gaining in popularity are alternatives held in the parking lots of community buildings and downtowns. Pickup tailgates are turned into candy stands reminiscent of the old soda fountain where kids indulged in stick candy of the Banana, Cherry-Cola, Orange and Root Beer flavors.

What a great opportunity for your institution to host a community-wide Fall Carnival. We have mentioned the idea before and want to bring it out again during this spooky week.

In addition to candy (I like the Root Beer flavored sticks) you can set up games throughout the campus. Ring-toss, musical chairs or even a hula hoop contest. Charge an admission of canned foods for your local charity or food bank, Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

Have instructors and staff run the games and hand out prizes. Make sure that they are wearing a shirt or jacket that reminds everyone that they are on your campus.

If you haven't planned out your Fall Carnival, it is to late for this year. But you can add it to your year round recruitment plan and you should do so today. Adding it now will make sure that you are prepared to implement it next year.

In honor of Halloween I would like to ask you to send a "treat" to your fellow CTE educators. Forward this post/email and let them know about the great information that you get. Tell them how easy it is to sign up and show them how. Lets spread the word about Tech Prep.


Friday Marketing Idea - Movie Theater Advertisement

Love them or hate them, we all watch them, the movie theater preview.

You know the drill, out front it says your movie starts at 10pm and after 20 minutes of trivia, ads and previews of upcoming movies, the main feature begins.

It is the time before the movie that we are interested in today. How can you could get your message to the audience? There are lobby promotions, cinema spots, cinema slides and more.

You have a captive audience, who is watching every slide, guessing what movie the actor was in and thinking to themselves that they really should get that cola at the concession stand.

This is your opportunity to showcase career advancement opportunities through your institution. Maybe you show a success story, show how much money they can make through CTE education or just get your website out there in a way that will motivate audience members to find out more information.

Have you ever tried movie theater based advertising? Let us know how it went.


Friday Marketing Idea - Bus Wrapping

This Fridays marketing tip has to do with your buses.

Have you ever thought of your bus as a mobile bill board? According to internet sources American spend 2-3 hours driving a day. How do we reach those "captive" people who are looking your direction at the stoplight?

One simple idea is to put your website URL on the back of the bus and on the sides. Just putting a few extra stickers on the body, showing people where they can find more information on what you offer could prove to pay dividends.

Want to go to the next level? How about "wrappng" your bus? The picture above is of Pioneer Technology Center's Mets Lab. Using vynil wrap you can put a cool design, clear logo and pictures of your students in that brand new Pre-Engineering Lab out where people can notice.

How do you use your buses, vans and cars to get the word out?


Learning Journals

During our 1st QTA meeting of 2009 we took on the challenges of professional development and to start the learning process we passed out and discussed Learning Journals.

With a quick Google you can get several thoughts and ideas on what a Learning Journal could entail. Run through slideshare and you can find presentations from around the world that attempt to attack the subject.

When we talked about the Learning Journal with the consortia coordinators we discussed it in the context of recording professional development activities. Taking steps to write down our thoughts on presentations, conferences and other opportunities that we have to interact and learn about CTE, Tech Prep and education.

But how to keep your thoughts organized?

Many of our technology centers are engaged in the Tech Centers That Work initiative and some high schools in Oklahoma are part of HSTW. By looking at the 10 Key Practices of either, and then applying them to your institution, you can begin to guide your learning process in s strategic way.

But what if you are not involved in TCTW or HSTW? You can align your learning to your institutions strategic plan, your own personal learning goals or you can align it with my favorite school improvement initiative, Tech Prep!

Using the Oklahoma Tech Prep model, we have four focused strategies that we employ to deliver on the goal of Tech Prep in Oklahoma, more students graduating high school with college credit.

Using the strategies (Career Majors, Professional Development, Preparatory Services and Accountability) one can begin to be strategic in choosing sessions at a conference, deciding which webinar to attend or what feed they should add to their aggregator.

As you listen, interact and learn, you can begin to record your thoughts in a process that helps you align yourself with a strategy, goal or plan. You will begin to listen for key words that you can record in your journal to retrieve later. When you get home or back to the office and begin to reprocess your notes, they become more purposeful and meaningful to why you need the new information and how you can apply it in your situation.

The Tech Prep Blog has been my Learning Journal for a number of years now. After attending a presentation I will bring back my notes and start Googling. I will look up the presenter and see if I can find anything else that they have done. Then you can start going though your notes and see what websites were cited, and I share them through the CareerTech Deliciousness email. After spending 10-15 minutes, you have a good record of what the presenter has done, where they are coming from and it is highly likely that you will find something new to add to the knowledge that you gained in the original presentation.

