
Wrapping at Tulsa Tech

Back in October we presented a Friday Marketing Tip about Bus Wrapping.

Today I came across this article from Tulsa Technology Center about students in their Graphics and Imaging Class doing vynil wrapping on one of Tulsa Tech's cars.

Now, I am not saying that my post persuaded them to do this car, but it is pretty cool to show an awesome example of what we are talking about on this Blog.

Share with us your pictures of your wrapped vehicles.

To .edu or not .edu

Thanks to a tip (Thanks Tommi) I have learned a few more technology centers that have switched to the .edu domain.

Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu/
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu

Canadian Valley http://www.cvtech.edu/
Central Tech http://www.centraltech.edu
Chisholm Trail: http://www.cttc.edu/
Francis Tuttle http://www.francistuttle.edu
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Pontotoc: http://www.pontotoctech.edu
Red River http://rrtc.edu/
Southern OK http://www.sotc.edu/
Southwest Tech http://swtech.edu/
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Eastern Oklahoma County http://www.eoctech.org
Gordon Cooper http://www.gctech.org
Great Plains http://www.gptech.org
Kiamichi http://www.okktc.org
Mid-America http://www.matech.org
Pioneer http://pioneertech.org
Tri County http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us/

Autry http://www.autrytech.com
Caddo Kiowa http://www.caddokiowa.com
Green Country http://www.gctcok.com/
Indian Capitol http://www.ictctech.com
Meridian http://www.meridian-technology.com
Moore-Norman http://www.mntechnology.com
Northwest http://www.nwtechonline.com


Friday Marketing Tip - College Zombies

What do Zombies have to do with college? I don't know, but it makes for an interesting take on college debt.

According to wikipedia, a zombie is a creature that appears in folklore and popular culture typically as a reanimated corpse or a mindless human being.

Starting to see the connection? Keep reading....

Two colleges from Illinois have developed a campaign about the cost savings that a student can take advantage of through community college. Their message, community college creates less debt after graduation.


They are using fun and humor to make their case of why you should consider a community college. What fun and humourus messages could you develop for career and technology education that would appeal to younger students?


To EDU or not EDU

More Technology Centers that have switched to the .edu domain. With these switched the .edu domain becomes the most popular web domain for Oklahoma's technology centers.

Canadian Valley Technology Center: http://www.cvtech.edu/
Southern Oklahoma Technology Center: http://www.sotc.edu/
Metro Tech: http://www.metrotech.edu

Canadian Valley http://www.cvtech.edu/
Central Tech http://www.centraltech.edu
Francis Tuttle http://www.francistuttle.edu
Metro Tech http://www.metrotech.edu
Northeast Tech http://www.netech.edu
Red River http://rrtc.edu/
Southern OK http://www.sotc.edu/
Southwest Tech http://swtech.edu/
Tulsa Tech http://www.tulsatech.edu

Eastern Oklahoma County http://www.eoctech.org
Gordon Cooper http://www.gctech.org
Great Plains http://www.gptech.org
Kiamichi http://www.okktc.org
Mid-America http://www.matech.org
Pioneer http://pioneertech.org
Tri County http://tctc.org
Wes Watkins http://www.wwtech.org

High Plains http://www.hptc.net

Mid-Del http://www.mid-del.tec.ok.us
Western http://www.wtc.tec.ok.us/

Autry http://www.autrytech.com
Caddo Kiowa http://www.caddokiowa.com
Chisholm Trail http://www.chisholmtrail.com
Indian Capitol http://www.ictctech.com
Meridian http://www.meridian-technology.com
Moore-Norman http://www.mntechnology.com
Northwest http://www.nwtechonline.com
Pontotoc http://www.pontotoc.com


Friday Marketing Tip - Apply Now

How do students find where to apply to your institution on your Web site?

Do they have to search your pages hoping to find a link to an email? If they get lucky, so they find a pdf? Do they have to click more than three times?

Take potential student right to where you want them to be, applying to your institution.

Put an "Apply Now" button on your front page so that when a student reaches your Web site, they know exactly where to go.

Want to see what I am talking about? A few universities in the Big 12 that I think have done it correctly are OSU and Baylor,

Southern Oklahoma Technology Center does a nice job of sending you immediately to their online application.

How are you directing your prospective student to Apply Now!!?


Ticket sales, a Battle of the Bands, the National Anthem Jimi Hendrix style, Jam Sessions and an Encore Performance must mean one thing, NTHS Rocks!!

Yesterday was the Oklahoma National Technical Honor Societies annual state convention.

Around 200 students packed MNTC's South Penn Campus to celebrate a year of accomplishment and success.

After hearing from the Roadie's, the students heard from Allan Johnson, Paradigm Learning, who kept the students moving throughout the session. Students formed conga lines, stopping on a train whistle and a Champion was crowned during a Speed Paper-Rock-Scissors Championship.

Lunch of pizza was served and a Battle of the Bands was held. It was truly an honor to play guitar with The Almost Grateful Dead, and I think the judges were a bit biased because the crowd loved us, we were the only band to have them gather around the stage!

During the afternoon, two session were held.

The first session centered on teamwork and used the analogy of a NASCAR team, and the commitment and dedication that you must have from sometimes hundreds of people, so that the driver has a chance to win on Sunday.

The second session centered on the principals of EARL S DE HIP, I mean Leadership. Roadies were chosen from the crowd and had to read the principals of leadership pertaining to their letter, and then discussion was held on what it meant with the crowd.

After the Encore performance, some Grammy's were handed out and the bands headed for their tour buses.

The students had a blast and smiles were abundant. I had a great time and who knows, with a little practice, you might see The Almost Grateful Dead somewhere down the road!


Embracing Diversity

As I visit different campuses one of my favorite things to do is grab a publication or two and thumb through the pages.

I look for several different things. Some of the things I look at include:
  • Does the publication include identification of career majors where a student can earn college credit through the Alliances?
  • Does the publication call the offerings career majors, or does it still call them programs?
  • Does the publication follow a branding strategy that is consistent with other publications and Web presence?
  • How is the publication written?
  • Does the publication embrace diversity?
It is true that embracing diversity is much more than pictures on a Web page or on a view book. It is the empowerment of people, all people. Through diversity we can build better teams, using the strengths of all. Embracing diversity is about actions.

Embracing diversity should be a goal of every institution. Moving it from something written in a strategic plan to actions and measurable results.

We must realize that we build perceptions of how our institutions embrace diversity through the publications that we create and use. The reader assumes that the imagery used is a reflection of the reality of your institution.

Ask yourself, is your publication reflective of the true identity of your institution? Is it a reflection of the district or area that it serves?

Do your publications embrace diversity?


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