
A difference in a day!

This morning I got an email from Northwest Technology Center that they had added the CareerTech logo and a link to our agency webiste.

Thank you!

Here is a screenshot

I will keep you posted as others are added to the list as there are now 8 who display the logo and a link.


A Proud Partner of Oklahoma's CareerTech System

From time to time I like to browse the websites of our technology centers.  Not only does it help you understand the System that we have in Oklahoma, but it helps you understand how the technology center works with its local region and some of the neat opportunities that exist at each site.

It also is an opportunity to look for things that could help improve the sites and help convey the message that we are a system of career and technology education in Oklahoma,  high schools, technology centers and skills centers.

Today as I was reading up on our technology centers, I started noticing a trend that bothers me. That trend has to do with the way that our sites are linked together as a system.

When looking at our 29 technology center websites
  • 7 websites display the CareerTech logo with a link
  • 3 websites displays the CareerTech logo in proper colors
  • 1 website displays just a link
  • 1 displays the logo without a link
As s system we should all link to each other and support each other. A logo would be good, a logo with a link would be better but how about the logo below?

It is simple and clean and helps convey the message that we truly are one system that partners together to educate Oklahoman.

From time to time I will check the sites out to see if they have a logo with a link back to ODCTE, hopefully some will like the one above and incorporate it as a Proud Partner of Oklahoma's CareerTech System.


Love and Hate with QR Codes

I have a love/hate relationship with QR codes, let me explain.

I love QR codes. They are simple to make and they are simple to use. You can use them anywhere, from out-of-office signs to t-shirts. They are incredibly efficient and bring another dimension to the internet. Your student can be reading in their textbook on the Deceleration of Independence and when they are done scan a QR code that takes their smart phone to a video of Thomas Jefferson reciting it. I love being able to walk through a garden and do a quick scan for a plant list and I use them in my presentations to allow people a quick download of contact information instead of them having to write it down.

I hate QR codes. Most people/companies use a QR code to take you to their website. And more often than not, it takes you to their full blown website which on a mobile device loads slllllloooooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy, if at all.

This morning I was pleasantly surprised while making breakfast. When I was looking for some peanut butter in the cupboard I noticed that the Jello box had a QR code. Always being curious, I decided to scan it.

What popped up was a mobile website that was filled with Jello goodness. Not only was the site holiday themed and allowed you to order your holiday cutters, it had social media integration with a simple link to their Facebook fan page. But it was what was is in the middle that got me excited! Holiday recipes and I decided to follow the recipe links and see what happened.

The recipe links took you further in their mobile site and you have the opportunity to check out multiple recipes and you can see what they look like with great photographs.The recipes are part of their mobile site as well. Each one is sized to fit into the viewer of a mobile device.

Why is all this so important you might be asking? Well, a QR code that leads to a mobile website, that has information that you can easily obtain and use, is very handy. Imagine you are in the grocery store and scan the code. The recipe for Triple-Chocolate Cookie Balls intrigues you and you want to check it out. After looking at the picture you want to make them and while you are in the store you realize that you also need some white chocolate, you have bakers chocolate at home and you better pick up some chocolate sandwich cookies because the kids probably are them all while you are shopping.

I think I will start sharing more, well done QR codes. Hope you enjoy this example and don't look at it on an empty stomach!

(By the embedding of this QR code we are not endorsing Jello or its products or companies. We simply want to share with you an example of a quality QR code campaign.)


Post 400!!

On January 9, 2007 I started an experiment known as the Tech Prep Blog.

As the first blog from CareerTech, we have helped many people start their own blogs and watched them grow to great success. We have also watched some start and end just as quickly.

I never thought about how many post we would make, or even thought about making it to 400. Honestly, I thought I would quit after six months. Thinking about it, it seems a little crazy!

Nonetheless, it has helped fuel an interest in the Web 2.0 world that expands from websites, blogging, the cloud, social media and beyond. Until this experiment started, RSS was a foreign concept and now it is something that I use to expand my personal learning network daily in ways that just a few years earlier was not possible.

I know that not everything that is posted on this blog is helpful to all people. I hope that some of it has been helpful to you. I know it has been helpful to me to share these thoughts and ideas. My sincere hope is that somehow, someone is able to use this infomration and make education better for students.

I just wanted take a second and say thank you for reading and sharing.