No matter if you use the traditional paper and pencil method, or if you take to the internet, by being more purposeful in your learning, and building your personal learning network, you are helping to develop yourself and the opportunities for Oklahoma's students.


Electronic Holiday Greeting

The holiday season is fast approaching and if you follow this Blog regularly then you know I am a fan of the electronic holiday greeting.

So, what to do for 2009? If you have developed your Year Round Recruitment Plan then you know it is time to start planning your greeting and putting those thoughts into action.

To get you started, here are some previous years post where we have shared ideas for electronic cards and more electronic cards.

Bottom line, get one out. It does not have to be intricate, it can be simple and straight to the point. You are trying to convey that you and your institution care about your students, your business partners and your potential students. Putting a personal touch helps build those relationships which we hope exist with our partners.

When you get yours done, send it to us and we would love to share it.


Imporving Student Performance

Dr. Bill Daggett brought his insight and vision to the attendees of the 2009 NCPN Conference during a special Friday evening session.

Daggett, President of the International Center for Leadership in Education has appeared at the NCPN Conference for a number of years and brings with him many thought provoking questions.

If you attended the session, Improving Student Performance During Times of Declining Resources, he mentioned a few white papers that you could read to get further information about his presentation

Improving Student Performance in Times of Declining Resources
The Efficiency and Effectiveness Framework
Stimulus Webinar

One of the "new" things that I heard in his presentation had to do with the world stage.

According to Daggett, it was about quality with Japan's exports being considered junk in the 1960’s but their products are considered quality products. Know where your iPhone came from? Shenzehn, China.

In the 1980's there was no talk of India and China and now they are our economic competitors. Where does the future go? According to Daggett, Vietnam, Argentina, Indonesia and Panama are growing the fastest economically. How will we compete with them?


1,000 Book Marks!!!

It may seem like a random milestone, but CareerTech Deliciousness has passes 1,000 bookmarks!!

What do followers of the CareerTech Deliciousness account get? Articles, white papers and reports about education, accountability, recruitment, retention, transitions, Web 2.0, innovation and more.

Are you following along? You can get the email or go to delicious directly. Come join in the fun and learn more about CTE in Oklahoma.

CTE Showcase

Today was the annual CTE Showcase on the campus of Moore-Norman Technology Center, South Penn.

The day was packed with excellent speakers and breakout sessions that covered a variety of topics including marketing, online academics, student advocacy and instructional improvement.

After a video introduction by Dr Phil Berkenbile, OSU President Burns Hargis spoke about educational partnerships and how we need to get out of our silos and work together in education for the student. During lunch Dr Gene Bottoms from the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) spoke about the future of CTE and shared data about the successes of CTE students. Jim Brazell closed the showcase with an energy packed call to arms with the cry that the future is here, what will we do?

The CTE Showcase is about how do we move the CareerTech System in Oklahoma forward. It is easy to say that we are the best, or to say that we innovate, but how do we do it? How do we prove it?

The 2010 CTE Showcase has been set for October 6, at Moore-Norman's South Penn Campus, will you be there?


Hooked at the Roots

On Friday, NCPN members were treated to a Keynote address by Charles Whalen Jr., Chairman of the Warren Featherbone Company.

Since 1883, the company has transformed itself from its beginning as a maker of a product called Featherbone, which was used primarily as replacement material for whale bone in women’s corsets, to the present Featherbone Communiversity.

"Gus" was a humorous speaker and the audience laughed along as he took them through the history of Featherbone.

From a young company just starting to holding 100% of the featherbone market. The company came up against new innovations like Koroseal in 1938, which lead Featherbone to develop waterproof diaper covers. Then in 1960's the disposable diaper threatened their existence and the company transformed itself into a baby clothing company until 2005. It was during this transition that the company decided to "go to their roots" in education and thus was born Featherbone Communiversity.

At each transition along the way Gus made reference to an old saying, "If the horse is dead, dismount" And that is just what Featherbone did.

According to its Web site, "the role of Featherbone Communiversity is to provide everyone in the North Georgia region an opportunity to make connections, engage in collaborative learning, imagine possibilities, and work together to create a better quality of life for all."

It will be interesting to watch a 126 year old company take hold of education and what will come out of it. For now, I am reading Hooked at the Roots, The Evolution of Featherbone Communiversity and will share some of its insights with you.

