As I visit different campuses one of my favorite things to do is grab a publication or two and thumb through the pages.
I look for several different things. Some of the things I look at include:
- Does the publication include identification of career majors where a student can earn college credit through the Alliances?
- Does the publication call the offerings career majors, or does it still call them programs?
- Does the publication follow a branding strategy that is consistent with other publications and Web presence?
- How is the publication written?
- Does the publication embrace diversity?
Embracing diversity should be a goal of every institution. Moving it from something written in a strategic plan to actions and measurable results.
We must realize that we build perceptions of how our institutions embrace diversity through the publications that we create and use. The reader assumes that the imagery used is a reflection of the reality of your institution.
Ask yourself, is your publication reflective of the true identity of your institution? Is it a reflection of the district or area that it serves?
Do your publications embrace diversity?
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