Thanksgiving Greetings

We received a Thanksgiving Greeting from CORD/NCPN and wanted to share it with you as yet one more way you can build relationships with your customers, whether they are buying something from you, are students or fans.

Thanksgiving Greetings 2011


Gone All Thanksgiving!

Southwest Oklahoma State University has "Gone  All Thanksgiving!"

Via their Twitter feed, I got a hot tip on their Thanksgiving themed website. How simple and how creative!

Have you seen another technology center or college that is getting into the holiday spirit with themes for their website? If you have please share in the comments below. I don't know if it will equate into more enrollments, but it sure is fun and worth sharing.

I wonder what they will do for Christmas?

GuidanceFest 2011

We have concluded GuidanceFest 2011 and want to say thank you to everyone who helped out and attended.

GuidanceFest is an annual tradition in which we speak with high school guidance counselors, and anyone else who will listen, about CareerTech education.

As with all projects, we make changes and tweaks until the very end. We want to make sure that you have An opportunity to view our final presentation and share it with those that you think will benefit.

GuidanceFest 2011
View more presentations from Jeremy Zweiacker

Thank you again and we can not wait to see you at GuidanceFest 2012.

Holiday Cards

I have always enjoyed seeing the holiday cards from colleges around the country and some of our technology centers have started to send some as well.

Check out last years from Eckerd, they have a great tradition of having some funny and memorable ones.

What are you waiting for. Have a student contest for a picture for your card. Have your animation design class create something fun and cool. Use your resources and you will be amazed.

Thanks collegewebeditor.com for collecting a great list of cards that you can click on over to and watch. 


Cooperative Alliance Workshop

This week was the annual Cooperative Alliance Workshop for technology centers and college partners. This annual workshop is held at the OSRHE offices in OKC and bring together all the partners under the Cooperative Alliances.

The workshop started off with a welcome from Dr Debra Stuart, OSRHE Vice Chancellor for Educational Partnerships and myself. 

After the welcome, we dove straight into Policy Issues and Updates with Dr Debbie Blankee, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The OSRHE Policy 3.6 is the governing policy for the CAP's and Title 780 780:15-3-6 covers the rules for careertech education in Oklahoma and reflects the Regents policy.

During the discussion several issues were discussed including the importance of the college partner having up to date credentials for instructors at the technology center who are serving as adjunct faculty.  It was also discussed that when justifying the need for a CAP, there should be a need for the credit and not simply credit to be awarding credit.

Participants had the opportunity to hear from Dr Phyllis Hudecki, Oklahoma Secretary of Education. Dr Hudecki spoke about the need for more credentialed employees (certificates, certificates, A.A.S., A.A.S and bachelor degrees) and Oklahoma's work in the Complete College America initiative.

According to the official press release, one of the planned projects for Oklahoma is to enhance the Cooperative Alliance Program and bring in line all certificates in higher education and careertech education to bring them in line with national norms.

(Oklahoma's Complete College America Profile)

We also heard from Oklahoma City Community College and about its recent Higher Learning Commission (HLC) visit. Greg Gardner, AVP for Academic Affairs and Alexa Mashlan, Director of Cooperative Alliance Programs, presented on the campus perspective of the comprehensive evaluation visit sometimes referred to as the ten year evaluation.

During the visit, HLC representatives visited two technology centers, Mid-America Technology Center and Moore-Norman Technology Center. Under the Cooperative Alliances, students are enrolled at the college partner as a college student and instructors are classified as adjuncts of the college. The visit was conducted as institutions with off campus additional locations. 

During the visit, the evaluator talked with instructors, administrators and students regarding several factors. These factors included
  • Academic Controls
  • Regular Evaluation by the Institution
  • Faculty
  • Facilities
  • Resources
  • Academic Services
  • Student Services
  • Financial Stability
  • Long-Range Planning
  • Assessment of Student Performance
  • Marketing and Recruitment. 
Mr Gardner was happy to let us know that the report was accepted with out exceptions!
Dr. Jo Lynn Digranes, VP for Academic Affairs at Connors State College and HLC Consultant Evaluator, spoke to the crowd about the visit she conducted at the off-campus locations and shared insight into the process.

Congratulations OCCC on passing your accreditation visit!

Dr Stuart and Kathy Spangler, CareerTech Research Analyst presented preliminary date on the students in the Cooperative Alliances. One of the interesting pieces of data was the retnetion GPA os students enrolled in the Cooperative Alliances. The Regents data show that students from the fall of 2007 and on have had over a 3.35 college GPA while enrolled in the CAP's. The highest GPA for a semester was 3.43. Input is being sought on the types of data needed to conduct more in depth analysis of the data, but initial data is exciting.