You Can Make It Happen

Thursday afternoon found me front row during the 2009 NCPN Conference. Stedman Graham was the opening session keynote and I should of brought a better camera!

Graham is the Chairman and CEO of Graham and Associates, and author of You Can Make it Happen, A Nine Step Plan for Success.

Graham shared inspirational stories and yes, he even mentioned his relationship with Oprah.

The main portion of his presentation was about his nine step program and how it can change lives. He shared his nine steps with an eager audience.

Step 1: Find your passion

Step 2: Find strength in your identity/vision

Step 3: Have a plan

Step 4: Keep a positive attitude

Step 5: Overcome your fear

Step 6: Be willing to change

Step 7: Build Your Dream Team

Step 8: Read

Step 9: Commit to Your Vision

In conclusion, Graham shared the short inspirational book The Race, by DH Groberg, which wrapped up with the line "To me you won", his father said "You rose each time you fell"

Some times in CTE and Tech Prep we will fail, but we have to get up and press on, we have to finish the race. Our students depend on it!


National Career Pathways Network

Just got back from the National Association of Tech Prep Leadership and National Career Pathways Network Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

I had a great time, presented and made a lot of new "Tech Prep Friends!" Later this week I will work on a recap of the sessions that I attended but I wanted to share my presentation in case you attended and are looking for the notes.

Here are the presentation slides.....

See you in Dallas - October 20-23, 2010!!!


Financial Aid Night

Simplify the process!

The National Bureau of Economic Research released a report today in which tax preparers at H&R Block helped some low and moderate income customers complete the FAFSA using data from the IRS.

They discovered that helping these families boosted the rate at which they applied for financial aid, the number who received the aid and the amount they got, and ultimately it effected the transition from high school to college enrollment.

We have talked about developing a Financial Aid Night before and how the technology center can play a key role in helping families with obstacles become prepared to transition to higher education.

The National Association of Financial Aid Administrators provides much of the information that you need to start a Financial Aid Night on their website.

All that is left is for you to set the date and get the word out.


Top 100 Drafting Blogs

The Tech Prep blog was recently listed as one of the Top 100 Drafting Blogs by Draftingschool.org.

DraftingSchool.org maintains content for prospective online drafting students as well as the drafting community at large. They help inform and educate others about online options when it comes to obtaining a degree from a drafting school.

The CareerTech Testing Center was listed as well.

Pretty cool!!


GuidanceFest 2009

We have been on the road again with GuidanceFest 2009!

This year we have made stops in OKC, Tulsa, Atoka, Altus and we are headed to Woodward for our last session.

It is always good to get out on the road and meet a lot of new faces. Getting to know those on the front line is fun and it helps us take back new information in the services that we need to provide and makes us think about how we can make CTE in Oklahoma better.

I thought I would share with you my presentation during GuidanceFest. It is the CTE to College and Career Transitions, and I hope that you like it.

If you want to view the other presentations, they are on the GuidanceFest page


Equity: Taking the Lead

Equity: Taking the Lead, the Career and Technology Education Equity Council (CTEEC) National Conference will be held at the Radisson Hotel, Tulsa, OK, September 17-18, 2009.

The 2009 CTEEC National conference will host presentations of best practices that remove barriers to employment and enhance the success of displaced homemakers, single parents, single pregnant women, nontraditional students, at-risk females, pregnant teens and teen parents that give individuals opportunities in non-traditional careers, better jobs, better wages.

For more information, including registration and agenda, go to:



Watch for the new "Awesome..Amazing...Aerospace!" posters at an event near you.


Putting the kNOw in Innovation

Today was our RFA retreat. It took a great committee a few weeks to put it together and I felt that the end result was awesome.

The inspiration for our retreat came from Frank Druffel and his series of innovation videos. From that our theme grew into "Putting the kNOw in Innovation." The first video is embedded below for your enjoyment.

We also heard from Scott Klososky. Scott's biography on his website says that he is a former CEO of three successful startup companies, has no fear about shaking up the status quo around the way we build teams and set powerful directions."

Needless to say, but it was a great presentation and I look forward to hearing from him again! Scott challenged us to not just say that we are the innovators, but to take action and to move on the desire to be innovative.

Here is a slide show that I found from Scott that I thought I would share...
After the morning inspiration on innovation, we took a turn at building speakers in teams and then ended the day with CareerTech Jeopardy. The retreat was a welcome break from the usual grind for myself and I think that everyone else enjoyed their time as well.

Now, we need to go "Break some china!"


