
Oklahoma National Technical Honor Society Endowed Scholarship Program

I am very excited to share that the OkNTHS is taking a giant leap in providing opportunities for our members.

We are pleased to announce the Oklahoma National Technical Honor Society Endowed Scholarship Program

We are in the beginning stages of endowing the program, but have set up an agreement with the CareerTech Foundation. We are very excited and look forward to this opportunity. 


NPOSI - Session IV

We recently held Session IV of the National Programs of Study Institute at Meridian Technology Center in Stillwater.

The team members are very excited about the outcomes of the session as we have a clear direction of where we are headed with our project and are excited about the outcomes leading to improved student achievement in CTE.

The two big items that came from the session is the development of the Oklahoma Programs of Study Institute and the Oklahoma Programs of Study Summit.

The OPOSI will be a two-session Institute involving nine participants that include secondary, technical and post-secondary schools. The Institute will allow schools to share best practices, identify barriers, be provided technical assistance to strengthen and enhance POS, and to disseminate lessons learned via the Oklahoma Programs of Study Summit. Participants will serve as state models for POS implementation. 

The OPOSS will be a one-day Summit that all Perkins LEA's will be invited to attend live or electronically. The participants from the Institute will present their discoveries and help LEA's as they work to implement more rigorous Programs of Study at their school.

We are very excited about the work that is a result of our involvement in NRCCTE's National Programs of Study Institute. Details are rough, but it is shaping up as an opportunity to increase student achievement, and that is a good thing for all Oklahomans.


Online Application

Using an "Apply Now" button, clearly marked on your website is a great idea. It lets students quickly and easily find where they can gain admission to your technology center.

But where does it go? If it goes directly to a pdf version of your application that is good, if it is a writable pdf that is better, and if it goes to an online application that is best! 

(I suggest that the Apply Now button goes to a page on the website that has links to both a writable pdf and one to a true online application.)

Today, Meridian Technology Center announced their new online application. Their apply now button takes a student directly to an online application that is easy to complete and looks great.

The next step would be to have the application download directly into your student information system and have it set where an automatic email is generated that tells a student that his application has been received, and one that lets them know he has been accepted.


United We Stand...

Back in November I did a post about the number of websites with the CareerTech logo. (Proud Partner of Oklahoma's CareerTech System).

Five months later, we are still at seven of 29 sites with the CareerTech logo.

Maybe it is something that is trivial? Maybe it does not matter at all? I however would like to see all 29 sites include the CareerTech logo with a link to to the main CareerTech website.

"United we stand, divided we fall." We are a System and our online presence should reflect that.

I will let you know after the summer where we are at.


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