NTHS State Conference

Last week was the annual Oklahoma NTHS State Conference. This year it was held at the South Penn campus of Moore Norman Technology Center and we had a packed house!

This year the theme was NTHS - Be All You Can Be

Members received their orders and arrived at camp. They were registered before attending the Presentation of Colors and National Anthem. The Keynote speaker for the event was Major General Rita Aragon.

Students were also honored with special NTHS guest Allen Powell, Executive Director and Pat Poteat, Associate Director who came from Flat Rock, North Carolina and presented to the students.

The students were treated to a M.A.S.H. episode were the doctors removed bad work habits and implanted good as well as a rousing rendition of N.T.H.S. sung to the tune of YMCA by their advisors. Students were involved in team building exercises and break out sessions using the FISH philosophy that focused on workplace habits and a presentation from the General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute and Museum by Warren Martin, Executive Director. 

We are extremely grateful that the Technology Center Superintendents Meeting was held in conjunction with the state conference. Superintendents had an opportunity to interact with NTHS members and work with them during the team building exercises. We are also thankful for the members of the military who stayed with us throughout the day and talked with students about opportunities through the armed forces and the students enjoyed taking a turn on the rock wall.

We were not quite at 100% attendance by all Chapters, but we are hopeful that word about the conference will reach those Chapters who did not attend and we will reach 100% attendance in 2012.

Next up for NTHS is the 16th Annual Day at the Capitol on February 29, 2012.


GuidanceFest 2011 - That's How We Roll!!

We are past the halfway point of GuidanceFest 2011 and we are having a great time promoting career and technology education across the state of Oklahoma.

GuidanceFest is a joint venture between divisions at ODCTE and works to promote CTE to area high school guidance counselors. Topics include legislative updates, ACE, e-transcripts, how CareerTech is college ready, how counselors impact student achievement and the universal encouragement program.

The feedback has been very positive this year and the attendees really appreciate the time set aside to visit with their technology center about the issues that are discussed.

We have two more stops left. Thank you to everyone who has joined us so far and we can not wait to see the rest of you at our final two stops. In case you are unable to make it this year, we wanted to share with you the presentation from GuidanceFest 2011.


Recruitment and Marketing (125) CareerTech (82) Professional Development (64) Web 2.0 (63) Enrollment Management (41) Presentations (41) College and Career Ready (37) Reading List (34) Cooperative Alliance Program (33) Preparatory Services (24) Rigorous Programs of Study (RPOS) (24) YouTube (24) National Career Pathways Network (21) Summer Conference (20) National Technical Honor Society (18) OkACTE (18) CareerTech Blogs (17) Career Majors (16) .EDU (15) ecards (15) STEM (14) Successful Practices (14) NPOSI (12) NRCCTE (12) Friday Marketing Tip (11) Year Round Recruitment Plan (11) Strategic Purposes (9) Summer Camps (9) Twitter (9) Accountability (8) CTE Month (8) NATPL/NACPL (8) Parental Involvement (8) Social Media Optimization (8) CareerTech History (7) FIRST (7) OAMCTE (7) OkPOSI (7) Economic Development (6) GuidanceFest (6) High School Z (6) Innovation (6) ACTE (5) Carl Perkins (5) Millennial Generation (5) OSRHE (5) QR Codes (5) CTSO (4) Education Technology (4) Career Clusters (3) CareerTech Foundation (3) Green (3) Guest_Post (3) OKPOSS (3) PLN (3) Podcast (3) Scholarships (3) Academic Enhancement (2) Blogs I Read (2) Career Development (2) Career Readiness (2) Maker culture (2) Non-Traditional Fields (2) OSDE (2) Apps I Use (1) CAP Working Groups (1) Career Preparation (1) Career Preparation and Enhancement (1) Curriculum and Assessment Service (1) Customized Training and Consulting (1) Decision Framework (1) Digital Resources (1) Facebook (1) Four Cs (1) Individual Career Plans (1) Infographic (1) Innovation Roundup (1) Major Processes (1) OKYPCT (1) Online Resources (1) Partnerships (1) Postsecondary Transitions (1) Q&A's (1) Quotes and Thoughts (1) Recognition (1) Technology Center (1) Work and Family Studies (1)