To .EDU or to not .EDU? III

In an effort to keep up with the .EDU craze, Southwest Technology Center changed to a new domain this week. Their website can now be found at http://swtech.edu/

Central Tech http://www.centraltech.edu
Francis Tuttle http://www.francistuttle.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Red River http://rrtc.edu/
Southwest Tech http://swtech.edu/
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Canadian Valley http://www.cvtech.org
Eastern Oklahoma County http://www.eoctech.org
Gordon Cooper http://www.gctech.org
Great Plains http://www.gptech.org
Kiamichi http://www.okktc.org
Metro http://www.metrotech.org
Mid-America http://www.matech.org
Pioneer http://pioneertech.org
SOTC http://www.sotc.org
Tri County http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us/

Autry http://www.autrytech.com
Caddo Kiowa http://www.caddokiowa.com
Chisholm Trail http://www.chisholmtrail.com
Gordon Cooper http://www.gctech.com
Indian Capitol http://www.ictctech.com
Meridian http://www.meridian-technology.com
Moore-Norman http://www.mntechnology.com
Northwest http://www.nwtechonline.com
Pontotoc http://www.pontotoc.com



If you are on the campus of OSU it is called ALPHA, at OU it is Sooner Orientation Weekend and down South at Texas A&M it is called FISH Camp. Whatever the name, freshmen orientation is happening across the county on college campuses as new students head away from home for the next level of their education.

August is also the time of year that new students will be heading to Okahoma's technology center campuses. How will they be welcomed?

By looking at the higher education model, several elements exist across programs. Fun, friendship and learning about the ins and outs of the campus students will be attending are staples. Breaking into discussion groups that allow students to build friendships, get to know mentors and ask questions specific to their needs is something that you will find at most camps. Instructor/faculty and staff involvement with a little but of administration thrown into the mix.

And of course, tshirts!

All the effort and pizazz boils down to one thing. Making students comfortable on campus, helping them to orient to their new surroundings and helping their transition to a new campus successfully!

How do you help students transition from their home high school to the new world that awaits them at their technology center? Does your campus host a new student orientation program?


Summer Camp Video's

Looking for great examples of how to use social media?

Fans of the Autry Technology Center Facebook page received a link with their Autry Teen Tour Video.

How are you showing off the accomplishments and FUN that your students had this summer?


Marketing, Recruitment, Retention & Transitions in CareerTech

Today I presented over Marketing, Recruitment, Retention and Transitions in CareerTech. I was extremely excited about the turnout for the session and we had some really great conversations after it concluded.

As we work to further develop an enrollment management plan and outline that will work in CTE, I look forward to talking with people about the exciting things that they are doing on their campuses, and discussing ways we can build upon those successes and build a model for CTE Enrollment Management.

If you would like to see what we talked about, please feel free to view the presentation. If you would like to continue the conversation, or talk about the role enrollment management can play on your campus, please contact me and I would love to talk with you.

The ABC's of Tech Prep

During Summer Conference we discussed the ABC's of Tech Prep. It was good to give an overview and highlight some of the areas that a new coordinator should be aware of. As we work to visit with the new coordinators this Fall semester, it is our hope that the presentation will help the new coordinator discover some of the questions that they should be asking and we look forward to building on these initial conversations.


National Promotion of Tech Prep Award

Today we received word that Oklahoma Tech Prep has been awarded the National Association of Tech Prep Leadership's 2009 National Promotion of Tech Prep/Career Pathways Award. We are very excited about the award and want to share it with you.

Thank you to everyone who helped make it possible, Oklahoma Horizon, ODCTE's Communication and Marketing Division and the local coordinators throughout the state.

Thank you NATPL and we look forward to Atlanta!


4H Roundup 2009

Tomorrow I am presenting at the Oklahoma 4-H Roundup. This will be the third year I have had the opportunity and I do enjoy the opportunity to talk to the students about what they are doing and about their interest in going to college.

I thought I would go a very different route with my presentation and see how it goes over. I think it is pretty good and thought I would share it with you. Let me know what you think.


Night at the Ballpark and Kites over Enid

I always enjoy reading about someone who is marketing their technology center just a little bit different. These two come from Autry Technology Center.

July 18 is Autry night at David Allen Memorial Park. The first 150 fans through the gate will get a free Autry Bag.

On September 10, the community of Enid will attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the most number of kites in the air at one time.

The current record is 967 set in Germany.

According to their website, Kites Over Enid, they have heard from a tv station in Japan that wants to interview them!! News 9's Gary England is the official event meteorologist and they will have representatives from Guinness on hand to record the event.

It is being used to not only break the record, but to bring awareness to Enids wind energy potential and raise money for Habitat for Humanity.

What a great event to hold in your "backyard!"

In what ways are you promoting your technology center that are just a little bit different?


July 16, 1969

Where were you on July 16, 1969?

If you were like me, you missed getting to watch the launching of Apollo 11. Now you and I can watch it live!!

Thanks to an article at eschoolnews, and the past couple of weeks looking at marketing ideas for Oklahoma's Aerospace Industry, I had to share a cool, new website with you.

It is a recreation of the Apollo 11 launch. Right now, it is setting on its launchpad waiting to be launched in a little over 45 hours. From what I can tell, the website will follow Apollo 11 from its launch through its stages to the moon and Armstrong's famous walk. On Twitter you will be able to follow the "live" transmission feed.


Check it out, or you may have to wait another 40 years!



Think student recruitment is done this month? Your wrong!

I have talked with people who have said that their enrollment is busting at the seams in May, and in August the students just don't come and they don't understand why.

I would argue that until that student is taking classes on your campus, there are many factors that can persuade them to change their mind and your recruitment efforts are not done.

Maybe their buddy is talking them out of going to your technology center, maybe their family dynamics have changed and they can now go to the technology center but did not pay attention during their "Sophomore Tour" or any other number of scenarios that may influence a student to decide not to attend or to attend your campus this fall.

Here are some suggestions on how you can start that recruitment cycle with potential students and continue to communicate with students who have "enrolled" but are not yet on your campus.

• “How To” Postcard

• “How To” Postcard

• Fall program planning
• Specialized brochure to students of underrepresented ethnicities

• College Alliance Mailing to parents and students
• Enrolled “Flash” email, “Congrats, you’re a CareerTech student!”
• Welcome to Tech pizza party for all enrolled


• Contact all students who were enrolled in an Alliance program as Juniors
• Welcome to Tech pizza party for all enrolled

How are you recruiting this July?


Summer Camp III

This week we has the opportunity to travel to Meridian Technology Center and observe the Exploring Engineering summer camp.

While we were there the students had the opportunity to build speakers out of magnets, transparency and wire. It was fun to watch the students apply directions from the instructor and alter them "their way" to see who could improve on the design. Some did, some didn't but they were all exposed to some great opportunities. It was very cool to watch the students faces light up when the heard their speaker play music. The students also built bridges with the plasma cutter, toured Stillwater's water treatment facility and built airplanes.

The summer camp was put together through a partnership of Meridian Technology Center and OSU's College of Engineering faculty through Project Lead the Way.


Summer Camp II

Two short trips this week to check out Summer Camps at our technology centers.

The first trip was to Indian Capital Technology Center in Stilwell. ICTC was holding Medical Mysteries camp and the students were learning all about HIPPA. They finished up their lesson in time to go outside and watch the Air Evac team land and explore the insides of the helicopter. Two ambulances from Stilwell were on hand as well to discuss what the students needed to know about the EMT career path and answer questions about what was inside the vehicle. Today the the students would be on their way to the Muskogee Hospital to see how a hospital works.

This morning I had the opportunity to travel to the Enid Campus of Northern Oklahoma College and observe their CSI camp. The Northern Science Academy was made possible through a Regents grant and students had lessons in science and mathematics and explored career opportunities in criminal justice. Today we toured the old Garfield County Jail and spoke with a judge, bailiff and court reporter. Then the students were off to the science lab and were learning about scientific naming and the dichotomous key.

Now that many of our summer camps our over you should be in the process of reviewing and preparing notes for next year. Have you communicated with your summer camp attendees yet? Will you be sending them a letter at the beginning of schoo? Mayne you are sending a thank you note to their parents for letting them attend?

How are you bringing home the point that they can achieve their career goals through your technology center?


Summer Camp

Summer Camp!!

I haven't got to post in awhile as I have been traveling the state to summer camps on the campuses of our technology centers. I have been observing and asking just what makes a summer camp succesful? I have gotten a lot of answers!

Let me start by saying we have some cool things going on this summer.

From summer camps for the younger students to remediation opportunities for the older students, you have a lot of choices.

At Caddo-Kiowa I observed students who were busy researching, designing and building paper airplanes. Plane doesn't fly as far as you want it to? Go back and redesign while you record your results. Fly it and calculate where it landed and plot several more attempts. What worked? What didn't? How does drag effect the flight? Do you need a larger tail fin? These students also had the opportunity to attend a flight school in Norman, shoot model rockets and are using mathematics and reading everyday!

At Mid Del Technology Center's middle school camp students had the opportunity to explore career majors. Students spent time in the classroom learning about what they could expect should they enroll. One class got to help tear down an engine while one left with a certification that they could use to babysit and completed CPR training!! Mid Del offered an intro to cooking class that was taught by a Family and Consumer Sciences instructor from a local high school. Pretty good idea for reaching out to your sending schools and involving faculty outside of your campus.

Leadership development was the task at hand when I observed Mid America's Tech Academy. Students made flags, made up group songs and went through several stations designed to build teamwork, communication skills and trust.

At Chisholm Trail middle school students used Anatomy in Clay to make hearts and brains that they could take home. They also learned about safety on social networking sites and used Webkins to learn about Web 2.0.

The summer camps that I observed were all very different and all exciting!! The students that were attending had smiles and were engaged in what was happening around them. Lots more thoughts have been flowing through my head about how you can incorporate summer camps into enrollment management and your Year Round Recruitment Plan.

I have a few more to visit this week, and you can bet I will be sharing the great news of what CareerTech has to offer when I get back!


Promoting Camp

How are you promoting your Summer Camp?

Last week I emailed out to our coordinators a link from Caddo Kiowa Technology Center that showed how they are using Picaso Web albums, arming their camp counselors with digital cameras and are snapping over 100 pictures a day.

Gail indicated that their intent was to get around the "I Don't Knows?"

A link to the album is sent to the parents and counselors of the students. Now, when a parent ask their student what they did at camp during the evening meal, and the student says "I don't know," the parent can ask them about the purple rocket with orange stars that they built and launched.

The parent gets to see their kid shooting that rocket, the smiles on their faces, watch them prepare their egg drop or any number of fun, cool and educational things that their child is doing during the summer.

I know a few more technology centers are working with their marketing departments and are implementing this during their summer camps, what do you think?

Want to take it a step further? Watch a video about the Summer Wonder Camp of the Stillwater Childrens Museum. Wouldn't this make a nice intro on your website?


2009 CareerTech Summer Camps

It is Summer Camp Time!!

Throughout Oklahoma, technology centers are conducting Summer Camps for students to participate in. Here are some of those camps.

Autry Technology Center
  • Autry Teen Tour-Students completing 6th-9th grades can experience hands-on activities and a chance for learning about a variety of careers during the month of June. June 1-5, 8-12, 15-19 and 22-26.
Central Technology Center
  • Tech Quest Camp-CSI Camp-June 3-4
Chisholm Trail Technology Center
  • Summer Camp (students entering 4th and 5th grades). Hands-on activities in each full-time program. June 18 and 19, 8:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.. Lunch provided. Location: Chisholm Trail Technology Center.
  • “Tricks of the Trade” (Teachers and Counselors at Sending Schools). Look good and feel better while learning the tricks of the trade. June 22-25, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Caddo-Kiowa Technology Center
  • Tech Camp June 2-5 and June 8-11. Specifically for students identified as Gifted by their local school districts. Students entering 3rd-8th grade 09-10.
  • Summer Bridge for rising freshmen. Runs from the 1st – 26th.
Francis Tuttle
  • Summer Quest program offers students the opportunity to take fun and exciting classes during the months of June and July. Students can take up to two classes per day starting at 8 A.M. and ending at 3:30 P.M., Monday-Friday. Enrollment in Summer Quest 2009 will be based on your student’s grade level for the 2009-2010 school year.
Great Plains Technology Center
  • “Career Connections 2009,” June 8-12, Great Plains Technology Center: Opportunity for 7th, 8th, and 9th graders to experience career training in fields of medical science, engineering technology, and culinary arts, in week long camps. Two half day sessions are offered each day.
  • “Head, Heart, Hands, & Health Academy II,” June 2-5, 8am – 5 pm, for math and science teachers, and counselors. This is a joint effort with Great Plains Technology Center and Comanche County Memorial Hospital. With one day held at GPTC to learn about health career training and the biomedical career major; the other three days spent at the hospital in 14 different medical areas. 25 participants.
Indian Capital Technology Center
  • 3 camps for kids ages 13-16 this summer. Camp M & M (Medical Mystery). It is a partnership with NEAHEC. Muskogee June 8 -11, Stilwell June 22—25, Tahlequah July 6- 9
Meridian Technology Center
  • Future Quest June 8 and 9
  • Career Quest June 9 & 19
  • Exploring Engineering E2 June 29-July 1
Mid America Technology Center
  • Tech Academy June 8-10 and June 15-17 for students entering 8th grade this fall.8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Mid Del Technology Center
  • Students in middle school can learn about Auto Service; Auto Collision; Baubles, Bangles, and Beads; Babysitting 101; Computer Applications; Cosmetology; Construction; Drafting; Graphic Communications; Small Engines; and Welding. June 8 - June 19. 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Moore-Norman Technology Center
  • Youth Academy-There are 110 classes to choose from in the learning areas of technical and engineering, health and medical, personal interest and more. The classes challenge kids in their specific areas of interest and give them the opportunity to explore programs not available during the regular school year. Classes are age-appropriate and instruction is delivered through guided activities, hands-on-practice and lab activities. Age groups are divided into 9-11 year-olds, 12-14 year-olds and 15-16 year olds.
Northeast Technology Center
  • 7th and 8th graders, 9:00 to 3:00 each day, June 2-4 Afton, June 9-11 Pryor, June 16-18 Kansas
Northwest Technology Center
  • Northwest Career Academy-May 26-29
Pioneer Technology Center
  • Summer youth camp for fifth and sixth graders. First week of June
Red River Technology Center
  • EOI Remediation for Algebra I-Kids who passed Algebra I and failed the EOI. July
Tri County Technology Center
  • Challenge Masters - Leadership and Team Building Training for Teachers and Student Ambassadors - June 1st - 5th
  • Girl Power - PLTW Gateway to Engineering -Engineering Career Exploration for Girls in 5th - 8th Grades - June 8th - June 15th
  • TechWorks Academy - Orientation, Leadership, and Team Building Training for 10th grade students who are enrolled in our Drop-Out Prevention Program
Wes Watkins Technology Center
  • CSI Summer Camp, June 1-4


Encouraging Students and Celebrating Failure

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend my daughters first dance recital.

During the course of the recital, one of the dance groups had a small flub. What they did was not important, or the point of this post, but what the crowd did as a reaction is.

When the mistake was discovered, the lights were dimmed and the music stopped, the class was brought back to the side.

When the lights came back on, the music started to play again and the students came on to start their routine again.

The crowd cheered! They just didn't politely clap, the hooted and hollered and brought smiles to the faces of the young girls as they started their routine once again. At the conclusion of the routine, the crowd cheered some more and the girls ran off the stage with huge smiles.

It was very cool to see parents be so enthusiastic in celebrating the mistakes and successes of the class. They could of been polite, and let them come back on stage to only politely clap at the end but they choose to be encouraging to the students and help build their confidence for what became a perfect routine .

How do you celebrate mistakes? Do you use it as an opportunity to teach and help students master the skill that they are having difficulty with, helping to build their confidence so that they can build upon those successes?

One last thought, my kids' teacher tells them that "If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything!" What is the learning environment in your class?


Memorial Day 2009

This May 25th, people across the United States will reflect on the sacrifices that great men and women have made for our country.

Some people may mark this occasion by flying their flag at half-staff or by time with friends and family.

Whatever you may be doing this weekend, take a moment and thank a soldier or veteran for their sacrifice so that you and I can live in freedom.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend.


Outside the Classroom

When was the last time that you went to one of your students activities outside of the classroom?

Have you ever gone to a students football, baseball of softball game? How about a band concert? When was the last 4H and FFA show you attended? Have you ever watched an Eagle Court of Honor?

If you stop and think about it, it makes a lot of sense to develop relationships with your students outside of the classroom. What a great way to show that you support them as a person when you are cheering them along with their parents.

What a great way to open up lines of communication with the parents as you work to develop parental involvement at your technology center.

Part of the enrollment management concept is that teachers and instructors have a direct impact on the enrollment and retention of students beyond what they teach in the classroom.

Imagine the possibilities that could be opened for recruitment when your students tell their friends at the home high school that the person on the second row is their welding instructor or their pre-engineering instructor. What a way to say that your technology center cares!

Imagine the impact that you could make on retention when you have a relationship of open and honest communication with your students becuase they know that they can trust you, that you can relate with them and that you are interested in them.

Think about it.


Recognizing our Seniors

Sunday I sat down to read the local paper, the Stillwater NewsPress.

One of the sections that was included in this edition was the annual Senior Section. The NewsPress runs the pictures and names of area high school students who are graduating for that year.

After thumbing through the local high schools I looked at the back page and was excited to see a large listing of area students who are graduating from Meridian Technology Center.

Not only where the students being recognized for their work at MTC, but their names included notations such as them receiving Alliance Credit or if they were a member of the National Technical Honor Society.

How are you celebrating the successes of your graduating Seniors?

Do you give students an award at their local honors assembly recognizing their Alliance credit? Do you throw a end of the year banquet for students at the technology center to celebrate their successes? When was the last time you shared students graduation pictures in the local paper?


Senior Plan Board

Saw this posted at NeverEndingSearch and thought it was a good idea to share with you.


Dr Ken Gray - Making the Case for CTE

On May 6, several members of the CareerTech System took advantage of the opportunity to listen to Dr Ken Gray, Professor of Education, Emeritus from Penn State, author of "Other Ways to Win: Creating Alternatives for High School Graduates. "

Gray spoke about how we can make the case for secondary and post-secondary CTE. He characterized his argument around three themes, the Economic Development Argument, The Equity/Opportunity Argument and Brain Drain.

Dr Gray touched on what he refers to as the "Quiet Dilemma" or that there are too few technically trained workers and to many "unskilled" dropouts and graduates. He went on to talk about his belief that technicians are the key to economic development and that the job opportunities for technicians in all careers will increase.

In closing his presentation, Dr Gray's final point was that "CTE is to some teens what AP and Honors are to others." Your Thoughts?



It's that time of year. Thoughts turn to fishing poles, summer camp and the endless soundtrack of Alice Cooper's Schools Out playing over and over in your mind.

Before you tune completely out, lets talk recruitment. More specifically, what will you do this summer to recruit the next crop of students to your technology center?

An important part of the year round recruitment plan is that you are taking part in building relationships at points throughout the year. The summer months are no different. Just like Cub Scout working on the SummerTime Pack Award, you should be developing a program that will lay the groundwork for your major recruitment activities and help the transition from high school to technology center and let students know that they are important.

Here are a few thoughts from our year round recruitment plan.

Teen Tours

Career Summer Camp

Tech Academy – STEM

Rising Jr. letter

Enrollment Days
Fall program planning

What are you doing this summer?


I am guessing that by now you have heard about Twitter, and maybe you even have your own Twitter account.

This post is not to try to persuade you as to why you should or should not be on Twitter, but is an attempt at rounding up some of the CareerTech related Twitter accounts that exist, so you can stay up to date with the latest happenings of Oklahoma's CareerTech System

Have I missed your technology center? Who else are you following on Twitter to get your CTE information? How are you using Twitter in your communications flow?


Recruitment and Marketing (125) CareerTech (82) Professional Development (64) Web 2.0 (63) Enrollment Management (41) Presentations (41) College and Career Ready (37) Reading List (34) Cooperative Alliance Program (33) Preparatory Services (24) Rigorous Programs of Study (RPOS) (24) YouTube (24) National Career Pathways Network (21) Summer Conference (20) National Technical Honor Society (18) OkACTE (18) CareerTech Blogs (17) Career Majors (16) .EDU (15) ecards (15) STEM (14) Successful Practices (14) NPOSI (12) NRCCTE (12) Friday Marketing Tip (11) Year Round Recruitment Plan (11) Strategic Purposes (9) Summer Camps (9) Twitter (9) Accountability (8) CTE Month (8) NATPL/NACPL (8) Parental Involvement (8) Social Media Optimization (8) CareerTech History (7) FIRST (7) OAMCTE (7) OkPOSI (7) Economic Development (6) GuidanceFest (6) High School Z (6) Innovation (6) ACTE (5) Carl Perkins (5) Millennial Generation (5) OSRHE (5) QR Codes (5) CTSO (4) Education Technology (4) Career Clusters (3) CareerTech Foundation (3) Green (3) Guest_Post (3) OKPOSS (3) PLN (3) Podcast (3) Scholarships (3) Academic Enhancement (2) Blogs I Read (2) Career Development (2) Career Readiness (2) Maker culture (2) Non-Traditional Fields (2) OSDE (2) Apps I Use (1) CAP Working Groups (1) Career Preparation (1) Career Preparation and Enhancement (1) Curriculum and Assessment Service (1) Customized Training and Consulting (1) Decision Framework (1) Digital Resources (1) Facebook (1) Four Cs (1) Individual Career Plans (1) Infographic (1) Innovation Roundup (1) Major Processes (1) OKYPCT (1) Online Resources (1) Partnerships (1) Postsecondary Transitions (1) Q&A's (1) Quotes and Thoughts (1) Recognition (1) Technology Center (1) Work and Family Studies (1)